"Arise Your Star Light Is Come"
Each of us has “stars” that light our way, guide us along our life journey, and point us toward living a good and faithful life. On the heels of the arrival of the “Light-of-the-World”- Epiphany carries a sense of renewal, appearing every year as the calendar year turns. But Epiphany also brings a sense of coming home, of returning to basics as we move ever onward on our spiritual journeys. Using images of the Epiphany story to reflect on the Isaiah prophecy that God will bring light out of the darkness; we will reflect together on the art wondering together: What (star)light has God sent into your darkness? How does that both point you forward and draw you home; ground you in faith and energize your service and work?

God of all the worlds that are: Like the wise ones coming from far away, we would see that guiding star. We would follow them while they follow its light to the manger. There lies the little boy whom you appointed as the bearer of your compassion and redeemer of all who would acknowledge their need of redemption. May the brightness of your Son illumine our path as we strive to live as children of light. May your Word made flesh guide us through all the dark stretches and dark hours of our lives so that in your own good time, we may be welcomed, by your mercy, into the heavenly Jerusalem where there is no night, ever. To this end let our prayers, our community and our praise prepare us, for Jesus' sake. Amen.  
Leadership Circle Updates
Highlights from December's Meeting

  • The LC plans to develop ministry and staff review processes.
  • John Sinclair, BU-STH seminarian will begin as Sanctuary's ministry intern in January and serve through Aug 2021; watch for more details about John's focus, and be sure to say hello!
  • Sanctuary discernment (aka Visioning) will continue after the holidays with a process grounded in Appreciative Inquiry; watch for more details.
  • Our food, arts, and justice ministries continue to make a big impact in Medford. 
Sanctuary United Church of Christ 

458 High Street, Medford, MA 02155 • (781) 395–3360