Fellow Gregorians,
Last weekend at both the Founders Hymn Sing and at our special Sunday service with Bishop Rob Wright, I was moved to tears—in all good ways. Ron and I have been members of St. Gregory the Great for just 22 years, but it feels like home. Forty-three storytellers and singers participated in the Hymn Sing last Saturday afternoon and enjoyed mini-croissant sandwiches, a sugary, frosted “beer stein” comprised of chocolate and vanilla cupcakes, and several kinds of beer, sodas, and waters. On Sunday morning, 155 parishioners and guests participated in the service, which was led by Bishop Wright, and at which nine individuals either were received, reaffirmed, or confirmed into the Episcopal Church.
Our confirmands last Sunday were Ali Elyaman, Grayson Krause, Paige Lowe, Berni McCranie (received), P.J. Prescott, Emma Scott, Anna Streeter, Anna Thornton (reaffirmed), and Danielle Vogt. When you see or meet them, please give them your congratulations.
Following Sunday’s service we had our choice of a variety of sandwiches and salads in boxed lunches from Jason’s Deli, as well as cakes, brownies, and yet another cupcake “beer stein.” Wines, beers, sodas, and waters accompanied lunch. All the weekend’s activities were held outdoors, and except when we were eating and drinking, all participants were masked, and because we’d specifically reserved pleasant, sunny days for our celebrations, the weather was perfect.
Our thanks to Allena Armour, Ron Balthazor, Diane Barret, Annette and Ron Bates, Stacie Court, Christina Dondero, Catherine Drewry, Missy Hamlin, Mark Hein, Jonathan Klein, Kendall Kookogey, LeeAnn Krause, Vince Mathis, Alice Mohor, Joe Napoli, Jude Red Bear, David Stooksbury, our choir, whose members sounded like angels in our outdoor cathedral, our guest musicians, and our incredible Rector, Nikki Mathis, all of whom creatively, generously, and through hours of effort made the weekend what it was. Those who were unable to make it to the events were remembered and missed.
Jane Hudson, Senior Warden
If you missed last week in person,
never fear ...
Stewardship Message
Time draws near to make a pledge to the church for Christ's work in the world. Let me give a little nudge by looking back in history. We, the St. Gregory community of God's kingdom, have a rich history of commitment to His work, meeting the needs of our neighbors. We are quick to jump into action when we hear of one of our own who is in need of care of any kind. We are also committed to the needs of the larger community by working with other groups and agencies in the area. Those smiling faces you see at church on Sunday are openly or quietly also busy helping out where they can!
It would be wonderful if our budget allowed us to give large amounts of money as well, but we have never attained a giving level that satisfied us. So some of our creative members came up with the idea of the “Saint Gregory Auction.” At this annual event, members came up with a list of gifts they could offer for sale to the highest bidder. At the appointed time we had a covered dish supper (what else!) followed by the auction.
Some of the items were offered in a silent auction, and the larger items were auctioned live. For example the silent auction might offer a bottle of fine wine, a box of cookies or a cake made by one of our famous chefs, an offer of free baby sitting, some pieces of new or almost new clothing, works of art from our famous artists, etc. For the live auction: a week of vacation in a member's vacation house at the beach, a trip for two on an airplane (paid by a donor's travel points), a camping trip in a national park, a fishing expedition in a member's boat, etc. The event was great fun and, of course, all proceeds were distributed by our outreach committee.
This started before we had a building. The first one was in the Holiday Inn. Here you are, a member of a community of Christ is unsettled until the Lord's demands are met.
Maybe the time has come for another clever idea?
sunday work-outs
when our numbers
began to bloom
our worship moved
to the lunchroom
still in the school
but down the hall
with a vicar
who heard our call
an altar built
with wheels to move
sunday mornings
we found a groove
tables moved out
chairs set in rows
then all replaced
like stage crew pros
alice mohor
Contribution Statements
The contribution statements for Jan -August were sent via email earlier this week.
Please check your spam if you have not seen it.
Zoom Meeting Opportunities
Parish community offerings via Zoom:
Sunday yoga ! for fall (Aug-Dec), via Zoom, 4:00pm, 30-45 minutes. Chair Yoga taught on the first Sunday of each month. Contact Anna Hiers (aldhiers@gmail.com) for more information. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97745366532 Meeting ID: 977 4536 6532 Passcode: 3195
Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!
Book Club first Friday of the month @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.
Lectionary Discussion Group via Zoom, every Thursday at 6:00pm. Email Ken Taylor if you are interested in participating.
Threads of Prayer, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month @ 1PM. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!
** group(s) now meeting in person
Other groups have been meeting via Zoom as well, so if you've got a group already meeting in Zoom rooms, and want to widen your circle, let Kendall know so we can get the word out there!
See what's happening on our social sites: