The following information was sent out by the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) on March 16, 2020 and appears unedited below. Please note that The Arc of New Jersey is  NOT  the author of this information. We are only forwarding it as a service to individuals and families who may not be on the Division's subscription list.
As communicated on Friday, March 13, the Division of Developmental Disabilities has directed all facility-based day program settings to close and provider-facilitated community outings to be discontinued. Please see the  Frequently Asked Questions on DDD Closures Related to COVID-19 for Individuals, Families and Providers  document for the most up-to-date information.
A DDD help desk has been established for you to submit questions related to these closures and to DDD’s response to the COVID-19 situation: . Please do not submit health-related questions to this help desk, including questions about COVID-19 testing, treatment, etc. For health-related questions and concerns, please contact a health care professional or call 911. And please continue to utilize the following websites:

Early information on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) suggests that older adults and people with health conditions have a heightened risk of getting very sick. An important step in preventing the spread of COVID-19 is to eliminate large groups of people coming together and to minimize the number of people congregating in close settings.

As a result, on Friday, March 13, 2020, the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities (Division) made the difficult decision to close all Division-funded, facility-based day program settings. Operators of these programs were directed to close the sites no later than Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Additionally, the Division directed that community outings facilitated by any Division provider should be discontinued immediately, apart from trips necessary for the health and safety of an individual.
You can read this directive at the following link:

Division Updates
Also, if you were unable to view the March 9th webinar, “COVID-19 Update for Families and Providers,” you can access it at the following link, along with the companion guidance documents:

As always, the Division will periodically update its website, send out information in emails, and schedule webinars as needed. If you are not already subscribed to DDD News, email
and include "Division Update Subscribe" in the subject line.

NJ Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline
People who want additional guidance on how to manage the risks posed by COVID-19 can also contact the Department of Health at 1-800-222-1222 or via email at If you are calling from out-of-state, please call 1-800-962-1253. Trained healthcare professionals are standing by to answer questions about COVID-19. Calling the hotline is the best way to get answers to your questions about COVID-19. By email, please allow up to 48 hours for a response.
  • Please be aware that the hotline is for general questions and is not able to assist with locating testing, getting test results, or providing medical advice.

Additional resources for up-to-date information
Below are links to the full FAQ as well as the individual sections relating to providers, individual and families, etc.
The Arc of NJ | 732.246.2525 | |