Misadventures of the Home Office
Early morning, September 27. A Monday like any other Monday--until I somehow pushed my glass desktop between the holders and it landed smack on my stockinged left foot. At first, I was just grateful the glass and the day job laptop were still intact. But a week later, my foot was swollen and infected. (How, no one knows; there was no break in the skin or the bones.)

Short story long, while the infection went away with treatment, so did my ability to walk more than 100 steps without a pain level of 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. I thought of that 1989 movie about Irish writer Christy Brown, who was born with cerebral palsy and learned to paint and write with the only limb he had any control over, his left foot. I knew I had nothing to complain about--but that didn't stop me. Especially since all this coincided with an unexpected root canal redo and new crown.

Remember me? The girl who picked REST for her 2021 word?

Well, rest I have had. Maybe not the way I expected, but rest nonetheless. I've read more in the past month or so than I have in a long time. Thanks to good medical care, the walking is coming along slowly. Even though it's not as talented as Christy Brown's, I've learned to appreciate my left foot.
On the Nightstand: Grace in Tension: Discover Peace
with Martha and Martha

I had the pleasure of scanning through a galley of Claire McGarry's wonderful new book, and now I'm looking forward to holding it in my own hands. Regardless of how much we grow spiritually, I'm betting we all still identify with Martha telling Jesus, "Make my sister help me!" and Mary not coming out to greet Jesus when He arrives too late to save their brother (or so they think!). Claire interweaves personal stories with this scripture study. If you struggle to set aside your daily life's stress to trust and embrace the peace that surpasses all understanding, I think you'll enjoy this one.

Happy All Saints' Day!
This is one of my favorite days of the year--the day Catholics and other Christians remember the cloud of witnesses whose acts, words, and stories inspire us.

Those who gave their lives rather than deny Christ inspire us all. In addition, I'm particularly touched by the stories of saints who faced the same challenges we do today--ill health, disappointment, betrayal, temptation. Sometimes they wondered why these things happened to them. But always, they managed to find grace even in their pain and sorrow--and show Christ's light to others.

The cloud of witnesses encompasses more than those who have been formally canonized. Those witnesses may include your parents and grandparents, a memorable teacher or neighbor, a friend who helped you through a hard time. Or it may include an Irish writer you never knew about until after his death, whose triumph over adversity makes your own struggles look small. Regardless, I hope you'll offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for them today.

Blessings, Melanie