January 8, 2021
כ׳׳ד טבת תשפ׳׳א
Candle lighting for
Hollywood 5:27pm
Parshat Shemot
If viewing on a phone - we recommend rotating to landscape mode for the best viewing experience!
Greetings from the Head of School
Dr. Rochelle Brand, Ed.D
As I was on my way to work this morning, after making sure that the challah dough was rising, the chicken soup defrosting, the hot water urn filled and ready to be plugged in, the table set and the candles ready, I wondered what I would write about this week for my “Greetings”.  As always, the Torah reading of the week, in this case Shmot, contains timely lessons for generations past and future. 

In particular I would like to focus on the role the women played in not only setting the stage for the unfolding history of the Am Yisrael  but actually producing, directing, encouraging and nourishing the nation and its leaders.   The “Nashim Tzidkaniyot”, נשים צדקניות,  the righteous women, are the unsung heroes behind the ultimate redemption of the Jews and yetziat mitzrayim, יציאת מצרים, the exodus from Egypt. 

There is a famous quote attributed to Canadian screenwriter Nia Vardalos which says “The man may be the head of the household. But the woman is the neck, and she can turn the head whichever way she pleases.” ... 
Parsha Insight and Shabbos Greeting
Rabbi Wolnerman, Mashgiach Ruchani
Enjoy this short Shabbos greeting and parsha insight!
9th Grade Navi
Rabbi Peled
As the students continued their study of Melachim Beis, they learned the source of the well-known Israeli expression לא דובים ולא יער - "no bears and no forest." - based on one of the miracles that Elisha performed to punish evil-doers. The students approached Morah Bashiry for an explanation of the common modern Hebrew expression!
Club Hour - Tefila Vision Boards
This week students spent Club Hour designing Tefila Vision Boards for the classrooms in which they pray daily. Students started to design elaborate and artistic boards to help inspire them to connect to Hashem during Tefila. Stay tuned to see what they came up with!
High School English
Miss Vera
High school English students are presenting Independent Reading Projects. They have worked diligently to create thoughtful and deeply analytical projects that reflect complex literary themes. 

Tamara Yeshurun (grade 11) read The Choice by Dr. Edith Eva Eger. Tamara created a paper fortune teller to convey the idea that our personal sense of freedom and dignity comes from the small choices we make in the face of hardship. 

Talia Wasserman (grade 11) read Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own, focusing on Woolf’s claim that women’s literary and imaginative success demanded having the personal space and financial means to work independently and without self-consciousness. 
Mishmeret heads Esther Reich and Tamara Yeshurun circulated through the classrooms asking the following question: if you had a friend who stared smoking, would it be a prohibition of lashon hora to tell her parents? Students engaged in a rigorous debate and discussion!
7th Grade Chumash
Miss Homnick
Miss Homnick's 7th grade Chumash class celebrated the completion of learning Parshat Bamidbar! Students enjoyed an in-class siyum celebration yesterday!
SBTAG on the Cover of The Florida Jewish Home
Check out this article about the recent SBTAG Tehillim Siyum - featured in the Florida Jewish Home!
The Mitzvah of Challah
Mrs. Parnes
Today Mrs. Parnes taught students about the mitzvah of taking challah. The learning "came to life" when students had the opportunity to bake (and take) their own challah!
PPP Loans - Round 2
Sha'arei Bina has partnered with Torah Umesorah and Eastern Union to help our parent body, donors and friends, while benefitting our school in the process. By applying through this link, 20% of the commission earned by Eastern Union will be donated back to SBTAG!

COVID Response Decision Tree
Sha'arei Bina recently published an easy guide to help you figure out what to do if exposed to Covid-19. Click here or on the image for a larger version.

Don't forget you can always find updates, relevant information, and details regarding our Covid policies and protocols at our SBTAG Covid Updates website.
Hidden Sparks Webinars
Parents are invited to check out these FREE webinars offered by Hidden Sparks. Teachers and administrators at Sha'arei Bina have already gleaned tremendous insights through Hidden Sparks webinars. Click the image for more details!
School Lunch by Schoolicious
Our lunch program has been a huge success. We are now offering A' La' Carte items for those who may not want to purchase a full lunch. 

November's menu is already online. If you would like to order lunches for your daughter please go online to order.

For those that have not yet registered and would like to, please follow these simple steps:

1) Create an account on: 
2) Use school code: SBTAG
3) When promoted for a domain write: schooliciouslunch 

After creating the account, they can download the app on their iPhone's for easy ordering. The app name is: hot lunch

If you are having any issues please email Meyrav at:
Calendar News
January 12 - Dr. David Luchins, virtual guest speaker, speaking on the topic "The Middle East: Shifting Sands"
January 18 - Guest Speaker Ben Tracy (live and on Zoom) - addressing students at 10:40am and parents at 7:30pm
January 21 - Winter Break begins
February 1 - Classes Resume OVER ZOOM
February 4 - Covid testing on site (3-5pm)
February 8 - Students return to building
March 4 - 6th Grade Mother-Daughter Bat Mitzvah Celebration