New class just announced "Enneagram, Marriage, & Relationships" with Hunter Mobley, Wednesdays, Sept. 29 & Oct. 6

Intro to Woodmont luncheon this Sunday, Sept. 19, at noon in the Boardroom

Introduction to Woodmont is a great opportunity to learn more about the purpose & mission of our Church. During “Intro,” Clay Stauffer, our senior minister, answers all your questions, gives a tour of our church campus, and walks us through what God is calling this church to be and do, in order to help you make an informed decision about joining us in fulling our mission here at Woodmont. It’s a great opportunity to discover more about our church and if God is calling you to make this your church home! Lunch is served and you are warmly invited!

Childcare is available! RSVP to
Our second annual Mother-Son Olympics is Sunday, Sept. 26 at 4:00 PM

Our favorite new event is back! To attend, click the button below and register.
9/11 Showed the Best & Worst of Humanity 
by Clay Stauffer
Twenty years ago, our nation was attacked. Do you remember where you were on that fateful Tuesday morning? Do you remember how you felt when turning on the TV? Shock. Anger. Sadness. Dismay. Outrage. Nineteen terrorists collaborated together to hijack commercial airplanes full of innocent people, turning them into missiles. Two of the planes flew into each of the Twin Towers. Another plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon. A fourth plane was on its way to either the White House or Capitol but was brought down by some very brave, heroic Americans on board, saving the lives of countless others. 
9/11 took fear and anxiety in our country to new heights. No longer did we feel safe in a nation protected by oceans to the east, south, and west. The horrific images of that day will remain in our minds forever. Images of planes flying into buildings, and the buildings imploding soon after. Images of people jumping out of the buildings to avoid the flames and plunging to their death. Images of Lower Manhattan covered in rubble and debris with people running frantically in all directions to find safety. Images of the Pentagon, our military headquarters, on fire. However, some other images should also stand out in our minds. Firefighters rushed into the towers to rescue people. Civilians risked and gave their own lives to help others in desperate need. Police officers carried people out of the wreckage. Medical personnel tended to the wounded. Prayer vigils were held across the land. On 911, we saw both evil and good. We saw the worst of humanity and the best of humanity. We saw fear and we saw bravery. We saw terror and we saw hope. We saw devastation and we saw incredible resolve.
As we reflect back two decades later, what else can be said? We should be thankful that we have not suffered an attack anywhere close to the scale of 911 in the US. We should be grateful for the men and women who have given their lives serving this country. We went into Afghanistan in 2001 to remove the Taliban from power and capture Osama Bin Laden, the mastermind behind the US attacks. Thanks to our intelligence and some very brave navy seals, Bin Laden was brought to justice over a decade ago. But we stayed another ten years, and we could never agree on exactly why. The way we exited this summer seemed rushed and irresponsible at best, leaving behind American citizens and Afghans who fought alongside us. 
Twenty years later, the Taliban is back in power, well-armed, and is doing what the Taliban does – intimidating, bullying, threatening, and killing. Those of us who believe in women’s rights and basic decency are morally concerned. Will history repeat itself? Will another attack be planned on our country? Only time will tell. On this particular day, we should pause and say a prayer for the three thousand lives lost that tragic day in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania. We should also remember those who have since given their lives to keep our nation safe, including the heroic US marines killed just a few weeks ago at the Kabul airport. Their service was not in vain. 
War is hell. Just ask any veteran who has ever fought. It is the opposite of God’s plan for the world. Yet we are painfully aware that evil exists, wrapped in extreme ideology, hate, and dangerous theology. Young people are willing to strap bombs to their chest, pray, and blow themselves up in a crowd. They have been brainwashed and corrupted. Questions about the US’s role in policing the world are difficult. Easy answers do not exist. But, we press on, remembering those we’ve lost, lifting up their families, working for peace, and doing our part to spread hope and love to those living in a world of fear and despair.   
Child dedication
Addison Palmer Rieck, daughter of Rich & Abigail Rieck
Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021
"Tough Questions of Faith" series continues this Sunday, Sept. 19

“What About the Log in Your Own Eye?”
Clay Stauffer
Matthew 7:1-12

·    9:15 AM Informal sanctuary worship & livestream
·    9:30 AM The Bridge worship outdoors at Campbell West
·    10:45 AM Traditional sanctuary worship & livestream
Dear Woodmont Family,

It’s been a long and arduous season for Tallu—for her family, friends, and her Nashville Food Project—and for Woodmont.

We’ve sent prayers, cards, casseroles, made pinwheels, donated canning supplies, and clung to every Caring Bridge update penned by our dear Tallu while posting back to her. We’ve read Psalms, Proverbs, and Job. We’ve wept, wrung our hands, and asked God why.

Woodmonters are doers. As a mission church, we show up. We do the hard things—serve as pathfinders, innovators, and restorers. We go the distance. We stand in the gap. We make a difference as the salt and light.

Today there’s something more we can do for Tallu.

Red heart-shaped fans have been printed for the #withyouTallu campaign. Tallu’s smiling face is featured on one side of the fan along with Hebrews 6:19, “Hope is a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.” On the back of the fan is an encouraging prayer by Farrell Mason along with additional scriptures.

The campaign concept is a call to action. We can take a Tallu fan with us during our day-to-day journeys—on hikes in the woods, at the farmer’s market, at Bible study or book club, at pumpkin patches, or having dinner with family or friends. We’ll take selfies holding up her fan and then post the photos on Facebook, Instagram (#withyouTallu), and She’ll be able to see where she’s traveled without leaving home—the outpouring of posts will be a sign of our love—providing reassurance that we are with her in God’s world!

Pick up a red Tallu fan at any Woodmont church service, Wednesday night dinners, or at the church office. A PDF of the fan is also available if you want to make your own at home. For the next month, everyone is invited to post selfies to the ends of the social media earth.

In addition to the heart-shaped Tallu fan, we can embrace the reassurance from Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not for I am with you.”

Let’s rally the saints and shower Tallu and her family with our photos, support, and continual prayers.

With hope and in faith,

Catherine Caffey & Laura Crenshaw
Woodmont Stephen Ministers

P.S. Get updates from Tallu at
Welcome new member!
Erie Chapman
Joined Sept. 12
Pancakes & Pajamas 2021
Sunday, Sept. 12
School of Prophets
by Justin Gung
Last year, in Piacenza, Italy, a gardener at the Ricci Oddi Modern Art Gallery was clearing ivy from a wall. As he did, he noticed something odd: a small panel door. When his curiosity led him to open it, he was amazed to find a painting. Museum authorities recognized it as a painting that had been stolen from its own care over twenty years before: “Portrait of a Lady” by the great Gustav Klimt. This treasure—a masterpiece from an acclaimed artist—was obscured from view, yet on museum grounds the entire time!

Here in Nashville is something similar. Just down the road, nestled among the oaks of Vanderbilt University, is one of the premier divinity schools in the nation. Vanderbilt Divinity School is one of only six university-based divinity schools not affiliated with a denomination. (Harvard, Yale, Howard, Wake Forest, and the University of Chicago divinity schools are the others.) This gives the Divinity School an emphasis on scholarship, freedom from outside influence, and a strong ecumenical spirit.

It is often obscured by the prominent programs around it: the Medical Center, the School of Law, Owen Graduate School of Business, Peabody College of Education, and Blair School of Music. (Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, there’s a top-ranked undergraduate school, too.) Still, like a rock, the Divinity School stands, producing alumni who go on to lead churches, fill pulpits, and change the world with new and creative ministries.

“School of Prophets” is the Divinity School’s motto. It’s a reference to the indispensable ministry of the ancient prophets who called Israel to live with justice and mercy under the reign of God. Now more than ever, the church needs a school of prophets; the world needs a clear voice of conscience; and we all need Jesus, the greatest prophet of them all.

Recently, I was offered the chance to work in the Office of Alumni Relations. Though this position touches upon all of Vanderbilt’s graduate programs, it particularly benefits the Divinity School. I found this opportunity compelling, to say the least. Yet, the thought of leaving Woodmont grieved me, as my colleagues are dear to me and the congregation even dearer.

Thankfully, Clay Stauffer is our Senior Minister. With his administrative nous, we were able to find a way that I could take this opportunity, yet also remain on staff at the church. Sure, it means becoming less involved in Children’s Ministry, but Abby McLean has proven capable of handling that department. In truth, she can handle it with one hand tied behind her back! With my stifling influence no longer upon her, Children’s Ministry will only be better.

So, beginning next week, I will work full-time at Vanderbilt University and part-time at the church. I will still be present on Sunday mornings, so, for some, no great change will be felt. It will be the best of both worlds!

In the end, I can only feel gratitude: gratitude toward the University and Divinity School, and gratitude toward Clay and the church. Most of all, I feel gratitude toward God, who loves us profoundly and works all things together for good. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, now and forever!
New Alateen group now meeting at Woodmont on Tuesday nights at 6:30 PM in Room 105

1 in 4 children are affected by someone's drinking. If you or someone you know is feeling alone in this, Alateen can help.

Alateen is for ages 12-19. Two trained Al-Anon adult members will lead each meeting.

For more info, contact
Wednesdays at Woodmont
Wednesday Fellowship Dinners begin at 5:30 PM
"Small Wonders in Life: Seeing Beyond Sight" with Rev. Bob Coleman begins tomorrow, Wednesday, Sept. 15, at 6:30 PM in Room 105

We will explore in three sessions the experiences we have had in our lives when the highly educated, concretely oriented, well-read proponents of the latest scientific evidence…. are rendered speechless by the wonder of nature, the magnificence of life, the mystery of the ordinary. Life is precious. And its complex. I’m talking about you and me!

The Universe easily stretches our imagination. The complexity of earthly life does as well. And the language of faith attempts to describe that imagination and complexity with modest yet fleeting success.  We will share in three sessions, beginning with The Earth and Us, followed by The Universe and Us, and then finally What About Us?   Participants are humbly asked to come prepared to share in the exploration of small wonders in their own lives. Compassionate listening and empathic presence are a plus for this class.  
"Raising Resilient Kids" with Daystar's David Thomas tomorrow at 6:30 PM in the chapel
DivorceCare tomorrow at 5:30 PM in the Bay Room

DivorceCare at Woodmont is a series of one-hour small group sessions in the Bay Room with Rev. Anne Stauffer and Janet Wall in a safe, confidential, supportive, healing environment. Video format and workbook are available online. Please email Amber Moss if interested at
Staying Positive in the Storm 
by Roy Stauffer
One of my favorite themes to preach, teach, or write about is the difference between a positive or a negative attitude in life. The attitude we have is our choice. Nobody forces it upon us. We choose what attitude we will have.  

As I like to say, the positive person gets up every morning and says, “Good morning, Lord!” The negative person says, “Good Lord, morning.” It’s the difference between those who look up and see the rainbow, and those who look down and see the mud puddles. It’s why some people complain that roses have thorns, while others rejoice that thorns have roses. 

Two men looked out from prison bars 
One saw mud, the other saw stars 

It’s amazing how one’s attitude can be seen in just about every aspect of life. There’s a sportswriter for the Tennessean whose columns are almost always negative. A team can play a great game and even win, and he will find something negative about the way they played to write about. He’s like the parent whose child comes home with 4 A’s and one C on his report card, and all the parent can say is, “Why’d you get that C?” 

Life these days seems to get more and more challenging, especially challenging our choice of attitude. In Afghanistan, for example, there are those who celebrate that over 100,000 people have been evacuated before the Taliban took over, and others who can only point out that there are still some Americans and Afghans who were “left behind.” 

With the changing forces of nature, we are suffering from increased and more violent droughts, forest fires, hurricanes and floods. Again, it’s interesting to notice the attitude people choose in the way they react. Some say forest fires just destroy our timberland. Others point out how a forest fire enables a forest to grow back healthier. Some people respond to the fires and floods by only looking at what they’ve lose. Others respond by saying, “We’re grateful to be alive. Houses and other possessions can be replaced, but lives can’t.”  

And then there’s Covid. We’re all growing weary of this ongoing pandemic. But how are we allowing it to affect our attitudes? There are those who panic at the growing positivity number, while others say, “What do you expect when more people are getting tested.” Some point out how the Delta Variant is more highly contagious, while others point out how it is not as lethal. Some are worried that it is spreading now among children. Others point out how most children that test positive may be a-symptomatic or have just mild symptoms. And still others point out how getting Covid as a child will enhance their lifelong immunity. 

Now I’m fully aware that none of us know how badly Covid will affect us if we get it. And just one life lost due to Covid is a tragedy, let alone hundreds of thousands. But I choose to be positive, looking at the low percentage of people who get it, and even lower percentage of those who get critically ill with it. And I’m grateful we’ve got a vaccine that clearly makes a difference. 

I also know that there will be two different reactions to this column – one negative, and one positive. But again, that’s your choice. As for me, I prefer to try and live up to the guidance Paul gives us in Philippians 4:8-9: 

“Fix your thoughts on that which is good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected – the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not to curse... and the God, who gives peace, will be with you.” 

In other words, choose to be a positive person... and life will go so much better for you. 
Youth events this Sunday
Events & activities
Wednesday Lunchtime Discussions: "A Public Faith" with Stuart Gordon

What is the role of religion in public life? What are the goals of Christians in the public sphere? This fall, Woodmont has opened its doors for a Wednesday lunchtime book discussion of A Public Faith: How Followers of Christ Should Serve the Common Good, by Miroslav Volf. The discussion will be led by Stuart Gordon, the executive pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Nashville.

Members of Woodmont are welcome to take part each Wednesday from noon to 1:00 PM, September 8 through November 10. You may contact Stuart at
Book Club is back Sept. 21

Woodmont’s Book Club will begin the fall session by reading American Dirt by Jeanine Cummings. The group will meet in the Bay Room at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, Sept. 21, and Jeanie Taylor will lead the discussion
"Praying with Breath & Body: A Silent Mini-Retreat" Saturday, Oct. 2, 10 AM to noon
Location: Zoom and your favorite quiet place (or any quiet place you can find!)
Cost: Free
Presented by: Still Waters of Nashville, Beth Pattillo and Sandy Smith facilitators
As we move into the second fall season of this pandemic, it’s hard for our minds not to be abuzz with work and worry. While we have good reason to be busy and to be concerned, we also need a break from those burdens sometimes. This short silent retreat will give us a couple of hours of respite, a closer connection to God, and a recentering of our souls in our breath and body. We will share in short devotional readings, generous amounts of silence, and a time to respond to both of these components alone and in a small group.
If you’re interested in joining us for this mini retreat or you have questions, you can email one of us ( or or message Beth on Facebook. The course is open to anyone anywhere who desires to spend some quiet time with God. 
New 3rd-5th grade Percussion Ensemble is forming

For more information, contact Catie Pratt
All 2nd-5th graders are invited to be acolytes!

Sign your child up by clicking the button below.

If you can't come on the day your child is signed up, please contact Renee Lewis or Beth Johnson so they can find a sub.
Watch latest sermon "What About the Log in Your Own Eye?" by Clay Stauffer
Church calendar
Click here for a full listing of all events on Woodmont's campus

Sunday, Sept. 19
9:15 AM Disciples Class, Room 105
9:30 AM Challenge Class, Room 200
10:45 AM Pathways Class, Boardroom
10:45 AM Points of View Class, Room 105
10:45 AM Reflections Class, Room 200
12:00 PM Intro to Woodmont, Boardroom
4:00 PM Jubilation Rehearsal, Choir Room
5:00 PM Youth Group, Youth Wing

Monday, Sept. 20
11:30 AM Visitation Group, The Bay Room
3:00 PM "Geezers," Boardroom
6:00 PM Leadership Woodmont, Carpenter Chapel

Tuesday, Sept. 21
9:00 AM Women's Prayer Group, Boardroom
10:30 AM Book Club, The Bay Room
10:30 AM Women's Bible Study, Campbell West
6:30 PM Alateen (ages 12-19), Room 100
6:30 PM Parents AL-ANON Group, Room 105
8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall

Wednesday, Sept. 22
6:15 AM Men's Small Group, Room 107
7:00 AM Younger Men's Bible Study, Boardroom
8:00 AM "Original" Men's Bible Study, Room 105
12:00 PM Stuart Gordon Class, Room 100
5:30 PM Wednesday Fellowship Dinner, Drowota Hall
5:30 PM DivorceCare, The Bay Room
6:15 PM Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
6:30 PM "Small Wonders in Life" with Bob Coleman, Room 105

Thursday, Sept. 23
10:00 AM Sit & Stich, Gathering Hall
5:30 PM Handbells Rehearsal, Choir Room
6:30 PM Naranon, Room 105
8:00 PM AA Meeting, South Hall

Saturday, Sept. 25
10:00 AM Al-Anon, Drowota Hall
Prayers for our church family

  • The Stauffer family on the death of Roy's sister and Clay's aunt, Cora Sawyer, on September 13 in Sparta, TN (cancer & congestive heart failure)


  • Bill Heyne's 91-year-old Mother, Edie Heyne Holstrom -- with hospice now


  • Hannah Jacques, daughter-in- law of Pete and Sandra Kyne - Covid
  • Pam Groom's brother, Brad Jones - stage 4 stomach cancer & Covid
  • Pam Groom's father, Gary Jones - in Louisville , Ky chemo treatment for non Hodgkins Lymphoma 
  • Deborah Danker's brother in Amelia Island - cancer
  • Rita Baldwin's daughter, Debbie McPherson in Houston, TX 
Our elders invite you to join them in prayer

  1. Thank you, God, for the rich beauty found in nature. Thank you for this glimpse of Your limitless creativity.
  2. Pray for strengthening our relationships with one another. Help us look at the heart of one another and see one another as You see us. 
  3. Pray for our leaders. Refresh, renew and guide our church and political leaders.

August 22: $73,591
August 29: $85,827
Sept. 5: $80,004
Sept. 12: $67,006
Woodmont Christian Church
3601 Hillsboro Pike | Nashville, TN | 37215 | 
Growing disciples of Christ by seeking God, sharing love, and serving others.