Staff Highlight
Each Month we are going to Highlight our Staff members at Speaking Up For Us. As we have been meeting over zoom we have found ourselves virtually traveling around the state and meeting new people. We hope this helps you all get to know us a bit better!
Our Staff Highlight this month is Jon McGovern!
Where in the state do you live? I live in the Bangor area.
What is a typical work day like for you and what do you like about working for SUFU?
There is no typical work day for me. Each day is different and each week is different. I attend the SARTAC meetings, Statewide Meetings, and the Bangor Chapter. I also do a lot of work in the database, and talk to members.
I like it because it has been my dream job to work with people with disabilities for a long time.
Who is someone you admire and why? I admire Kile Pelletier. He has been a mentor of mine for a long time. I like it when we work as a team, and I appreciate that.
When you are not working what could we find you doing? I am busy with my two bowling leagues during the week and I stay connected to the roller derby that I've participated in.