Common Threads
‘The pandemic has reminded us that no one saves oneself. The community is essential.” – Pope Francis

Pope Francis emphasizes it is the Catholic Community that allows us to achieve our goal of eternal life. We are not alone on this journey.  

This past week you received the Tapestry program mailing that contains material that will help you to discover where you belong in God’s ministry and how you can use your God-given talents to serve others. Tapestry encourages all parishioners to become involved in the St. Brigid of Kildare community by volunteering their time and talent to the wide variety of Ministries and committees that are available here in our parish.  

This year we are not holding a Ministry Weekend but instead officially welcoming our parish back to community life at a Fall Parish Picnic: Together Again on October 10, 2021, following the 11:00 am Mass.  

We will, however, be sending out a virtual "Guide to Parish Life" to the whole parish on September 23rd with links to information about getting involved. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about our ministries and committees.

Our parish continues to need your generosity. Please review your offertory commitment and see how you can support our parish. Please return your completed forms in the return envelope or go to and fill out the online form. Thank you!

Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Msgr. Joseph M. Hendricks
Real Presence, Real Future: Fall Parish Consultation Sessions Sept 20 & 22
The Real Presence, Real Future team will be holding consultation sessions open to all St. Brigid of Kildare Parish parishioners. These will be listening sessions to learn about the results and interpretation of our Disciple Maker Index survey results, as well as the next steps in the process. Our sessions will be held:

Monday, September 20 and Wednesday, September 22 from 6:30-8:30 PM via Zoom (repeat sessions, choose one)

Registration is required to access the Zoom link. Click the link below to register now.

Sessions will be recorded and emailed to anyone who registers. If you are not able to attend the live session, please still register for one of the sessions so you receive a copy of the materials, recording of the session, and a follow up survey.
Fall Parish Picnic: Together Again
Sunday, October 10 after 11 AM Mass | Brigid's Green

Come for lunch, stay for the community.

Join us after the 11 AM Mass on Sunday, October 10 for a Fall Parish Picnic. We will have food, drinks, activities, and representatives from various ministries at St. Brigid of Kildare. We've missed our community and are excited to gather together again!

No RSVP needed. All ages welcome.

For questions or to volunteer, contact Amie Lopez, parish life coordinator, at

Parish Picnic Volunteer Opportunities
Please consider volunteering to help with the event. There are many slots to fill and many hands make for fun and easy work!

If you are eager and willing to help, please click on the link below to sign up. 

Thank you for considering! 
Red Cross Blood Drive Sept 25
Red Cross Blood Drive at Saint Brigid of Kildare Church

Hendricks Hall
7179 Avery Rd.
Dublin, OH 43017

Saturday, September 25, 2021
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

To schedule an appointment call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit

Sponsor code: saintbrigid (updated code!)
Mass Intentions Jan - Mar 2022
Opens October 18 at 10 AM
We will be taking Mass intention requests electronically through forms on the website for Masses in January, February and March 2022. The Mass Intentions form will go live on Monday, October 18 at 10 a.m. on our website at We will only be taking requests for January, February and March, 2022 at this time. 

In order to fairly accommodate all Mass Intentions requested, we ask that you request no more than two (2) Mass intentions per family per quarter and only one Mass intention per month.

*As mass attendance increases in the wake of the pandemic, Mass times may change. You are only requesting a date for Mass intentions. There is no option to select a time for a Mass. If the date you request is not available, the Mass will be assigned on the closest available date. If you enter a day of the week, we will do our best to accommodate your request.
Fall Youth Mass Kick Off Held Last Night
High school and St. Brigid Religious Education families of all grade levels kicked off a new year last evening with a Fall Youth Mass, held at 6 PM in the church. The Mass was designed to bring families together to kick off a year of discipleship for our Religious Education and youth ministry programs.

Attendees enjoyed sweet treats to-go and casual conversations with ministry leaders in the church courtyard following the Mass.

The Religious Education program began this week with a new format of weekly home faith formation for all children. Families will receive online textbook materials customized for each grade level each week through Our Sunday Visitor. The program will also include optional in-person events on campus each month in addition to the weekly lessons. This format will allow our faith formation families to continue to grow in community with one another, while also maintaining religious educations lessons and activities each week.

High School faith formation small groups will begin on Wednesday, 9/22 at 7:15 PM in the church basement. All 9th-12th graders are invited, and registration remains open through 9/21:
Choice Wine Program Begins at St. Brigid of Kildare
The Choice Wine – 7 Steps to a Superabundant Marriage program begins Sunday, September 19 at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish in Hendricks Hall.

For details on the program and to register, see the link below.

For questions or more information, contact Fred Smith at
Liturgical Minister Training
Training for Liturgical Ministers will be held Saturday, September 25 at 8:30 A.M. in the Church. Training includes:

  • EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Must be 16 and Confirmed (if you would like to be a Eucharistic Minister to the sick and homebound, you must first be a Eucharistic Minister).
  • GREETERS: Individuals or Families

Online Registration:

Or Email: or

Come Share Your Talents During Mass
Middle School Youth Group - EPIC (Endless Possibilities in Christ)
Saint Brigid of Kildare’s Middle School Youth Group is designed for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from St. Brigid School, Grizzell, Karrer, Sells, and other local schools. Middle School Youth Ministry meets for worship, fellowship, and service throughout the academic year.
With historically high attendance in these EPIC events, St. Brigid is continually evaluating how we can support the organizations we partner with through EPIC while caring for the health and well-being of our parish community.
As health guidelines continue to evolve for large group gatherings, Andrea Komenda and Laura Ginikos are working together to bring the Cross Catholic Outreach Box of Joy (November) and the Family Mentor Foundation Buddy Box Food Drive (February) service opportunities to life with our St. Brigid middle school population.
We are asking parents of all 6th-8th graders, who wish to be involved with EPIC, to complete a shortened EPIC registration form for the 2021-22 academic year. Using this information, Andrea Komenda and Laura Ginikos will keep your family informed of EPIC middle school youth ministry opportunities.
Andrea Komenda at
Laura Ginikos at
High School Youth Ministry Everyday Witness Fall Small Groups 
Often, people come to a relationship with Christ because they’ve admired the words and actions of believers they respect. Talking about God and witnessing our faith by our actions takes support and encouragement. In this fall’s 7-week small groups series, sign up to hear guest speakers share inspirational and relatable stories of lived faith, biblical reflection, and practical steps to share our faith in everyday interactions. Through small group, teens will reflect on the testimonies they have heard, practice articulating what they believe and how they came to believe it through organic conversations and grow in relationship with their small group community.  

Small groups will meet on Wednesdays, Sept. 22-Nov. 3 from 7:15-8:30 PM.

Small groups are co-ed and participation is free. Registration is required prior to Wednesday, September 22. Register below (or scan the QR code).
SPiCE Board Meeting Sept 20: All Are Welcome
Monday, September 20 · 6:00 – 7:00pm

All parents and parishioners are welcome to attend the September 20th SPiCE Board being held via Google Meet.

Click the video call link below to join:

If you have questions, please reach out to Michael Flock, Board Secretary, at
Mom to Mom Fall Kick Off
Is your family calendar so jammed that there’s never enough time to “be spiritual”? Maybe you need to think about spirituality in a new way. Author Tom McGrath shows how the hectic and ordinary moments of family life offer endless opportunities to live more deeply.

This Fall join Family First’s Mom to Mom group where facilitator Kim VanHuffel will lead the discussion each week based on Tom McGrath’s book Raising Faith-Filled Kids while also building community and sharing in our spiritual journeys.  

Family First’s Mom to Mom is a vibrant, faith sharing group focused on motherhood, spirituality, and Catholic parenting. Whether you’re a rookie or veteran, please join us to share and gain wisdom from other moms like you. Raising Faith-Filled Kids can be purchased from Loyola Press or Amazon

Discussion Begins: Tuesdays Sept 21th - Nov 23rd
Time: 9:45-11AM  
Location: Church Basement
Childcare: Carr Nursery 

There is no commitment necessary; drop in when your schedule permits. You do not need to pre-read and childcare is available sign up here. We hope to see you there! 

Questions, please reach out to Erin Heise; or Anne Davis;  
Family First Service Opportunity
New service opportunity for the family! 

We would love you and your family to join us in providing comfort (in the form of snacks) to families staying at the Ronald McDonald house. You can find detailed information here from the Ronald McDonald house website on how to safely assemble the bags. The snack pack program allows volunteers to prepare bags in their own setting while providing snacks for families caring for sick children

This is a great activity for the family and while you assemble discuss how acts of service and being Catholic go hand-in-hand! From the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12), to the Works of Mercy, to the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12) we know Jesus urges us to provide service to others.

Once bags are assembled please drop them in the bin in the collection closet in Hendricks hall October 2nd - October 10th. We will also be collecting assembled bags at the Parish picnic, on October 10th! Any questions contact or 
U.S. Navy Commander Celebrates Promotion in Church
Parishioner Craig Dziewiatkowski recently received a promotion to the rank of Commander in the U.S. Navy. Commander Dziewiatkowski and his family wanted this special promotion to be centered around his family's faith and for God to be the center of it. Deacon Paul was happy to oblige by celebrating a prayer service and giving the Dziewiatkowski family a blessing in the chapel. Captain Dave Lockney, USN and Rear Admiral Kristen Fabry, USN were present to administer Commander Dziewiatkowski's Navy promotion. It was a very special moment for the family!

The Dziewiatkowski family includes Craig, wife Gracie (Mary Grace), and children Gianna (8th grade), Frankie (5th grade), Bernadette (4th grade), and Louis (1st grade). All four children attend Saint Brigid of Kildare School.
Adult Faith Formation Upcoming Opportunities
with Sister Teresa Tuite, OP
Pause for Prayer
Every Monday night we take 15-20 minute pause for prayer. Join with others to pray, and to be silent together. Our prayer is mixed with silence, song, and comfort during these uncertain times. Monday evenings beginning at 7:00 PM  NO REGISTRATION NEEDED. JOIN US ANY MONDAY – This is an ongoing meeting on ZOOM, so join when your schedule permits.  We took a few weeks away but will resume August 30.

Join Zoom Meeting at this link
Meeting ID: 825 3385 6351
Passcode: PAUSE

Women's Bible Study and Sharing
What are we to do and how are we to be in a world that seems disconnected in so many areas of life; when civil discourse does not seem to be the chosen way of disagreeing and monologue seems to be preferred over dialogue?
As we so often do, we turn to the scriptures for some enlightenment and guidance. Using stories of siblings in the Old and New Testament we will be pointed to peace and reconciliation in all our relationships, reassuring us that it is possible to find common ground with everyone—despite our differences.
The WBS (WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY) begins Wednesday -September 15 and goes through October 27. 7:00-8:15 PM in Berry Room (subject to change). We will use the book Common Ground by Amberly Neese. It is available through Amazon and other book vendors. You do need to register by September 1 for this study.  Register at link below.

Tuesday Morning Group
The Tuesday Morning Group will resume on September 14, 2021 and will go through November 23, 2021. We begin after the 9:00 AM Mass and stop about 11:00 AM in the Berry Room (subject to change). We will be studying the Gospel of Luke. The book is Luke’s Gospel: written for us. Written by Joan Mitchell, CSJ It is available through Good Ground Press. ( You do not need to register for this group. 

Men and the Nun
Men and the Nun will begin on November 2 and go through November 30, 2021 (all the Tuesdays of November). Place will be announced. It may be on ZOOM or on the Parish Grounds. We meet 7:00 PM until about 8:15 PM. This time we will a new book by Greg Boyle SJ. Entitled The Whole Language. It is due to be published in mid-October. Most book vendors are allowing preorders. Watch the bulletin for further details.
Basketball and Cheer Registration Now Open!
Basketball for 4th-8th grade girls & boys is now open.  Player Evaluations for 7th/8th grade competitive teams, and then forming of the 4th-8th rec teams will start in the first week of November. Registration fees will be $190 for the upcoming season with additional gym space rental now needed with our number of teams.   Please remember when you register each child, you must also provide the Parent Consent for the Columbus Diocese at 

Lil' Hounds Basketball for 2nd & 3rd grade girls and boys will again be held this winter.  Teams will have weekly clinics with their classmates to learn skills and have fun games.  Clinics will normally start in December, it's a great way to get out and work on those basketball skills with your friends.  Cost for Lil' Hounds is $85.

For more information on our basketball offerings, please contact Bill Baumel at

New this year is Cheer for 4th-8th grade girls. Practice will be once a week (likely Wednesdays) for 1 hour, and the Cheer season will be the length of basketball season.  The cost is $160 to participate (this includes full uniform, including briefs, hair bow, and poms). 

For more information on Cheer, contact Lindsey Meadows at
Protecting God's Children (PGC) Sessions
The Diocese of Columbus will be offering Protecting God's Children (PGC) training sessions at the following times. All of these sessions are in-person.

  • Thursday, September 16th at 6:00 pm at St. Andrew's via Zoom
  • Wednesday, September 22nd at 10:00 at St. Brigid (in person) 
  • Saturday, September 25th at 9:00 am at Trinity Elementary (in person) 
  • Wednesday, January 12th at 6:00 pm at St. Francis DeSales

Please visit for registration and meeting instructions. Click on First Time Registrant, View a list of sessions, choose Columbus, OH (Diocese) and create a Virtus account.

Potential volunteers with children and youth must also complete a St. Brigid volunteer application, and submit a signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and submit to a criminal background check.

Full details and forms can be found at or contact Stacey Nerone, Safe Environment Manager at
Celebrating the Sacraments
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Baptism at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

Ford Michael Verhoff
Crew Jon Carroll
Anna Katherine Hardin
Joseph William McAllise
Henry Joseph Pervan
Charlie Rees
Connor Rees
Congratulations to the following parishioners who celebrated a Wedding at Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish since our last issue:

  • Brendan Walsh and Alexandra Campbell

Share your photo of your Baptism or Wedding celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare -- email to
Deaths of Parishioners
The following parishioners' funerals were celebrated at St. Brigid of Kildare since the last issue. Please remember them and their families in prayer.

  • Dr. Philip E. Vanik
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017