Still can’t get enough of Handel’s Messiah? Bass-baritone Jonathan Woody is just one of the Athlone Artists who will lend his voice to the masterpiece this holiday season, making his debut with the Oregon Symphony and also performing the work with the Spire Chamber Ensemble in Kansas City. Gene Stenger performs with the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra and the New Haven Symphony, Logan Tanner sing with Pacific Symphony, Susan Hellman Spatafora sings with Tampa Oratorio Singers, Emily Misch performs with the Naples Philharmonic, and Nola Richardson will be heard with both the Kansas City Symphony and the American Bach Soloists. Tenor Spencer Britten – whose opening recitative “Comfort Ye” in Against the Grain Theatre’s acclaimed 2020 Messiah/Complex was called “luminous” by Ludwig Van Toronto – will be singing Messiah with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in December.

On November 20-21, you can even hear an all-Athlone Artist Messiah cast as Santa Fe Symphony hosts soloists baritone Evan Bravos, soprano Mary-Hollis Hundley, mezzo-soprano Ann McMahon Quintero and tenor Alex Richardson