May - 2020
Matthew 18:16 says, "Where two or three are gathered in My name, I am there in the midst of them." What a great promise in the midst of the continuing worldwide challenge. What a privilege we have in this day and age to have various ways to assemble together when we are unable to go to a church building.  The other day, as our family studied through the first chapter of Colossians, one of the kids brought up the fact that we can be thankful for technology, some of which allows you to have a form of face-to-face contact. They noted that Paul was unable to have face-to-face contact but had to send a letter (written while he was in jail for preaching the gospel) to the people he was concerned about.  The other day, a retired missionary related how he is having two Bible studies over the phone. One of the phone Bible studies includes about ten individuals in three different states. The other Bible study is an extended family, part of whom are not even believers. He was thankful for the opportunity to assemble with other believers by phone so they could continue to encourage each other to love and good works.

We are grateful that God wants to hear His people talk to Him in prayer... Here are some things that you can be talking to Him about:

  • Praise the Lord for God's written Word the Bible - so that we would be able to read some 2000 years later
  • Pray with us that God would use these present circumstances for the furtherance of the gospel - just like He used Paul in prison
  • Pray for many believers who are still under a stricter lockdown than we are
  • Pray for our government officials to have clarity and wisdom as they make various decisions, realizing that it is God who allows each of them to have this authority and He is the one who can change their hearts
  • Pray for churches and Bible schools who are having to minister in different ways with new regulations
  • Pray as we navigate through these challenges that our conduct would be honorable and would have a good impact on those around us
  • Praise God that He desires all to be saved and can allow even the circumstances around us to draw many to Himself; pray for boldness to share His Word through every opportunity
  • Praise the Lord for individuals who have proofed manuals over the past few years. Praise the Lord that several manuals have been updated over the past month to reflect those corrections. 
  • Pray as we continue the process of some hosting changes so that we can get these updated materials available on-line and in CD format.
  • Also be praying as the ministry trip planned to Brazil for August is on hold. Brazil is not currently allowing foreigners to enter through June 21st. Pray that God would work in this situation and provide clear guidance in all of the various aspects of that trip - including HIS perfect timing.

Thanks for being part of this outreach. As all of us are having to deal with the world's challenges, we would appreciate your prayers for God's continued provision as we serve Him together.

Here to serve, in Christ's love and for HIS glory,
David and Sheri Moore

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