City of Cumming
November 2021
Honor Veterans at Annual Ceremony on Nov. 11th
Join the City of Cumming and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9143 on Thursday, Nov. 11th at 11 a.m. for the annual Veterans Day Ceremony. The event will be held at the Veterans War Memorial (301 Veterans Memorial Blvd., next door to the Cumming Police Department). Parking is available in the Castleberry Road Parking Deck; please leave parking spaces at the Cumming Police Department open for the elderly and those with limited mobility. Inclement weather location is the Cumming Fairgrounds' covered arena. This is a free community event. Follow our Facebook (@cummingcityhall) and Instagram (@cityofcumming) pages for event updates.
Christmas Parade & Festival: Registration Deadline is Nov. 29th
The City of Cumming Christmas Parade and Fairgrounds Christmas Festival return on Saturday, Dec. 4th! Anyone wishing to participate in the parade, which will again begin at 5 p.m. from Forsyth Central High School and move down Tribble Gap/Castleberry Road to the Fairgrounds, should complete the registration form and email it to by Monday, Nov. 29th. Any group wishing to sponsor or participate in the Fairgrounds Christmas Festival, which will immediately follow the parade, should call the Fairgrounds' office at 770-781-3491.
More City Center Tenants Announced in October
The Cumming City Center has begun announcing the businesses who will be joining our "family" through a special social media campaign: #familyfeature. As tenants officially sign their finalized lease agreements, they are featured on the City Center's Facebook and Instagram pages (@cummingcitycenter) with #familyfeature! In October, we welcomed six tenants: Wright's Fish & Chips, Los Rios Cantina, Roxy Moxy & Kings Kids Boutique, Social Exposure, Ten Point Boutique, and Unique Cuts Atlanta! To read more about these signings and others, click here. To see our new #familyfeature tenants on the days they are announced, be sure follow @cummingcitycenter on Facebook and Instagram!
Municipal Election: Vote Tuesday, Nov. 2nd
There's only one more chance to vote in the City of Cumming General Election and Forsyth County Special Election. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2nd, and polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Everyone casting their ballot on Election Day must vote at their assigned polling place (for City of Cumming voters, that's Cumming City Hall).
For more information about the upcoming election, click here. To find your assigned polling place, click here. (Due to the Election, the November Work Session of the Mayor and City Council will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd at 6 p.m., and the November meeting of Youth Council will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 5 p.m.)
Mayor and Council Recognize Many in October
Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented three proclamations during their October work session and regular meeting. During the work session on Oct. 5th, they honored Forsyth County Retired Educators by declaring Nov. 7th Retired Educators Day. They also declared the month of Sept. 15th - Oct. 15th as Hispanic Heritage Month.
At their regular meeting on Oct. 19th, the Mayor and City Council proclaimed Oct. 24th - 31st as Family Promise Week in honor of Family Promise of Forsyth County, a nonprofit which works with homeless families to help them get back on their feet. Also during the regular meeting, Mayor Brumbalow recognized Forsyth Central High School graduate Cole Devlin, a highly ranked bull rider with International Professional Rodeo Association (ranked #2 in rookie standings for the Southeastern Region). Cole, now 22, began his bull riding career at the Cumming Fairgrounds' IPRA World Championship Rodeo at the age of 16. Mayor Brumbalow said he has known Cole since the age of 5, and he has always found him to be a hardworking and outstanding young man.
During the October Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council also:
- Approved an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with Forsyth County concerning water storage in Lake Lanier and the allocation of withdrawals.
- Approved a plan from the law firm of Brinson Askew Berry, which is representing local and county governments to provide a resolution to claims and losses experienced as a result of the nation's opioid crisis. The plan stems from a significant manufacturer of opioid medications having filed multiple bankruptcy cases in Delaware.
- Following a public hearing, approved the annexation and rezoning of 0.8 acres from County Agricultural (A1) to City Highway Business (HB), to bring an existing real estate office, located at 522 Canton Road, into the city limits.
- Following a public hearing, approved the rezoning of a vacant 1-acre tract of land from Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) to Office Professional (OP), for future development, with the condition that any future development plans must be submitted to and approved by the Mayor and City Council.
- Approved the low quote from Atlanta Sound Works, Inc. for equipment and installation of outdoor lighting for the amphitheater and Building A at the Cumming City Center, as well as the low quote from Atlanta Sound Works, Inc. for equipment and installation of outdoor audio for the amphitheater and Building A.
- Approved the low proposal from IHC Construction for installation of a 900 horsepower pump to be added to the City’s Raw Water Intake Facility for use by Forsyth County. The County will reimburse the City for the actual cost of installing the pump.
Welcome 2021-22 Youth Council
The City welcomed members of the 2021-22 Youth Council earlier this fall. The City of Cumming Youth Council began in 2019 as a way for City of Cumming elected leaders to better connect with youth in our community. The mission statement of the Youth Council is “to provide local youth with the experience of working with city government while obtaining a sense of civic responsibility, as well as the opportunity to develop and demonstrate leadership skills.”
The Youth Council is comprised of nine students from the two public high schools located within the Cumming City Limits: Forsyth Central High School and the Alliance Academy for Innovation.
Members of the 2021-22 Youth Council elected officers during their first meeting. Officers and members of this year's Youth Council are (pictured left to right from top to bottom row): Yugeshwar Muralidhar, YC Mayor (FCHS); Josh Chelliah, YC Mayor Protem (Alliance); Jackson Moskowitz, YC City Administrator (Alliance); Tiana Binoop, YC Clerk (FCHS); Emma Humphries (FCHS); Camden Malone (FCHS); Allison Oldani (FCHS); Shriya Rasale (Alliance); and Makayla Spriggs (FCHS). The City of Cumming Youth Council meets every first Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. at City Hall, unless otherwise noted. (The November Youth Council meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Nov. 9th at 5 p.m., due to the election on Nov. 2nd.)
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Event Returns Nov. 6th
The City of Cumming has again partnered with Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, Forsyth County, Bryan Properties, and Engineering 303 to present the Annual Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal Event on Saturday, Nov. 6th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Fairgrounds Parking Lot #3. Pre-registration is required for this event. To register and for more information, including a list of items which are accepted at the event, click here!
SAA Arts Center Presents Holiday Events
The Cumming Arts Center is getting ready for the holiday season beginning this month. Check out the upcoming Christmas events:
Festival of Trees - Beginning on Thursday, Nov 4th, artist- decorated 1- to 4-foot trees and wreaths will be on display and sale at the Arts Center in the Historic Brannon-Heard House, 111 Pilgrim Mill Road. Each tree and wreath is creatively decorated and perfect for office and home! The Center is open Thursday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Don’t wait - these delightful trees sell out quickly!
18th Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival - The Sawnee Association of the Arts will present its Annual Christmas Arts & Crafts Festival on Nov. 20th and 21st at the Forsyth Conference Center at Lanier Technical College (3410 Ronald Reagan Blvd.). The festival features more than 100 vendors selling their handmade arts and crafts items. Bring the children and grandchildren to shop for gifts in the Elf Corner, a special shop just for kids where elves help them choose the perfect gifts for family and friends, and to have their photo taken with Santa! Festival of Trees wreaths and trees will also be for sale during the festival, as well as items from food vendors and other non-profit organizations. Admission to the event is free.
Holiday Closure
Cumming City Hall and all other non-essential City of Cumming facilities and departments will be closed in observance of Thanksgiving on Thursday, Nov. 25th and Friday, Nov. 26th. From our family to yours - have a healthy and safe Thanksgiving holiday!
Youth Council Meeting - Nov. 9 at 5 p.m. (Rescheduled due to Election on Nov. 2nd)
City Council Work Session - Nov. 3 at 6 p.m. (Rescheduled due to Election on Nov. 2nd)
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Nov. 16 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - Nov. 16 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.