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September 2020  
The Monthly Newsletter of 
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, PA 19355
The Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector
Like us on Facebook 
Our Vision:  
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.

Our Mission: 
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.

"Spring into Fall"
Truth be told, I've tried writing this article about five times. The fact is, this year is just "different" (to employ a euphemism). We all started 2020 with the hope that it would live up to its metaphor ("20/20 vision" and all that). But now most of us are just waiting for that ball to drop in NYC (at a distance, on TV). We'll be glad to see 2020 in the rearview mirror, and we hope to just pass these last few months in relative peace.
But wait a minute. That doesn't seem right. We've spent so much of the last few months in relative solitude; in social distancing. We've had to hide behind our masks and miss so many opportunities for fellowship and community. (I once literally stood next to a member of our parish in Home Depot and we never recognized each other!) 2020 has been a tough year, but I'm not willing to let it go out with a fizzle. That's why I plan to Spring into the Fall - and I hope you will, too.
While summer on the campus of St. Francis has been unusual, it hasn't been inactive. With the guidance of our COVID-19 Safety Task Force we began outside services of Holy Eucharist in July. Those who have attended have thoroughly enjoyed the setting of those services, so much so that even after the virus is gone we may make outdoor services a regular part of our summer schedule. In addition, of course, we have had great success streaming services of Morning Prayer each Sunday during the summer. Our Sunday morning team - myself, Diane, Joe, Lilli, Doug and Cindy Claffey, and other helpers along the way - have had fun leading worship amidst the chaos of turning the church into a production studio. 
Now as we head toward autumn, with the help of the A/V Committee and the efforts of Everett Warren, we have a whole new camera and streaming system with incredible streaming capabilities. In a couple of weeks, our services will begin streaming live on YouTube as well as Facebook, and our new equipment will allow us to drop video into the stream, use remote live video and be creative in ways we are just now beginning to imagine.
Other areas of parish life have been equally active:   
  • We added new clergy in June: The Rev. Deacon Diane Faison.
  • Our Phase II remodel committee, headed up by Connie Scanga and Jill Quinn, has continued its work through the summer, and plans are moving forward. 
  • Through the leadership of Grace Wingfield, the foundation was laid for ongoing work in racial justice and reconciliation.
  • Our vegetable garden, cared for by Mahala Renkey, Lynd Meyer, Mary Wong and others, has had another successful year, providing fresh produce for the West Chester Food Cupboard.
  • Christian Education has continued virtually, and plans are now shaping up for fall, including a new, virtual option for "The Enneagram Journey", and the launch of "Sacred Ground," an Episcopal small group study on the origins and persistance of racism.
Certainly, there is still a virus to be concerned about, and we all need to be careful and follow the guidelines. Along with that I want to remind you that the re-opening of St. Francis for indoor worship and fellowship will continue to be slow, cautious and safe. But that being said, there are many ways for each of us to be involved, to continue the journey of our faith, and to be in community with one another and the whole church, even when we have to be apart. I realize being a "virtual" community of faith is not ideal, but after six months we've learned that there is so much we really can do; so many ways we can stay connected - worship, study and celebrate together.
So I hope you won't let the last few months of 2020 pass without "pushing back"  against this crazy, hazy year. Let's end it with our chins up, our souls filled with love, and our minds determined to make this autumn at St. Francis the best it can be. Turn your eyes to God and let's "Spring into Fall" together! 
God bless,
Fr. Kevin+
The Enneagram Journey:
A "Virtual" Enneagram Study

The Enneagram is a powerful tool of self-exploration that offers practical insights into personality, spirituality, gifts, motivations, and relationships with others. It's a wonderful resource for individuals, couples, team leaders, or anyone seeking a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.
"The Enneagram Journey," a DVD-based introduction to the Enneagram taught by renowned instructor Suzanne Stabile, returns to St. Francis this fall in a new, virtual format. Hosted by Fr. Kevin and Donna Dellaria, this study will use streaming video lessons from Dr. Stabile (viewable independently) plus one hour weekly meetings on Zoom to discuss the material. Two small group times for discussion will be available for those with different schedules. The course will include 12 weeks of video presentations and 13 weeks of small group discussion.
Learning the Enneagram can be a life-changing experience! You don't want to miss this opportunity for self-discovery and growth. And since this group is virtual, you can invite friends or relatives to join wherever they are!
  • Monday, September 21 (approx.) - Videos available for view
  • Monday, September 28 - First small group discussions. Discussion times will be one-hour long, offered at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm each Monday via Zoom.
  • Discussion groups will run from September 28 to December 21
  • Cost for the course is $40.00 to cover materials, and includes a companion workbook.
If you would like to join The Enneagram Journey this fall, you can email Fr. Kevin ([email protected]) or call the parish office for more details (610-647-0130).

Hosted by Fr. Kevin & Donna Dellaria and The Enneagram Community of the Main Line
Altar Flowers

The Altar Guild is still creating flower arrangements for the Altar each week.   
We welcome people to remember loved ones for any occasion with a donation of $50 per week.  Flowers are taken to parishioners after the service.  We have been able to deliver more with preplanning on ensuring the safe delivery protocol. 
Mahala J Renkey
The form for dedicating Altar Flowers can be found on our parish website at:

Book Group

Friday, September 18, 7:30, Virtual or at St. Francis
The Home for Unwanted Girls, Joanna Goodman
In 1950s Quebec, French and English tolerated each other with precarious civility. Maggie's English-speaking father has ambitions for his daughter that don't include marriage to the poor French boy on the next farm over. When she becomes pregnant at fifteen, her parents force her to give baby Elodie up for adoption.
Elodie is raised in Quebec's impoverished orphanage system and at seventeen is thrust into an alien, often unnerving world.
As time passes, the stories of Maggie and Elodie intertwine but never touch, until Maggie realizes she must take what she wants from life and goes in search of her daughter, finally reclaiming the truth that has been denied them both.
Please check your email, This Week at St. Francis, to find where and how we will meet for the discussion.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

"Dear St. Francis friends,  

Thank you so much for the surprise gift bag full of snacks and goodies.

When I opened my condo door this morning, I discovered the pretty bag on the table just outside.  Some "missionary" must have dropped it off at the front desk and it was delivered to my door. I know that they are still not admitting any outside visitors here at Freedom Village and we are still "cocooning."

I certainly will enjoy snacking on the cheese-its, cranberry health mix and the Skinny popcorn (which will help me lose the "covid pounds" we have all gained). The twizzlers and Chocolate heart will remind me of all of you and your sweetness. And the homemade chocolate cookies will channel the Christmas Cookie Walk and the Pain au Chocolate will let me take a virtual trip to Paris for breakfast.  I really appreciate being remembered in the St. Francis family and hope, too that we can get together again soon.You certainly brightened a grey Saturday morning!

Virtual hugs, Ginny"

Red Cross Blood Drive

The Red Cross blood drive is scheduled for Wednesday, October 28 from 2 PM to 7 PM.
Additional information will be posted in early October.


During this time when we're unable to gather for Fellowship events with our parish family, we hope that you staying connected, either virtually or in person, with close family and friends.  We look forward to gathering together once again, as soon as we can do it safely.  

Garden News!

Monday, August 31 we took 8.5 pounds of various peppers and lots of basil to the West Chester Food Cupboard.  The variety of peppers is especially welcome.  And, a couple of summer squash. 

The garden is growing well with it's 3rd crop per bed this season. We have red beets, more collard greens, scallions, Brussel sprouts, and still lots of peppers, Basil and parsley. 
Mahala J Renkey

End of Calculations!

Congratulations to Jim Crowley. Jim is retiring as Executive Director of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) on Tuesday, Sept 2. Jim held this position for 26 years.
Great work, Jim!

Holy Eucharist & SignUpGenius

We've had good turnout and great feedback with our outside Eucharists. Attendees have reported feeling very safe in the outdoor environment with the protocols and procedures we have in place. Thank you to everyone who has helped make this happen!
We are using SignUpGenius to register people for the Outside Eucharist.  Please remember that the total limit for gathering is 20, including clergy, and only sign-up for one of the services in a week so other people will have a chance to attend.
Please remember that you are to wear your masks, practice social distancing (6 ft. between you another person) and use hand sanitizer. Masks will be provided if you don't have one and hand sanitizer will be available. Ushers will direct you where you are to sit when you get to the church courtyard. In case of inclement weather, Holy Eucharist will be cancelled.   
A separate email will be sent with the dates and links to sign-up each week.   
We hope to see you and share in the Eucharist.
"Virtual" Bible Study 
Lectionary Bible Study meets on Wednesdays mornings at 10:00 to pray and discuss the readings for the following Sunday. Anyone may attend. Currently, the Bible Study is meeting remotely, using the parish GoToMeeting account. Watch for an email on Monday or Tuesday of each week with login information.
Remote Giving

St. Francis continues to function during the pandemic, offering livestream worship, conference call meetings, online Bible studies and (physically distant) pastoral care. We continue to meet our financial commitments to our staff, our property and service providers, and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. Keeping our parish connected and building our community however we can is a top priority. However, we also know that, during this crisis, many are facing unexpected financial challenges. 
If you can continue your pledge or regular giving during this period, it is much appreciated. If financial constraints make giving or maintaining your pledge a hardship for you or your family, that is completely understandable.
For giving, personal checks and online bank transactions are still accepted. Also, for your convenience, an online giving option is now on the front page of our website ( Just look for the "Give" button toward the bottom of the page.
Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends is a pastoral ministry of card-writing and encouragement that meets every 1st Wednesday
of each month. All supplies are provided. Anyone is invited to participate. During this period of physical distancing, "The Circle" is meeting remotely, preparing notes from the safety of home. Thank you to everyone who shares in this ministry.
Here is contact information for the West Chester Food Cupboard:
431 S. Bolmar St., West Chester, PA  19382

Fieldnotes Deadline - October

The deadline for the October Fieldnotes is  
Monday, September 21, 2020!. 

For the calendar of events, please click the link below to the website.

St. Francis-in-the-Fields Calendar