Workforce Update - March 2023
WFS Greater Dallas, Capital Area Recognized at NAWB
Several of Texas' Workforce Solutions Boards took center stage at the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) Annual Forum held March 25-28 in Washington D.C.
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas and Dallas College were honored with the NAWB Excellence in Community College Partnership Award. The Workforce Development Board - Community College Excellence In Partnership Award is given jointly to a workforce development board and community college that have formed a significant partnership to advance training opportunities for workers in their local region. Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas was recognized for its ongoing integration of education and workforce services with Dallas College, consisting of countless partnerships to provide adult education and literacy, childcare, training, and career services to thousands of job seekers.
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas
The W.O. Lawton Business Leadership Award honors businesses and business organizations that have made the commitment of time, money, and leadership to make their community’s workforce and economy more vibrant. Athena Manufacturing is the winner of the W.O. Lawton Award for its dedicated engagement in training frontline manufacturing talent, in concert with Workforce Solutions Capital Area and Austin-area education and training providers.
Workforce Solutions Capital Area
Gulf Coast Workforce Development Board Chair Mark Guthrie and Gulf Coast Executive Director Juliette Stipeche provided an overview of Local Workforce Development Boards and the role of LWDB's to the Texas House International Relations & Economic Development Committee on March 14. The committee invited TAWB to provide the testimony.
Education savings accounts, which are similar to vouchers, are a priority of Gov. Greg Abbott this session. Texas senators also advanced a bill that would give raises and other benefits to teachers.
Since 1956, the idea of a school voucher program in Texas has been consistently — and successfully — shot down by Democrats and rural area Republicans.
The Senate Finance Committee’s proposals won’t be voted on and sent to the full chamber until April.
On March 14, 2023, Golden Triangle Polymers Company awarded $200,000 to Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas to create and maintain "Local First", an on-line, customized talent acquisition portal.
South Texas College will use the funds to expand the Maintenance and Repair Program for Automated Technologies (MRPAT) training program for advanced manufacturing credentialling to eligible individuals in the Workforce Solutions Lower Rio Grande Valley region.
Texas added 58,200 positions in February 2023, leading the nation in jobs added over the month.
The proposal recommends spending billions on programs including property tax cuts, teacher pay raises, mental health services and border security. It leaves out requests for pay raises for retired state employees and funding for rent relief and childcare programs.
Texas, proudly, has long been a national leader on this issue, offering in-state tuition rates at state postsecondary institutions to all Texas high school grads, regardless of immigration status, since 2001.
The Biden Administration announced its 2024 budget proposal last week. The priorities show a commitment to bolstering workforce and training programs across agencies - including a number of new proposals and funding increases for the Department of Education.
Several lawsuits have sought to test whether the president has the authority to forgive the debt. If the challenges prevail, supporters of debt relief worry about what could happen to borrowers when loan repayments resume. There are many moving parts to the lawsuits.
If Texas’ budget surplus were distributed directly to Texans, it could pay for 12 years of school lunches, seven months of rent or 11,000 miles of travel. Here’s how to put the big number into perspective.
America’s schools say kids are hungry — just as pandemic-era benefit programs have lapsed. There is growing concern about the effects on kids’ ability to learn. Congress temporarily made school meals free to all American schoolkids, but since that ended last fall, the need has only seemed to grow.
Child care funding allocations will help more lower income families and bolster business for providers.
Business groups warned lawmakers that Texas could lose business to other states without something to replace the so-called Chapter 313 tax break, which gave some companies big breaks on school taxes.
The 88th Texas Legislature began Jan. 10 and runs through May 29. The following are some of the the workforce-related bills TAWB is following that were featured in the TAWB March 24 State Legislation Update. Additional information on bills will be provided as it becomes available. TAWB welcomes input on these bills and others that may not be listed. Most recent actions denoted in red.
Workforce Development
Relating to the participation of community-based organizations in workforce training programs funded by the Skills Development Fund. Would allow a community-based organization to apply for money to participate in a training program if the organization applies in partnership with a community and technical college or the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service
Status: Referred to International Relations & Economic Development; public hearing held on 3/28/2023
Relating to performance criteria for the award of adult education and literacy funds. Would establish annual performance requirements that each entity that receives appropriated money must satisfy to qualify for a continuing award of funds, including, achievement of enrollment targets and performance benchmarks; and a process for giving priority in awarding funds to entities that consistently satisfy the annual performance requirements.
Status: Referred to International Relations & Economic Development, Reported favorably w/o amendment(s)
Relating to the creation of the Lone Star Workforce of the Future Fund. Would establish a new fund to be administered by TWC to provide grants to eligible public junior colleges, public technical institutes, and nonprofit organizations. Would establish a 6-member advisory board chaired by TWC Chair.
Status: HB 1755 Referred to International Relations & Economic Development, public hearing held on 03/21/23; SB 592 Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
Relating to the creation of a task force to develop a plan for the consolidation of the functions of workforce development programs administered by the Texas Workforce Commission and social services. The purpose of this Act is to provide for the creation of a task force to develop a plan for the consolidation of workforce development programs administered by the Texas Workforce Commission and social services programs administered by the Health and Human Services Commission in the event the United States Congress passes legislation to reverse the federal restrictions and allow states to consolidate these functions.
Status: Referred to Finance, Scheduled for public hearing on 4/3/2023
Primary & Secondary Education
Relating to excused absences from public school for certain students to visit a professional's workplace for a career investigation day.
Status: SB 68 Referred to Senate Education. Public Hearing conducted 3/8/23; HB 131* Committee report sent to Calendars
Child Care
Relating to the establishment of the private child care task force. The private child care task force would be established to study private child care providers in this state and methods to reduce the amounts charged for and increase the availability of child care provided by private child care providers.
Status: Referred to House Human Services, public hearing held on 3/28/2023
Relating to strategies to increase the availability of child-care and prekindergarten programs. Would require TWC to establish and administer a prekindergarten partnership program to assist Texas Rising Star program providers in partnering with local school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide the prekindergarten classes required under Section 29.153, Education Code.
Status: HB 4153 Referred to International Relations & Economic Development; HB 1615 Referred to International Relations & Economic Development, Reported favorably as substituted
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property used to operate a child-care facility.
Status: Referred to Local Government, public hearing held on 3/27/2023
Texas Workforce Commission
Relating to the workforce development evaluation system administered by the Texas Workforce Commission. Would add to evaluation data to include the attainment of employment paying a self-sufficient wage, following completion of a career education and training program.
Status: Referred to International Relations & Economic Development, public hearing held on 3/28/2023
Workforce Development Resources
TAWB was one of more than 20 state workforce associations and other workforce organizations to sign on to a letter provided to the US House Labor, HHS and Education Appropriations Subcommittee earlier this month. The Subcommittee is taking written testimony on its FY24 priorities.
The George W. Bush Institute and Texas 2036’s new report details how Texas students do not have the knowledge and skills to succeed as they move on to the next grade level, much less in the workforce.
Are you interested in becoming a more accountable, efficient, and productive board of directors? Dive into the many questions that leaders have shared with BoardSource over the last 30 years and get the answers that our experts have supplied to learn about board dynamics and processes.
Collaboration takes a variety of skills to ensure success. Whether it’s between your peers, other nonprofits, or community groups, meaningful partnerships always begin with individual, interpersonal, and group skills. Discover the different attributes, processes, and knowledge to strive for with this downloadable infographic.
Pat Leonard, vice president at Pearson (formerly Credly), discusses the importance of learners being able to tout their accomplishments through digital badging, including earning the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (NCRC®). Watch as Pat discusses the importance of skill building for workforce resilience and ways for job seekers of all ages to easily showcase their skills to employers.
Monthly newsletter produced by TWC Labor Market and Career Information Department covering issues relating to the Texas economy.
C2 Global Professional Services was founded to offer a viable, and now successfully proven, alternative to what is available in terms of service providers. We look for Workforce Investment Board partners to commit to working beyond workforce dogma to improve communities, invest in staff development to achieve exceptional customer service and invest in innovation and technology to improve the system.
Dynamic Advancement is a US military veteran owned and operated professional development firm. We are located on Port San Antonio, Cyber City USA’s Technology, Defense, & Cyber Security hub. Co-located with industry giants such as Booz Allen Hamilton, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, and HQ Air Force Cyber Command. We are primed to remain at the cutting edge of both Defense and Commercial sector advancement.
iCEV: Since 1984, iCEV has specialized in providing quality CTE curriculum and educational resources. iCEV is the most comprehensive online resource for CTE educators and students, offering curriculum for several major subject areas, including agricultural science, trade & industrial education, business & marketing, career exploration, family & consumer science, health science, law enforcement and STEM education. Additionally, iCEV acts as a certification testing platform for industry certifications. Nationally and internationally recognized companies and organizations utilize iCEV as the testing platform for their certifications. For more information, visit
The Conover Company has been developing tools for over 40 years to help workforce professionals assess and train their clients with the social and emotional skills for success. Their online tools help you stay focused on outcomes by making sure the assessments drive training so it is meaningful for every individual client you serve and you get the results you are looking for.
professionals puts the industry's best practices to work across more than 350 North American
locations, assisting approximately 1.9 million job seekers and thousands of employers annually.
Together with our partners and collaborators, we work every day to change lives, advance
economies, and help communities thrive.
Geographic Solutions is the leading provider of integrated software for state and local workforce agencies in over 35 states and U.S. territories. For 30 years, the company has developed innovative online solutions for job seekers, employers, service providers, and agency staff that enhance service delivery and increase customer satisfaction. Geographic Solutions’ custom software solutions effectively manage all federally-funded partner programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and have been designed specifically to meet the diverse needs of American Job Centers, economic development agencies, human service entities, unemployment agencies, departments of corrections, and educational institutions.
Grant Associates is a national, award-winning workforce development company. Since opening our doors in 1997, we have collaborated with government agencies to develop workforce programs and solutions that create the opportunities that advance job seekers, businesses and local economies, all with exceptional results. At Grant Associates, we know every community's workforce needs are unique. With proven models and in active partnership with government, Grant Associates' mission is to tailor solutions that build workforce capacity, proving over the past two decades that our approach helps a community reach its true potential.
KRA Corporation, a national leader in workforce development for 40+ years, supports workforce boards by delivering WIOA, TANF, SNAP-E&T, and related programs, including initiatives targeting specific employer and jobseeker requirements. A black-owned company, KRA leads efforts to integrate DEI into workforce development. We also lead the industry in delivering a consultative approach to business services, and infuse family-focused principles into everything we do. KRA leverages all available resources, partnering to integrate education, skills development, occupational training, support services, and employment. KRA provides the highest levels of innovative programming, exceptional service, and trusted results for all valued clients, businesses, and jobseekers.
Metrix Learning® is an online learning platform designed to meet the needs of states, workforce boards, and their customers. Learners can assess their job skills, remediate skill gaps, and take over 100 certification training programs to prepare for new employment opportunities. Metrix Learning® offers over 6,000 online courses, career pathways tools, digital badges, gamification, and is integrated with WorkInTexas.
Purpose Co is a workforce consulting firm that specializes in designing and implementing custom workforce solutions and strategies that create sustainable outcomes for people and businesses, including pathways to quality in-demand jobs, economic mobility, competitive businesses and regional economic prosperity, including solutions that address the specific needs of job seekers, workers, employers and practitioners.
QuickStart exists to create world-class technologists by personalizing and individualizing training to address the massive skills gap in the IT industry. Through 20 years of research and data analysis, we’ve learned that a modern learner prefers to learn through multiple modalities such as self-paced online learning, virtual instructor-led training, on-the-job training, implementation and hands-on experience through labs, mentoring, and social and peer-to-peer learning. We packaged all the modalities into a single cloud-based platform called CLIPP.