October 1, 2020

Dear friends,
Thank you for registering to attend the Wells Run Upstream Storm Water Improvement Community Meeting with Council Member Deni Taveras and me yesterday evening. I'm especially grateful for the Prince George's County Department of the Environment and Corvias for providing such a detailed presentation.

As promised, you can watch the recording of the meeting here.
As always, feel free to reach out to a member of my District 3 team or me if we can help you in any way. I am sharing updates regularly on social media, especially my Facebook page.  #onlytogether

Together Strengthening Our Community,

P.S. Complete the 2020 Census TODAY! Call 844-330-2020, no code needed. Your community is counting on you to complete the Census 2020! #pgcensus #proudtobecounted #onlytogether

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 Follow me on Twitter

 Contact Your 
D3 Team

Wanda Brooks 
Citizen Services Specialist
geneather Lloyd
Office Manager & Scheduler
Aimee Olivo 
Chief of Staff
Alina Smith
Latino Liaison
Alesha Wilson
Community Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator
[email protected]

If you have received this e-news from someone other than my office, and are interested in receiving this update directly, please email CouncilDistrict3@co.pg.md.us or call (301) 952-3060.