April 2021
From the Office of the President

By Dr. Kathleen A. Rose, Superintendent / President
Greetings everyone, I hope you are staying healthy and safe as the pandemic continues. We are encouraged by the increased access to vaccines and testing, the movement of our counties into the “orange tier” and the deliberate planning that is needed in order to ensure a safe return to campus in the future.

April is Community College Month  as well as the first annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness Month. We know that all California Community Colleges are being challenged right now like never before. Community colleges all across the state like Gavilan are also doing more to help right now than ever before, and serving as vital lifelines to help people meet basic food, housing and other needs, and training healthcare professionals and first responders for our communities.

Community College Month is your opportunity to demonstrate the vital importance of your college, and to make an undeniable case for why your college deserves greater public support. Here is more information from the Community College League of California:
April promises to be a busy month for the California Community Colleges, as we celebrate the system’s inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Awareness Month, Financial Aid Awareness Month, Black Student Success Week and the 3rd annual California Community Colleges LGBTQ+ Summit. All month long there will be a number of awareness events, webinars and conversations that will help us all support the Vision for Success and build a system that truly works for all of our students. Please keep an eye on your email, the weekly Vision in Action newsletter and the Chancellor’s Office social media accounts for information about all of these important events throughout April.

This month we are thrilled to kick-off the California Community Colleges’ inaugural Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Awareness Month. This is a time for us as a greater community to highlight our commitment to building a more inclusive and equitable culture, and learning environment —and welcome new voices and leaders to join in the work ahead. The Chancellor’s Office invites students, faculty, staff members, institutional leaders and community partners to participate and engage in the conversation at the college level and join key activities taking place throughout the month, including a Chancellor’s Office systemwide webinar April 21.

Dr. Kathleen Rose talks waste water management with Director John L. Varela, District 1 Director of the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Ingrid Bella, Interim Human Resources Officer, Valley Water. Gavilan Waste Water Management Graduates Siberia Moreno, Thong Nguyen, and Kelley Botelho.

Eric Lopez brings a personal touch to coaching and instruction

As coach and instructor, Eric Lopez keeps Adapted Physical Education students connected and engaged.

Retired staff and faculty return to reflect on change during Women's History Month

Four long-time employees - now retired - share reflections from their time at Gavilan College.

Gavilan College bestows Legacy Award to Elvira Zaragoza Robinson

Elvira Zaragoza Robinson honored as recipient of the Gavilan College 2021 President's Circle Legacy Award.

Gavilan Employees honored with Baler STRONG recognition

Judy Rodriguez and Stacey Stadtler-Porteur awarded SBHS Baler STRONG recognition for their support of high school students.