•  THIS WEEK IN PNEC                  January 14, 2021
Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071
www.pnec.org  610-826-3113; 610-826-5464 FAX
Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates   bonnieb@pnec.org       
Rev. Christian Creyer    christianc@pnec.org     
Barbara Jennings   barbaraj@pnec.org Patty Rehrig   pattyr@pnec.org
Letter from Bonnie
John 17:20-21 – “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

This fervent prayer of Jesus frames the background for the motto, the phrase that helps define the United Church of Christ - “that all may be one.” This scripture speaks of a transformation into one body of believers, the followers of Jesus. In recent times we have seen fracturing and refracturing of the unity of beliefs that at one time, tied us together. We have stopped listening to one another, stopped being civil to one another, stopped loving one another across differences of opinion and belief. That is not what Jesus prayed for. It is not what I pray for. I pray that we can listen to one another, respect one another, worship with one another the one God and Savior we claim in our Christian tradition.

In these days we MUST not rely on rhetoric, hate speech, or violence. We must use the gifts of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). We must be less like the individuals we are becoming, less interested in proving we are right, and another is wrong, and more like Jesus – speaking truth in love, but loving all people everywhere. For too long we have allowed our emotions to define in-groups and out-groups, those we include and respect and those we exclude and disrespect. Please my friends, let us walk with Jesus, be faithful followers and peacebuilders in our world.

News reports tell us that violent protests are planned for state capitols and for Washington, D.C. in the coming days – some beginning as early as January 17. The DC office of the UCC is compiling resources for pastors and congregations and as soon as we have received them, we will forward them to you. Please, please, above all be safe. I urge you not to engage in physical counter-protests. The risk for harm and COVID transmission is too great. Participate in prayer, worship, and virtual learning during this next week, which is, by no coincidence I am sure, the Week of Christian Unity. Be more like Jesus, my friends, in your prayers, in your healing conversations, in your relationships and in your hearts.

There is a new recording by Zach Williams titled “Less of Me” from which I want to share some lyrics: “Oh Lord' help me be -
A little more like mercy' a little more like grace
A little more like kindness' goodness, love, and faith
A little more like patience' a little more like peace
A little more like Jesus, a little less like me[1]

May it be so for us. Blessings, Bonnie
[1] Zach Williams, Rescue Story, 2019
Church World Service Kits
We have a volunteer willing to take Church World Service Kits to the CWS warehouse in Maryland. If you have kits and want to include them with the ones in the office, please get them to the Conference Office by January 22.  Let us know if you are bringing kits to the Office at 431 Delaware Avenue, Palmerton, by calling 610.826.3113.  
The IRS Announces 2021 Business Mileage Rate
Beginning on January 1, 2021, the standard mileage rate for the use of a car, van, pickup or panel truck will be: 56 cents per mile for business miles driven (down from 57.5 cents in 2020).
Join UCC Just Peace Webinar on January 27
The UCC Just Peace Committee is inviting you to the next quarterly Just Peace Webinar to take place on January 27, 7 p.m. ET. Click HERE to join.
Topic: Where do we go from here? How do we engage? What should be our Just Peace priorities in 2021 as individuals, congregations, Associations, Conferences and the National Setting. What might we expect from a Biden Administration and how does that influence our work? And, finally, let’s talk and share ideas and plans. (meeting link if above link is lost: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82516816076?pwd=dlJnWjJ0cGtkZGdjVEZiSmx0V0dYUT09 )
The Lehigh Conference of Churches is proud to present a Week of Christian Unity: 
Brief Zoom worship and discussion times Tuesday - Friday, January 19-22 (10 - 11 a.m.) showcasing local ministries bearing fruit in our community!  

Each year the World Council of Churches celebrates the diversity of our Christian expressions and the unity we strive for as followers of Christ. This year as we celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity we will feature four very different Christian churches who will lead their service around the central question: How do we follow John 15 and bear fruit in our community?

Join us each morning at 10 a.m., January 19 – 22, for a free one-hour worship service featuring the following congregations which will highlight how each is bearing fruit in our greater community!  
Tuesday, January 19
Phoebe Ministries’ Pastoral Care staff:
Rev. Dr. Scott Brooks-Cope, Presbyterian Church USA/UCC
Rev. Albert Martin, United Church of Christ (UCC)
Rev. Michelle Moyer, Episcopal
Rev. Leah Knox, Alliance of Baptist/United Church of Christ (UCC)
Rev. Ray Hurst, Mennonite
Chaplain Emily Southerton, Roman Catholic
Rev. Jamie Moyer, UCC
Chaplain Andrea Moyer, UCC
Rev. Gomes Pedro, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

Wednesday, January 20
Ripple Community, Minister Charlene Smalls and Angela Moyer
Thursday, January 21
Resurrection Life Community Church, Rev. Thomas E. Sweatt

Friday, January 22
Vision Misionera Ministries, Pastor David Rodriguez with songs from Willian Valentin and Johnny, and Pedro Torres
Register in advance:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining. Registration is required only once. Use the same link to attend any or all of the services.
State Park Chaplains Needed
(Memorial Day Weekend thru Labor Day Weekend 2021)
good pay - interesting work - training - fellowship
sponsored by Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Tuesday, January 26th 7-8:30pm
Zoom Gathering. Log in opens at 6:45, please log in by 6:55pm.
Need a vacation but can’t take one? When is the last time you were able to get out of town to a secluded island beach or to a stunning mountain by a lake? Join me as I lead you through a time of refreshment and renewal without leaving your home. Set aside your stress and schedule and share in this mini-retreat. Learn about meditation or take time to enjoy your existing practice. Feel nourished even when you can’t take a real vacation.
Hosted by Rev. Kris Snyder-Samuelson, Union UCC, Neffs
Or call 610-657-6007 Sign ups close on Sunday, January 24th.
This event is free. Feel free to make a donation to the Penn Northeast Conference as a
note of appreciation for their support.
Spiritual Superheroes Series
Greetings Colleagues, Sending blessings to you for the new year - hope this finds all well and preparing to receive "God's new thing" (Isaiah 43:19) in 2021. Sharing a resource: Over Advent I developed a "Spiritual Superheroes" series for my Instagram account. It's now morphed into a "Spiritual Superheroes" curriculum for children and youth Sunday School. It can also be used with adults, as MCCLV's Wednesday Night Bible Study had a lot of fun reviewing it.

It is quite difficult to find LGBT-friendly Sunday School items and the "Spiritual Superheroes" curriculum aims to provide future generations with LGBT-inclusive Biblical interpretations.
You can view the full series (with Classroom Activity and Teacher Guide) here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FjvPyN4vbHdIwvI-CGtR9U7cH67Upv_V?usp=sharing 
Blessings, peace, good health, Rev. Goudy, Pastor, MCC Lehigh Valley, 1401 Greenview Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18018; Phone: 484-202-0149; Website: www.mcclv.org
Care for the Caregiver Workshop
February 2, 2021 - via Zoom - 10AM to Noon
I am the Rev. Rodney W. Wells, a retired pastor. I live in Allentown and serve as a Chaplain with the Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Department. I have been concerned about the need to help those who find themselves in the role of being or becoming a “Caregiver!” I call it Care for the Caregiver.
Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates has provided her support and encouragement and the Penn Northeast Conference will be holding a “Caregiver Workshop” by zoom on February 2, 2021. The time is 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
To Register, please email Patty Rehrig at the
Penn Northeast Conference Office - pattyr@pnec.org
with your name, email address, phone, church name & town
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: January 28, 2021
I would like to invite those who are interested in discussing ways that as clergy and religious leaders we can help to make our community more aware and focused on this important issue. The presenters on this zoom workshop will be:
Wendy Scott- Fleming Memory Center
Monica McCandless- Meals on Wheels Greater Lehigh Valley
Heather Strohm -Aging and Adult Services, Lehigh Valley
Katie Krum - LVCIL
Kellie Butsack- Alzheimer’s Association
Phoebe Ministries-Vicki Kocis
My (Rod Wells) email address is: rwwtucc@outlook.com, or wellscom1@gmail.com.
My cell phone is (610) 360-3027. Sincerely Yours, Rev. Rod Wells
Community of Practice
for Authorized Ministers
PNEC Communities of Practice Are accepting participants. Cost is $250 for the year. Counts for ½ of
your continuing education hours. You can apply to the Longsdorf Fund for continuing education funds.
See below for openings:
Topic: Newly Called Ministers and MIDs Facilitator: Rev. James Robison
Topic: Family Systems - Facilitator: Rev. Heather Kurtz
Topic: Theological Study Facilitator: Rev. David Quinn - Our group currently consists of Teresa Martin and Dave Quinn. We meet monthly (ZOOM, for now) for sharing and support. As part of our meeting, we discuss some book that has been chosen and read by the group members. New members are most welcome!
Topic: Variety of Ministry Topics Facilitator: Rev. Jane Hess
Topic: Solo & Sr. Pastors of Larger Churches & General Ministry Facilitator: Rev. David Charles Smith
Topic: Multiple Church Pastors Facilitator: Rev. David Charles Smith
Topic: Church Legacy & Decline Facilitator: Rev. Jane Hess (in person or via ZOOM – does not need to
be held in Hazleton.)
If interested in any of these topics, please click here for the application and send to Patty at the
Conference Office (pattyr@pnec.org or send to 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071
Central Moravian Church Presents The 2021 Travelers Together Series
Our Racial Awakening and Healing Journey: Join Us at the Table
 Zoom Presentations on
Sundays, Jan. 17, and 24 at 12:00 p.m.
(For all of PNEC Authorized Ministers - If you attend all 4 sessions, it will count as Anti-Racism Training - ask for certificate or something written saying that you attended all 4 sessions.)

Jan. 17, 2021 - “Racial Justice Efforts in Today’s North American Moravian Church”
The Rev. Sue Koenig, Pastor of Graceham Moravian Church
Member of the Northern Province Racial Justice Team

Jan. 24, 2021 - “The Modern African American Experience in Bethlehem, PA”
and Presenters’ Panel Discussion
Rayah Levy, Head of Adult Services at the Bethlehem Area Public Library

Presentations Will be Available after the Sessions on the Central Moravian Church YouTube Channel
Please CLICK HERE or follow: https://forms.gle/Fk11XU5dycTdjzju9 to Register and Receive your Zoom Invitation
For a Full Flyer with Descriptions - click here
Register no later than the Friday before each presentation.
Question? Call 610-866-5661
Policy Solutions for Climate Resilience: A Virtual Workshop
from CreationJustice.org
Thursday, January 21 -- 6pm-7pm ET
Be sure to register for these other upcoming virtual workshops:
Friend of the Conference 
The Generosity Committee would like to invite you to become a Friend of The Conference! Within our congregations, we have 33,000 individual! If each member were to donate an additional $10, that would be $330,000. And I know what you’re thinking, another thing I have to donate to, but consider the fact that $10 is less than what the average American spends on coffee in a single week, or roughly the cost of a fast food meal! You can mail your donations to the Conference office, donate at the Penn Northeast Conference website using tithe.ly https://pnec.org/tithe-ly-on-line-giving/ or contact the conference office for more giving options! And Conference Minister Bonnie Bates has issued a match challenge to the first 20 people to donate! Resources for churches like bulletin inserts and graphics are available on the PNEC website! or
For the bulletin inserts click here
For graphics click here
PNEC Offering Boundary Training
(on demand virtually - beginning as early as February 22, 2021)
The Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, in partnership with the Lehigh Presbytery, the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, the Moravian Church Northern Province, and the Northeast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is pleased to offer this virtual Ministerial Boundary Training. Once registered the individual participants can work at their own pace to complete the five modules. Here are specifics about the course content. Click Here for Details & Registration Info.
Registration Opens January 21 and Closes on February 11 - payment must be received.
Cultivating Generous Congregations
UCC Stewardship Course in partnership with the Lake Institute
      Stewardship in any season can be stressful for pastors. It can feel awkward—“I’m asking people to pay me!” It can feel unspiritual—“Jesus chased the money changes out of the temple!”
      The Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar for pastors and lay leaders offers an opportunity to explore faithful, practical, and tested ways to promoting generosity in our congregations. We will draw on current research, seek guidance from the wisdom of scripture, and discuss the best practices in church-based fundraising.
      The seminar will improve the “bottom line” of your congregation. But I want to be clear that this bottom line is about more than money. Mission and ministry remain the real bottom line of our work. This seminar will help pastors and leaders engage generosity as a spiritual practice.
      Please sign up now for the Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar this spring. The program will be taught by the Rev. Andy DeBraber, Generosity Officer of the national setting, and myself, Andrew Warner, Generosity Outreach Officer. We’ll meet for six online sessions over the course of the spring: 6:30pm to 8:00pm EST on Tuesdays—Feb. 9, Feb. 23, Mar. 9, Mar. 23, Apr. 13, and Apr. 27, 2021. Between class sessions, Andy and Andrew will provide materials to help you analyze the culture of your own congregation and learn how to create change. By the end of the seminar, pastors and leaders will be equipped to lead effective fundraising and you will have a strategy to guide your success moving forward.
      Be sure to recruit at least a team of two for this program. Changing the culture of your congregation requires more than one dedicated leader. Success depends on engaging a team of leaders from your congregation.
      Register today: The CGC Seminar is $150 per participant. Register here by January 15, 2021:  https://cvent.me/87ywNA.
Yours in Faith, Andrew Warner, Generosity Outreach Officer, United Church of Christ
MLK Day Community Event: The Unarmed Truth featuring John Amaechi, OBE
In celebration and continuance of the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., The Greater Scranton MLK Commission will host a live webinar given by psychologist, international speaker and bestselling author Dr. John Amaechi, OBE, on Monday, January 18, 2021 at 12:00pm. This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required. To register, visit https://safdn.org/mlk-event/.

Upcoming online Admissions events at Lancaster Seminary
Lancaster Theological Seminary launched a new series called Learn LTS! These online events aim to help individuals who are discerning their next steps in theological education and ministry whether that be pastoral leadership, chaplaincy, social justice organizer, non-profit leader, or in bi-vocational ministry. You are invited to attend one of the upcoming Learn LTS events on Jan. 19, or Feb. 4. These events are curated to speak to the needs of individuals leaning into their call and vocational exploration. Each event will have a different programmatic focus with diverse presenters that can answer some of your questions. For more information and to register, click here. 

UCC History & Polity Course
Fridays on Zoom
February 12 - March 26, 2021
2 to 5PM -- Cost $100
Brought to you by Penn Central Conference and Lancaster Theological Seminary

SOLO: Strengthening Older Lives Online
The PA Council on Aging’s Social Isolation Task Force is holding virtual, small-group, interactive sessions designed to help older adults safeguard their mental, spiritual, and physical health. Now more than ever, these tips and reminders are critically important.  SOLO can be viewed in a self-guided way from a computer or smart device by clicking here . Last session day and time is Thursday, 1/21 1:00-2:00 

Crossroads Lay Leadership, Moravian Seminary
Announces our Winter courses. All courses in the Winter Semester are Zoom only. Traveling Mercies (Congregational Care) with the Rev. Maggie Wellert is Mondays from 6-9 pm Jan 4- Feb 22. Topics include caring for others, caring for yourself, active listening, spirituality and the caregiving relationship, etc. Maggie also brings in great guests instructors who present a variety of other topics. 
On Thursdays from 6-9 pm Jan 7 - Feb 25 is our conversations in theology course, Mapping the Route, with the Rev. Dr. Bill Falla. Each night features a different aspect of our theology such as Who is God?, Why Jesus?, What does the Holy Spirit do?, etc. Bill leads great discussions on these topics.
Come and join us through Zoom. 
For more info contact Jill Peters at petersj2@moravian.edu or go to website at http://www.moravianseminary.edu/crossroads to register.

Keeping the Faith: Continuing Connections MA-AUCE 2021 Event
Feb. 5-6, 2021 on Zoom
Friends involved in the educational ministries in our local congregations- this is for you! We have moved the timing up to February, from our traditional late-April. We've changed the dates from a mid-week event to a Friday-Saturday event hoping to make it accessible for more churches' part-time leaders. Workshops will include an opening presentation, small group reaction /sharing, and large group report outs. All of our conversations will include ideas for virtual, in-person, and hybrid situations. This year's price is just $15 for first time attendees and AUCE/APCE members and $20 for all others. Register at https://bit.ly/3pl9KG1 Questions, contact Janet Newett at janetnewett@gmail.com or 610-657-2189

Pastor's Conversations
Bonnie Bates is inviting you to a scheduled semi-monthly Pastors’ Conversations Zoom mtg, held on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 2 pm. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 829 4709 0481
Password: 235909
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,82947090481#,,,,0#,,235909# US (New York)

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Ecumenical Service of Prayer
January 19 at 12:10PM
on Catholic Television of the Diocese
of Scranton
Also available on the Diocese of Scranton website and through Diocesan social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram

UCC History, Theology and
Polity Course
February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 2021
9:30am-3:30pm EST
UCC History, Theology and Polity Course that meets the requirements as set forth by the UCC Polity Teacher's Network will be offered online in Feb/March 2021. The instructors will be Rev. David Gaewski, Conference Minister of the New York Conference, UCC, and Rev. Shernell Edney Stilley, Associate Conference Minister, New York Conference. The platform utilized will be Zoom Video Conferencing (zoom.us) The tuition will be $495. Electronic payments preferred (PayPay, Zelle, Venmo). For more information contact Rev. David Gaewski, davidgaewski@uccny.org.
This polity course is sponsored by the Oneida Association of the New York Conference. Payments should be made no later than Feb 15th
A syllabus is available upon request. Laity, Members in Discernment and Privilege of Call candidates are all invited! The course will be cancelled if we do not obtain seven registered students. A student is considered registered when full payment has been received. Students who cancel enrollment will receive reimbursements up until February 17th. Please note several recent courses reached maximum capacity. Registration is now open.

Ash Wednesday Helpful Suggestions During Pandemic
Rev. Lynne Mikulak, MDiv, MSW
ACPE Certified Educator/APC Board Certified Chaplain, Manager of CPE, St. Luke’s University Health Network, Pastoral Care Dept.
We are in conversation with Infection Control and are thinking of using Q-tips, disposing after each imposition of course, and while wearing gloves. This would limit PPE use and would be safe/hygienic.
Q-tips might not be very liturgical, but we think it is more important to be as creative and connective as possible and do our best to provide this important ritual for so many people. All best, Lynne
Spirituality of Generosity webinar coming next month
January 20, 2021 - 10AM to Noon
On Jan. 20, Pennsylvania Southeast, Penn Northeast, and Penn Central conferences will co-host a seminar on the Spirituality of Generosity. Jesus talked about money second only to the kingdom of God, yet many in the church today treat money as a non-spiritual topic. We can theologically engage questions of money, wealth, and giving. Teaching and preaching about generosity and the use of our financial resources can deepen the faith life of our congregations. For a flyer on this event, click here. To register, click here. 

The UCC Just Peace Committee is inviting you to the next quarterly Just Peace Webinar to take place on January 27 (7 p.m. ET) Details and log-in instructions will be sent in the New Year but please mark your calendars now and save the date.
Topic: Where do we go from here? How do we engage? What should be our Just Peace priorities in 2021 as individuals, congregations, Associations, Conferences and the National Setting. What might we expect from a Biden Administration and how does that influence our work? And, finally, let’s talk and share ideas and plans. 

Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders
Does your congregation experience conflict? Does it harm your Christian fellowship and distract from your church’s mission? Learn to transform conflict from a negative force into an opportunity for reconciliation and growth. Register now for one of these six sessions of our popular and practical Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders 2021: March 1-5, May 3-7, June 21-25, August 2-6, October 11-15, or November 15-19, 2021. The “early bird” rate is $695. Currently we plan to conduct this event online via Zoom. NOTE: After December 2020, online registration will no longer be available via Brown Paper Tickets. To register or to learn more, contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at 630-627-0507 or Admin@LMPeaceCenter.org.

Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program
Governor Tom Wolf has announced the availability of $5 million in funding for security enhancement projects for nonprofit organizations serving diverse communities throughout the commonwealth. The Nonprofit Security Grant Fund Program issues grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that principally serve individuals, groups or institutions that are included within a bias motivation category for single bias hate crime incidents as identified by the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics publication . Applicants are eligible for security enhancements designed to protect the safety and security of the users of a facility located in the commonwealth that is owned or operated by the nonprofit organization. “These grants will continue to help our many nonprofits address security needs and any safety concerns that exist for religious, social and other nonprofit organizations across the commonwealth,” Gov. Wolf said. Learn more.

Continuity Planning for Houses of Worship
 Churches are invited to a webinar that will provide them with the knowledge and tools to develop a continuity plan and sustain continuity of operations before, during and after an incident or emergency. The webinar will discuss the essential elements and key planning considerations for a viable continuity capability.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 from 11 am-12:30 pm ET; (English) English
Thursday, January 28, 2021 from 11 am-12:30 pm ET; (Spanish) Spanish

COVID-19 Alert App - By downloading COVID Alert PA, you can get a notification if you have been in close contact with someone who later tests positive for COVID-19, or anonymously notify other residents if you yourself test positive. The app is a free and voluntary mobile app developed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health in partnership with NearForm, University of Pennsylvania, and MIT Lincoln Laboratory using Apple and Google’s Exposure Notification System.  

Ready PA Monthly

**You can find more information & updates at UCC Disaster Ministries: www.ucc.org/disaster