Half Day Dismissal, 12 PM: Academy In-service
* Trivium Spirit Day *
PSO Book Fair
Parent Shopping Night - Monday, November 8, 5-7 PM
PSO Teacher Birthday Celebration sponsored by 2nd & 3rd Grade Families
Literary/Historical Figure Day
PSO General Meeting, 8:30 AM
November 15 - November 19
PSO Food Drive in support of St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance
Family Game Night, 5-7 PM
The Roosevelt Review
The Latest News on Great Hearts Roosevelt
Groundbreaking Event
Great Hearts Roosevelt held their official Groundbreaking Event on Tuesday, October 26! It was a wonderful opportunity for the ATE community to celebrate the long awaited launch of the building of our new home! Community leaders in Buckeye, faculty, families and students were in attendance, along with leadership from Great Hearts, to celebrate this event and was livestreamed to students during a school-wide assembly. If you missed it, you can check out the video on the Great Hearts YouTube channel.
Enrollment Timeline
Open Enrollment: November 8 – December 10, 2021
- Students at another academy (e.g. Archway Trivium West or Trivium Prep) seeking to attend Archway Roosevelt or Roosevelt Prep must apply during Open Enrollment and submit a Transfer.
- Students not currently enrolled in Great Hearts seeking to attend Archway Roosevelt, Roosevelt Prep, or any other academy must apply during Open Enrollment.
- Current ATE students seeking to attend another academy (e.g. Archway Trivium West or Trivium Prep) must apply during Open Enrollment and submit a Transfer.
Re-Enrollment: March 1 – April 1, 2021
- For current ATE families (Grades K-4 this year) seeking to attend Archway Roosevelt next year.
Please see this link to the Enrollment FAQ for a list of detailed questions.
Enrollment Survey
If you have not already done so, please take a moment to complete this brief survey in the parent portal. Your answers will be used to help Great Hearts gain a better understanding of current family demand and facility needs for the Roosevelt campus. If you at any point change your answer, please take a moment to reflect this change in the link below. This survey is non-binding, and it does not replace the normal enrollment process.
Roosevelt Sponsored Events
Great Hearts Roosevelt has already sponsored local community events to help raise awareness new families in the West Valley about our new location so they can access the same transformative education we have in our academy. So far, we have sponsored two movie in the park nights and the Buckeye Dog Days events. Please see the list of upcoming events below:
Contact Us
PSO Read-a-thon Logs/Sponsorships Due Monday, November 1!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our PSO Read-a-thon!
All Read-a-Thon sponsorships and reading logs are due by Monday, November 1. Any checks need to be made payable to ATE PSO. In addition to the grade level prizes, random winners will be drawn Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from the returned packets. Be sure to turn yours in early to have three additional chances to win. Read-a-thon funds collected stay 100% at ATE and support all aspects of this great classical education!
Trivium Spirit Day - Half Day Friday, November 5
Our next Trivium-wide Spirit Day is the half-day Friday, November 5! For Trivium Spirit day, ATE students are encouraged to wear one of the following: Athenian Spirit Wear, a Class t-shirt, an Athenians Sports t-shirt, a Run the Virtues 5K t-shirt or a Trivium Prep spirit wear shirt. This is optional and a uniform shirt may always be worn. All other uniform components should be worn according to our dress code (uniform bottoms with belt, shirt tucked in, and uniform shoes) on this day. Show your school spirit!
Scholastic Book Fair - November 8-10
Book Fair will be held November 8-10. Scholars will have class time to preview and shop the book fair during those days. Parent Night will be held from 5-7 PM on Monday, November 8 in the MPR. This is the only opportunity for parents to shop with their scholars, and there will be an expanded selection that evening. Click Here for more information on the Book Fair schedule and pricing.
Volunteers are needed to help make the Book Fair a success. Please sign up using the link below. All volunteers must have Raptor clearance.
Literary and Historical Figure Day - Friday, November 12
Benjamin Franklin! Abigail Adams! Lancelot! Aristotle! Athena! These are just some of the wonderful figures our scholars learn about through their classical education at Archway Trivium East. Scholars are invited to choose any literary or historical figure from the Archway curriculum and come to school (in-person or online) dressed as that figure* on Friday, November 12. This is a great way to celebrate our love of history and literature. All students are encouraged to participate!
*All costumes must abide by dress code guidelines in the Family Handbook and must exclude frightening or aggressive costumes or accessories.
PSO Quarterly Meeting - Monday, November 15, 8:30 AM
Our next PSO Quarterly Meeting will be at 8:30 AM on Monday, November 15 in the Conference Room. Look for more details coming next week!
PSO Food Drive
Archway Trivium East will be hosting our annual food drive to benefit St Mary's Food Bank from Monday, November 15 - Friday, November 19. Donations will be collected during morning drop off. Please help us reach our goal of 1000 lbs. of food to help those in need in our community.
If you would like to volunteer with the collection of food donations during morning drop off, please sign up through the link below. #ATEServes
Family Game Night - Friday, November 19, 5-7 PM
Our annual Family Game Night is back in-person! Please join us from on Friday, November 19 from 5-7 PM in the MPR. We will have games, contests, and lots of family fun. Pizza and water will be available for purchase ($3 for a slice and a bottle) OR we would LOVE to give you a slice of pizza and a bottle of water as a "Thank You" if you bring in 3 non-perishable food items that evening for our food drive.
We need volunteers to help man a few of the games. If you are able to volunteer for a 45 minute shift, please sign up below.
PSO Updates
November Teacher Birthday Celebration
Our November Teacher Birthday celebration is sponsored by our 2nd and 3rd grade families. Follow the link below to donate items for Wednesday, November 10. Thank you!
Lunch Volunteers
We have a few open spots for Lunch Volunteers this quarter! Volunteers received a $5 credit from My Hot Lunchbox for serving. All volunteers must be cleared through our Raptor System.
Copy Program
We’d love to invite you to join us as part of our Copy Program. We help our teachers out with their copying needs on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Training is available. All volunteers must be cleared through our Raptor System.
Order Hot Lunch Today!
My Hot Lunchbox is excited for another great year of delivering school lunch!
Online ordering is now available at: ordernow.myhotlunchbox.com/. If you are a first-time customer, visit the My Hot Lunchbox website to create your free account. Families with students at multiple Trivium schools should create only ONE account per family.
If you have any questions, view the Parent Lunch FAQ or contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at info@myhotlunchbox.com. Ordering is easy! Follow the link below to get started or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.
The Trivium Lunch Program is entirely managed and distributed by our Parent Service Organization volunteers. This program is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Trivium.
Happy Birthday!
Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Archway Trivium East faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays!
Tina Swartz - Academy Giving Manager - October 28
Rachel Johnson - 3B Lead - November 2
Patrick Conklin - PE Teacher - November 14
Quick Links:
Archway Trivium East Main Office: (623) 866-4718
Attendance Line: (623) 218-6607
Communications Updates
You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest News page.
If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email bmcdonald@archwaytrivium.org for assistance.
Archway Trivium East would love your feedback. Post a review to our Google profile.