year in review

Year in Review Video

Caltrain Electrification made major progress in 2020, despite working in the midst of a global pandemic, moving us closer to increased service frequency and greater capacity for the Bay Area. Here are some highlights:
  • The first trainset was assembled and rolled out to the Salt Lake City test track. Forty-six train cars are now in various stages of assembly in Salt Lake City.
  • An immersive electric train virtual reality experience launched, offering riders a first-hand look at the new trains. 
  • Over half the poles were installed, and every city along the 51-mile corridor was touched by either preparations for or installation of infrastructure that will power the electric trains.
  • We pivoted outreach efforts during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak to keep the momentum going, moving to live social media events and featuring new videos
  • We held 20 community meetings/presentations and shared 30,000 mailers and flyers.
Together, we are building smart infrastructure for the future. Watch the video and learn more about our work this year at

Essential Worker Focused Service Changes

This month, Caltrain began operating a new schedule that is designed to improve service for essential workers and transit-dependent riders, and is consistent with key service components of the Framework for Equity, Connectivity Recovery & Growth.

Caltrain's service adjustments are aimed at increasing ridership and better serving those that continue to depend on the system. The new schedule provides riders with more frequent off-peak and weekend train service. Caltrain's current ridership has skewed toward essential workers who are more likely to travel during off-peak times. Demand for midday and weekend trips remains comparatively more resilient, and the schedule reflects that. It also balances travel time and coverage goals while maintaining capacity for social distancing.

For more information, check out Director of Rail Policy Sebastian Petty's presentation to the Board of Directors.

happy holidays! 

Whether you're riding every day or counting the days until you can get back on board, Caltrain wishes you and your family a Happy Holidays.


In light of the COVID-19 outbreak in the Bay Area, Caltrain is monitoring the situation and following local public health agencies and CDC guidance regarding public meetings. To view the upcoming meeting schedule, visit

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What Is CalMod?

The Caltrain Modernization Program (CalMod) includes electrification and other projects that will upgrade the performance, efficiency, capacity, safety and reliability of Caltrain's service. The current electrification project will electrify the corridor from San Francisco to San Jose and replace 75% of Caltrain's diesel service with high-performance electric trains, reducing air pollution and providing better service to more riders.  


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