October, 2020
Eastview Elementary School Times
Dear Eastview Family and Friends,

The leaves are now falling, and we are all enjoying the crisp, cool air when we go outside for our "mask breaks!"

It has been wonderful having the children back in school, and we continue to be very proud of our school community for stepping up to the challenges presented to us as we continue to navigate life with coronavirus. We are happy to report that the month of September celebrated many successes for our building, and we will continue our efforts to keep it so. Students are engaged in learning, excited to be at school, and growing as individuals and as an Eastview team. Thank you, parents, for also doing your part to support our students and our staff.

If you do need to call the office to report that your child is ill, we ask that you please leave a detailed message, including the exact symptoms your child is experiencing, and for how long they have had these symptoms.

If your child is out of school due to COVID exposure, or suspected COVID infection, please provide specific details including when they were exposed to a confirmed case of COVID, their symptoms, and whether they've been tested. Thank you for partnering with us to keep our community safe.

As we look ahead to the month of October, we are excited to celebrate our students as they continue to learn and grow and build-up our Eastview community. As always, we are here to support your children.

Wishing you a joyous Fall season,
Mrs. Erin Zigler

***IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTE: There is no adult supervision in the parking lot until 8:20. Please do not drop off your student until you see school staff present outside!***

Per our District reopening plan (page 13), we are currently not allowed to pass out snacks or treats. This does include birthday treats. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Food & Drinks:
-Each student needs to bring a water bottle labeled with their name to school daily. Refilling stations will be available.
-Elementary Snacks - No classroom-wide snacks. Each student will need to bring their own daily snacks.
-No celebration treats will be allowed.

In case you missed it....

School Picture
is October 21st!

will be held on
Thursday, October 29
4:00-7:30 PM
Additional information will be coming home from homeroom teachers

Use of School Technology Resources

Students are taking their chromebooks home nightly. This allows students the ability to complete schoolwork at home as needed. It also allows for the flexibility to access school materials if a student does have to stay home from school.
As a reminder, school-issued chromebooks are to be used for school related materials onlyStudents should not be using school-issued chromebooks for personal emails and/or personal use. Please reinforce this usage expectation with your child.
Award Winners

Congratulations to these students,
each of whom was nominated by their peers for consistently modeling HEALTHY HABITS at school!

Please add Eastview's phone number to your phone's contacts list, so you will know it is your child's school calling. Thank you!

Principal: Mrs. Erin Zigler erin.zigler@badger.k12.wi.us
Secretary: Mrs. Cheri Grelyak cheri.grelyak@badger.k12.wi.us
Health Aide: Mrs. Kathleen Bedore kathleen.bedore@badger.k12.wi.us
Eastview Facebook Page Like and Follow: facebook.com/EastviewEagles
  • 8:20 Supervision starts, and students may arrive at school and proceed to their classrooms
  • 8:20-8:35 Breakfast is available
  • 8:35 Instruction begins, both in-person and virtually
  • 3:35 Pick ups and walkers are dismissed
  • 3:40 Bus students are dismissed
End of the Day Transportation!!

End of the day bus and pick-up changes must be made
no later than 2:00 PM.

While we make every effort to notify teachers of changes, it is most effective if a note is sent with your child in their Agenda.

CLICK on the link below for guidance on your Daily At-Home Health Check!

Don't forget to set your clocks back before bed on October 31!
We are off to a great start this year in the library!
We use Accelerated Reader to individualize our book choices
and check out two books each week.
How many ways can your child name to take good care of books
at home and in school?
If you have any specific questions, please email your librarian: maryjo.fesenmaier@badger.k12.wi.us

Social Media, the Internet, and
Your Child's Safety

Frequent discussions with your child about
online safety and their online lives
can have a major influence on a child's behavior.

Interact! is an online, interactive, e-course created for parents and guardians to complete with their children, with the goal of sparking basic online safety discussions in the home. This 30 minute module provides parents with the opportunity to review their own tech use to set a good online example; interactive activities to complete alongside their children; and follow-up resources and activities to keep the discussions going. Be your child’s trusted adult. Interact! and stay safe!
The Interact! program was created by the Wisconsin Department of Justice Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
The Lake Geneva Schools will be starting 5th Grade Band and 5th Grade Orchestra on Monday, Oct. 19th. 4th Grade Orchestra will begin the week of November 2. Mass emails have been sent to 4th and 5th grade students/families with detailed information. Elementary Instrumental Music (band and orchestra) takes place before the elementary school day at Lake Geneva Middle School. 
Students can take the middle school bus or families may drop students off at LGMS. Please contact Dousman at (262) 248-3289 if you have questions on how to take the middle school bus route to LGMS. Class runs from at 7:25 am - 8:10 am and then students board a shuttle bus that takes them to Star Center or Eastview for the start of the elementary school day.
If you are a NEW Band or Orchestra student and did not already get a chance to fill out the Google Form please do so now:
(If you enrolled last spring or over the summer I still have your enrollment information)
After you enroll in band, Mrs. Krause will send you a form that will allow you to sign up for a Testing/Rental appointment at LGMS on Monday, Oct. 12 or Wednesday, Oct. 14.  
(If you enrolled last spring or over the summer I still have your enrollment information)
If you were in 4th Grade Orchestra last year, Mrs. Klement is assuming you are continuing with Orchestra this year. Watch for more information! 

Elementary Orchestra & Band Schedules
During the school year both the Star Center & Eastview 5th Grade Band students will be meeting all together at Lake Geneva Middle School under the direction of Mrs. Amanda Krause. 4/5th Grade Orchestra will meet under the direction of Mrs. Lauren Klement. These ensembles will meet at LGMS from 7:25-8:15 am. 
The first FOUR weeks of Band there will be a special schedule. Weeks 1 & 2 will be without instruments. We will work on procedures and music theory. Weeks 3 & 4 we will add instruments. The groups will be broken down into smaller sections to allow the beginner students more individualized attention. 
Schedule for Oct. 19, Oct. 26, Nov. 2, Nov. 9 (week 1&2 - no instruments, week 3&4 small groups)
Monday: Trumpet and Horn
Tuesday: Trombone and Baritone
Wednesday: Clarinet and Saxophone
Thursday: Percussion, Flute, and Oboe
Friday: Oct 23 and 30: No one  Nov. 6 and 13: Everyone
Schedule for Nov. 16 - school year:
Monday: Brass (trumpet, trombone, baritone, horn)
Tuesday: Full Band (everyone except percussion, students in both band and orchestra will go to orchestra)
Wednesday: Woodwinds & Percussion (flute, oboe, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax)
Thursday: Everyone (including percussion)
Friday: Percussion
5th Grade Orchestra Schedule for October 19 - school year:
Tuesday & Friday – All 5th Grade Orchestra students combined

4th Grade Orchestra Schedule for November 2 - school year:
Monday – All Violin players
Wednesday – All Viola, Cello & Bass players
Thursday – All 4th Grade Orchestra students combined

•5th Grade Band and 4th/5th Grade Orchestra meets at LGMS from 7:25-8:15 am. Students can either get a ride or take the LGMS bus route to band. Then a shuttle bus will come to LGMS and pick them up, taking them to their school. Call Dousman Transportation at (262) 248-3289 for bus information. Call or e-mail with any other questions.
We are looking forward to working with you soon - selecting an instrument and beginning instruction.  

Amanda Krause - Band
348-3000 ext 3327

Lauren Klement - Orchestra
348-3000 ext 3325

Check out the opportunities available at Covenant Harbor. From wifi to workspace to gym space, Covenant Harbor is offering to help the community. For further information visit our Community Backpack at http://bit.ly/LGSchools_ComBackpack

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Community Backpack
The Lake Geneva Schools Community Backpack is your online bulletin for youth-related community activities and educational opportunities. Learn More
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Our Website
Please visit our website frequently for district-wide
and school specific announcements, and important information. lakegenevaschools.com