1st United Methodist Church Weekly Update - October 22, 2021
Our Trunk or Treat candy collection count is up to 53,000 - thank you to all who have donated. We are getting close to our goal!!
Trunk or Treat, October 31
The 2021 Halloween event in the city of Punta Gorda is next Sunday, October 31st from 6-9pm 
Additional Trunks Needed
If you have a trunk (Car, truck or SUV) we need several more vehicles to add to the TRUNK or TREAT portion of this Halloween event. Contact Tim Buck at the church for more details on this important role you might help fill. 

City Road Closure Reminder
Please be aware that all the side streets between Marion and W. Retta Esplanade will be closed to all vehicle traffic beginning at 5pm and last until 10pm on Halloween. This includes both lanes of Marion Ave. and the Westbound lane of Retta Esplanade heading into the Isles. McGregor Street from Olympia Ave. to the Peace River will also be closed. If you will be arriving to the church after 5pm you must use Olympia Ave. as your only entrance onto our campus. 

If you have volunteered to help at the event, please note the above-mentioned road closures and plan your route accordingly. If you are able to park and walk, the Baptist Church on Virginia Street has opened their lot for us to use as well. If you have volunteered and are simply not able to attend that night, please contact the church office so we can adjust our volunteer list accordingly.  
Thanks again for your support of this event and for helping the families of our community feel welcome on our church campus.
Attention! There will be more cookie “starter kits” available this Sunday for those who missed out last week.
Team-building Fun
We did a Bible lesson on escaping temptation and how God always gives us an option NOT to sin (1st Corinthians 10:13) Then the teens hoped in the Church van and went to Escape Rooms Unlocked here in Punta Gorda. We split into two teams and worked together to find and decipher clues and puzzles, word games to complete every challenge presented to us. Both teams finished just before the clock struck zero and they had a great time participating in this special team-building event.
United Christian Women, October 25
United Christian Women will be meeting on Monday, October 25th at 11:00 AM in Lenox Hall. Kathy Kresge will be joining us to talk about Today Matters, the Cookie Ministry, and how we can get involved. We will also be finalizing plans for our November Ladies Gathering and December Cookie Exchange/Christmas Party. We welcome all ladies of the church to come and hear about the new direction of the UCW. Bring your own brown bag lunch if you like!
Fifth Sunday Offering - October 31
A new school year has begun for our children at the Florida United Methodist Children’s Homes in Enterprise and Madison Ranch Florida. Every 5th Sunday during the year, we take up a special offering to help support this mission. Won’t you consider giving a gift to help with school supplies and day to day needs for our kids there? We will have special envelopes for you in the Life Center or you may mail your check to the church office or give online through the church app or on our website, whatis1st.com.  Thank you for being such an important part of these children’s lives through your support.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes are ready for pick up in the Life Center & Lenox Hall displays. Prefer not to 'shop' ? "Build-A-Box" online! Go to: https://sampur.se/2XAeNZV, which is First United Methodist Church of Punta Gorda's Goal Page for 'Build A Box' online. Want to donate money towards shipping costs? Simply write a check to "FUMC" and designate "OCC SHIPPING" in the memo line. Put your check in the Sunday Offering! Many Blessings for your help in this important ministry to Proclaim the Gospel to All the World! Deadlines for returning packed shoeboxes is Sunday, November 14. Please mark your calendars & join us for the 'Annual Shoebox Packing Party' to be held Sunday, November 7th from 5-7:00 p.m. in Lenox Hall. Pizza will be served! All are welcome (and needed!) to reach the '100' Shoebox Goal for the evening!
Come Alive!!
Have you a ‘hitch in your spiritual giddy up’? Yes? No? Maybe. I’ve had two experiences that have put a boost in my spiritual energy.

The first was a book I pray you will read—Where Do We Go From Here by David Jeremiah. Maybe it’s because I’m an octogenarian but for years now I have been fascinated with prophecy. It first started when I was teaching the books of Daniel and Revelation and discovered the prophecy was throughout the Bible. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed if you took the time to read it especially, if you’re concerned for our world’s future.

Next, if you have access to YouTube or ROKU, I recommend you watch a video entitled, John Wesley-The Faith That Sparked the Methodist Movement. The 2014 documentary film is well done. It really inspired a deep respect for the faith and what it took to bring it about. Did you know John Wesley almost didn’t exist that he almost died in a fire? God had a plan for him. I think you’ll find this very informative and have a deeper insight to the true meaning of the faith.

Myrt Creigh
Endowment Grant Requests
The Endowment Team will accept grant requests during the month of October from individuals or groups. The grants are intended to be a one time supplemental funding for "extras" beyond the regular budget. The original donors (two families in the 1990's) set up an Endowment Fund with a covenant that allows funds to be granted to specific areas of the First United Methodist Church programs. The grants are funded by a portion of the profits earned each year. The core is always maintained to have the fund be perpetually sound. In addition, 10% of it's profits are applied to the core each year. The Endowment Fund tithes too!
Please include a brief description of your program idea/ activity/ or materials you would like the Endowment Team to fund. Include goals, costs, and anticipated impact your plan will make on the participants, our church, and community. Requests must be received in the church office by October 31, 2021. It will be necessary for you to be present at the Endowment team meeting in November to explain your proposal to the team and answer any questions regarding your request. Contact Phil Huddleston (258-4540) philhuddleston@embarqmail.com for details and procedures before you apply.
Recent grants - New Choir Robes, Youth Mission trips supplement, Children's Ministry special activities, UV and air filtration system to protect us from viruses throughout the campus, upgrades to the video system, etc.
What about your legacy to the church and community? Including the Endowment Fund in your estate planning will insure your gifts will live on and touch lives for Christ.
Surviving the Holidays 2021
Have you or someone you know experienced the death of a loved one? No matter how long it's been, grief can make the holidays a painful time, but there is hope. Our GriefShare program is once again offering an encouraging seminar to help those dealing with grief survive the holidays and discover new reasons to enjoy them again. We want to encourage you to sign up for this 2 hour seminar today, and join us for the morning or evening session on Wednesday, November 17th at 10 am or 6:30 pm. Seating is limited, so reservations are required. For reservations or information, please call or text Melodie Austin at 941.661.0842 or or you may email her at melharryaustin@yahoo.com. Reservations must be made before Wednesday, November 10th.
40 for 40 Prayer Vigil
Our new prayer challenge is up and running, and there is still time to sign up! We need 40 people to sign up for one hour of prayer weekly to achieve our goal of 40 hours. Of course, additional hours are welcome! Here is the weekly schedule: Mon-Wed-Fri: 8am -- 4pm; Tue-Thur: 1pm -- 9pm
As you see, no overnight stints are required!

We believe God is urging us to pray. The Lord wants us to keep our prayer momentum going with strong efforts for our church, our community, and our country..

Sign up by clicking the button below to reserve your time and be part of this important prayer revolution!
The Bargain Boutique is OPEN!
Donations are welcomed during operating hours, which are currently Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 am until 2 pm. For more information on donations or volunteering at the Boutique, please call 239-264-6533.
A Word from Worship
Greetings 1st Church friends;

My heart is filled with love and gratitude for all the prayers that have surrounded me this past week since my surgery. In spite of my prayers leading up to The Day, I couldn't help but be apprehensive about this surgery since the last time I went through it (a short 6 years ago), it was a disaster. More complications than you can imagine (seen by 14 different specialists) and in the hospital for most of a 3 month period. So, when I asked for prayers, I needed help, and you all came through! Thank you!! I only had to spend one night in the ICU and was able to come home. I am filled with gratitude for a loving heavenly Father who never promised me a problem free life. But everything I have is a gift; starting with the air I breathe, and more blessings every day than I can count. I don't want to take any of these precious gifts for granted. I always go back to the basics, and as I sit quietly in His presence, try to thank God silently as I inhale, and affirm my trust in Him as I exhale. I was doing this as the medical staff got ready to put me under anesthesia. My nurse was standing next to the table, and as I was falling asleep, I heard a voice telling me "I'm with you, I won't leave you, you're going to be okay." I am blessed! 
In addition to my successful procedure and recovery after just one week, our family has been blessed by the birth of our Great Granddaughter, Marley Elizabeth. She was born 10/14/21 to my Granddaughter Haley and her husband Nik and is a wonderful addition to our family. God is good! Thanks again for lifting me in prayer this past week, and during my recovery period. This is an awesome church family and I love you all.

I'm praying for you!

Rosie Young
Worship Coordinator
The Eighth Note – Music Ministry in a Minute!
Greetings Everyone,
Fall is a great time to join one of our music ensembles!
The Chancel Choir has resumed rehearsals on Thursdays at 6:30PM in the Sanctuary. This group will be voluntarily masking and socially distanced as we return to choral activities. Several members of our chorus have been the recipient of the very prestigious CMW Award. Please contact David Bellows if you are interested in joining the choir.
The Chancel Ringers are learning new music for Christmas and there are still extra bells available to ring. The group rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:30PM in the Life Center. Ability to read music is necessary. Please contact David Bellows to learn more about joining this group.

Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows
Director of Music Ministries
This Sunday’s Music: October 24, 2021 - 11:00AM Service
Prelude: And Can It Be That I Should Gain – J. Krug; Chancel Ringers and David Bellows, Director
Opening Hymn: 381 Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
Offertory Anthem: Praise, My Soul, The King Of Heaven – J. Kirkby; Chancel Choir and David Bellows, Director
Closing Hymn: 593 Here I Am, Lord
Postlude: Praeludium in C Major – G. Böhm
Discipleship Opportunities
View a complete list of groups at 1st Church HERE
Seekers Class
On Sunday, October 24th the Seekers Sunday School Class will begin a new series and will study the Book of Revelation. We meet on Sundays, 9:30-10:30 am in Room 9.

Revelation is a survival guide for the suffering, a book of promises for the persecuted, a banner of hope for the beaten down and for everyone in every age including you. Each session will have approximately a 12-minute video and discussion thereafter. For more information, call Jerry Oravec at 941-256-4013.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
Larry’s Bible Study on Angels

When... Where... Time?
December 1st...Room 13... 6:30pm. (always a Wednesday evening)

We will be using Dr. David Jeremiah’s Study Guide on Angels.
Who They Are and How They Help…
What the Bible Reveals.

Angels are mentioned throughout the Bible and are very intriguing and serve many functions. The first book I read on Angels was by Billy Graham and I learned how important they are to God. I was told that Angels are mentioned over 300 times in the Bible; they said this, and they did that, some have names. There are good angels and bad angels, they are creatures created, but when? Do we have a guardian angel? Do they protect us, guide us, encourage us, deliver us, enlighten us, or empower us? Why they must never be worshiped.

Angels Must Be Recognized for Who They Really Are
Dr. Jeremiah gets all his information from the Bible.
Study books are available online at:
Angels, Who They Are and How They Help
Study Guide on Angels $10.00
Make sure it is the Study Guide and not just the book.

Let me know if you will be attending or have any questions. There are 10 lessons and I plan to accompany the lessons with some audio from Dr. Jeremiah. I think we will be lucky to do a lesson a week. I stop the study promptly at 8:00pm. Always bring your Bibles, God’s Word!

I will be Zooming also for those that can’t come but will need your email address for the Zoom.

You can reach me at 941-391-3940, keller657b@gmail.com.
Larry Keller
Harmony Bible Study Class
The Harmony Bible Study Class meets on Sundays at 10:30 am in Lenox Hall. Our current study is "Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind" by Louie Giglio. We've all been in circumstances that cause our minds to spin with thoughts that are unproductive, destructive, and harmful. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder why we keep falling into the same thought patterns. We need to recognize these thoughts are not from God, but from an enemy lurking who wants to seize every opportunity to lie his way into our minds. All are welcome to attend. For more information, call Debbie Harrington 941-380-0213.
Discovery Bible Class - Now on ZOOM
We welcome all who would like to participate in the study “Is Genesis History?” We meet on Mondays from 10-11:00 am on ZOOM. At the end of the study, it is hopeful that you will better understand what the first few chapters of the Bible have to do with God’s plan for salvation. The study book can be purchased thru Amazon for $10. You will only need the book, no DVD. Please Contact Cathy Smith at cmsmith8@msn.com so that we have your email you to send you the ZOOM meeting link. If you are new to ZOOM, we can help!
2021 Bible Reading Schedules
We want to encourage you to join us as we once again read through the Bible. Reading calendars are available for download and printing on our website, whatis1st.com/bible2021, and hard copies are available in the Life Center. Start your new year off right by committing to read God's Word!
Worship Service Information
This Sunday: October 24, 2021
Message: "Life"
Pastor Mike Loomis

8:00 am Praise in the Park | 9:15 am Contemporary | 11:00 am Traditional
If you are planning on attending our services please remember the following:

  • Masks are now optional for those that are fully vaccinated.
  • Social distancing is still encouraged. Families may sit together, but please leave three seats between you and others not in your family.
  • If you are feverish or not feeling well, we ask that you stay home and join us online on our Facebook and YouTube channels.

At this time, you may only enter the Life Center through the main entrance facing the Fellowship Hall courtyard. All other exterior doors will be locked. We'll see you Sunday!
COVID-19 Update
Just a reminder of what 1st Church is doing to help you stay safe during the pandemic:
  • State of the art air purification systems have been installed in our buildings. 
  • We strongly encourage social distancing with the rise of cases. This does not include members of your own household. 
  • Hand sanitizer stations can be found at the entrance to the Life Center.
  • Masks are not mandatory, however we strongly encourage you to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable in doing so. Masks are available on the table at the entrance to the Life Center. 
  •  If you are not feeling well, please stay home and watch our services from the comfort of your home. 
  • We are still offering the 8:00 Praise in the Park outdoor service (weather permitting) if you are more comfortable in an outdoor setting. 
  • The 9:15 and 11:00 services are available each Sunday on Facebook and YouTube for your convenience and safety during this pandemic.   
Praise in the Park
Join us this Sunday at 8 am for Praise in the Park! Open to everyone, this is your opportunity to join us for "in-person" worship as we enjoy God's scenery from the lawn of the beautiful Gilchrist Park Pavilion, weather permitting of course. The rainy season is here! If it is or has been raining, Praise in the Park will relocate to our historic Sanctuary. Time may not always be sufficient to get the word out, so in case of inclement weather, please proceed to the Sanctuary.

Please plan to bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets, and, yes, we will be asking you to practice social distancing. Don't forget to join our "Praise in the Park" group on our Church App! As a reminder, our outside services are always subject to change due to the weather. Please make sure you are connected with us through the app, our email list, or social media to receive our updates concerning schedule changes. See you Sunday for Praise in the Park!
Volunteer Opportunities
Declare God's marvelous deeds to the next generation!
Psalm 71: 17 & 18 says, “Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, until I declare Your power to the next generation, Your might to all those to come.”
The Children’s Ministry team would like to ask, “Will you share God’s marvelous deeds with the younger generation helping to bring children to the knowledge and acceptance of Christ as their Lord and Savior by becoming a volunteer for children’s ministry?”
The ministry team is looking for five (5) volunteers to teach elementary age Sunday school. The volunteers would only need to commit to teach one Sunday a month on a regular basis. The Orange curriculum is used which includes prepared lesson plans and online video Bible stories to go with the lesson.

Caring adult volunteers are also needed to teach Sunday school to our preschool age children on a consistent and committed basis.

To find out how you can volunteer with the Children’s Ministry team, please contact our preschool volunteer, A.J. Rilat (281-910-8594), or our elementary volunteer, Bonnie Fowler (863-604-4074).
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 4pm
(941) 639-3842 | www.whatis1st.com