September Zone 10 Update
This past month has been filled with ups and downs. While we are thrilled that several year-end competitions and championships have been held safely and successfully, it is unfortunately also a time of stress for our members in both Northern and Southern California as they face devastating wildfires again this year.

In addition to evacuations and the ongoing COVID-19 situation, this year the air quality is also a major problem. USEF has released information about air quality and competitions, which you can read on the USEF website. We urge all of our members to read this information and hope you all are staying safe and well.

We’d also like to remind everyone about the USHJA Foundation’s Horseman’s Assistance Fund, which was created specifically for times like this. If you need assistance, please consider applying, or if you know someone in need, please spread the word. We are lucky to be a part of such a great community in Zone 10, and we thank all of you for looking out for each other during these difficult and uncertain times.

Kathy Hobstetter and Ned Glynn.
Co-Chairs of the Zone 10 Committee
Congratulations to Members Selected for Virtual HQC Nationals
Congratulations to our members competing in the virtual Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Nationals this year!

HQC Participants
  • Skyler Allen, San Ramon, Calif. 
  • Toni Anderson, Alameda, Calif.
  • Fiona Flavin, Los Angeles, Calif. 
  • Claire Salter, El Dorado Hills, Calif.

Adult HQC Participants
  • Peggy Kline, Torrance, Calif.

HQC Nationals will be online October 26-November 7.
Mark Your Calendar
Zone 10 Medal Challenge-NORTH
Brookside Fall Finale
Oct. 7-11
Elk Grove, Calif.

Zone 10 Medal Challenge-SOUTH
Gold Coast Series October Horse Show
Oct. 15-18
Burbank, Calif.
Zone 10 Mini Medal Challenge-NORTH
The Let's Show Halloween Championship
Oct. 21-25
Rancho Murieta, Calif.

Zone 10 Horse of the Year Championship
Nov. 19-22
Autumn Jubilee
Burbank, Calif.
*Championships are subject to change. Click here for more info about Zone 10 events.
2020 USHJA Annual Meeting to be Held Virtually
The USHJA Board of Directors voted to move the 2020 USHJA Annual Meeting to a virtual format.

Meeting dates have been extended to accommodate more educational sessions and opportunities, and to avoid overlapping meetings. The virtual Annual Meeting will now be held November 30-December 11.

Click here to learn more about Annual Meeting. More details will be announced soon.
Gatlin and Haness Finesse USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Southwest Championship Wins
Once again hosted by Blenheim Equisports' International Jumping Festival in San Juan Capistrano, California, the 2020 USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Southwest Championships concluded on September 17 with two new champions. In the 3'0"/3'3" section, Joie Gatlin and Educated Guess took the top spot, while Nick Haness and Reese's claimed the 3'6"/3'9" section. Read more.
More USHJA Educational Webinars Coming Up
The USHJA continues to plan educational webinars for members! Mark your calendar:
  • Oct. 13 at 7 p.m., The Professional Marketing Workshop 
  • Oct. 19 at 7 p.m., Fall Back into Horsemanship HQC Nationals Study Hall
  • Nov. 9 at 7 p.m., Jumper Judge's Perspective 
Kyle Cline Claims 2020 EMO Insurance/USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal Final - West
The West Coast iteration of the EMO Insurance/USHJA 3'3" Jumping Seat Medal wrapped up on Sunday, September 20 after two days and four rounds of competition at Blenheim Equisports' International Jumping Festival. Moving up to the leading spot in the final phases, Kyle Cline rode Cazz C to claim the title and take the victory gallop around Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park's Grand Prix field.

"Over the course of the two days I felt that my rounds stayed fairly consistent with no large gap between the scores. I enjoyed competing in the Final since it’s such a competitive and well-organized class. The three phases are definitely one of the best aspects, pushing the riders at the top to stay consistent or giving others who didn’t do as well in one phase the chance to make it up in the next," said Cline, of Laguna Hills, California. "Usually I don’t really feel pressure, but going into the final phase, there was definitely some inner tension to have a nice, smooth round." Read more.
Learn More About Your Zone 10 Committee Members
Sally Hudson – President of Headlands Management, Inc., Horse Show Manager, USEF “R” Jumper Judge and C1 Steward, FEI Jumping Steward, Zone 10 Coordinator for NAYC, Prix des States, and Pony Jumper Championships

Q: What is your main area of interest/job in the sport?
A: I’m a horse show manager.

Q: What do you see as one or two key issues for our industry, especially in Zone 10?
A: I would like to see more educational opportunities and clinics for our members, updated show standards, and more reachout at the grassroots level. Lately, another issue has been how we are dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and the California wildfires.

Q: If you could accomplish one thing as a Zone 10 Committee Member, what would it be?
A: I would like to see a rule change that would require a vet to be on grounds at every Zone 10 horse show.
Melissa Kalember – Owner of Kalember Equine, USEF “R” Judge, SAHJA Judge, USHJA Certified Trainer, and Certified Equine Massage Therapist

Q: What is your main area of interest/job in the sport?
A: My main area of interest is creating opportunities for our affiliates and riders that have been labeled as “grassroots” or “B/C” level or “local” level. I serve on the board for the NorCal Hunter Jumper Association, the USHJA Affiliate Committee, the USHJA National Affiliate Committee, and the Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA) Education Committee. I work to bridge the gap of communication between these committees and our membership. I work with the committees on how we can create opportunities for any rider at any level. I grew up as one of these “grassroots” riders. I love horses and I love to learn, so I’ve worked hard to earn my certifications and licenses. I share my passion and knowledge with my students, who are just like me – hardworking, normal class families that can afford what they can afford, which is not the elite level. I want them to have the avenues to pursue their goals.

Q: What do you see as one or two key issues for our industry, especially in Zone 10?
A: I feel our industry is still finding ways to support, provide opportunities for, and showcase all levels of riders. Currently, a group of riders show at the elite level and a group show at the local level. I don’t feel that one is better than the other, and both deserve equal opportunities. I feel we are slowly breaking down this stigma, and as an industry, we are trying to find our way back to “good riding is good riding” and “good horsemanship is good horsemanship,” no matter the level. I feel this is why the IEA is continuing to grow. Riders love that the playing field is level as they are literally pulling a horse’s name from a draw pile and having to show a horse they’ve never ridden. Riders are also part of a team and accrue team points. The team component is huge for them.

Q: If you could accomplish one thing as a Zone 10 Committee Member, what would it be?
A: I would love to have more B & C shows being offered, more one day shows, and more affiliate/local shows. I feel there is a gap between the A shows and the local shows, and part of my job on all the committees is to try and help with this issue.
Robert Sean Leckie – Co-Owner and Trainer, Blue Ridge Farms, LLC

Q: What is your main area of interest/job in the sport?
A: I am a trainer in San Juan Capistrano, California.

Q: What do you see as one or two key issues for our industry, especially in Zone 10?
A: Horse show expenses and footing.

Q: If you could accomplish one thing as a Zone 10 Committee Member, what would it be?
A: Getting Zone 10 back on top of the sport. Many years ago, we used to be very competitive in Young Riders and other special team classes/events, and I’d really love to get Zone 10 back on top of the podium again.
Shiloh Roseboom and Heavenly Patch of Blue Win the USHJA Pony Hunter Derby Championship-West
The small but mighty duo of Shiloh Roseboom and Enchantment Farms LLC’s Heavenly Patch of Blue were strong from start to finish to come out on top at the USHJA Pony Hunter Derby Championship, West Coast on Friday, September 11 at the Blenheim Equisport Fall Tournament.

“Winning the Pony Hunter Derby Championship felt especially great this year because it’s my last time competing in this class on Anna (Heavenly Patch of Blue) before I age out of the Small ponies this year. It will be a memory I will cherish forever," said Roseboom. Read more.
Skylar Wireman Wins 2020 Platinum Performance/USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Finals – West and 2020 NHSAA/ASPCA Maclay Championships (Region 8)
Congratulations to Skylar Wireman (Shayne Wireman and Lisa Halterman, trainers), who had phenomenal back to back shows at Blenheim Fall Tournament (Sept 9-13) and the International Jumping Festival (Sept 16-20). Skylar and Hot Pants (Lisa Halterman, owner) truly gave it their all and brought home gold medals from both the 2020 Platinum Performance/USEF Show Jumping Talent Search Finals – West and the 2020 NHSAA/ASPCA Maclay Championships (Region 8).

In the Talent Search Finals, Skylar’s catch riding and previous Talent Search Final experience helped her dig in and climb to the top of the leaderboard. Skylar was sitting 18th after Phase I, but came back to earn the highest scores of Phase II and Phase III. Going into Phase IV, she held the second-place spot overall. For the final phase, the top four riders each start with a score of 0 and ride each other’s horses over a shortened course. Joined by Zone 10 riders Parker Cliff, Kaitlyn Lovingfoss, and Amber Ayad, Skylar had to prove herself amidst stiff competition. After placing fourth last year, Skylar used her experience to perform even better this year and bring home the win. Kaitlyn placed second with Parker and Amber earning third and fourth, respectively. All of the top four demonstrated top-notch riding and we congratulate them and all of our Zone 10 riders who participated in the Talent Search Finals.

The previous weekend, Skylar and Hot Pants also shone through the jumping and flat phases of the 2020 NHSAA/ASPCA Maclay Championships (Region 8), before being called back for a final work off between the top five riders. Skylar took some extra risks in her work off, which paid off and moved her from second to first place. Hot Pants also earned the Vigo Best Equitation Horse Award for his efforts.

Additionally, Skylar was awarded the Shelby Drazan Memorial Award, which is given annually to a rider who displays sportsmanship, integrity, and passion both inside and outside of the show arena. The award provides the recipient with roundtrip air and ground travel for one horse and equipment to the Indoors horse show circuit, and the Drazan family provides an additional $2,000 towards entry fees for any 3’6” National Medal Final. Best of luck to Skylar and all of our Zone 10 members heading to Indoors this year, and congratulations to Skylar on her multiple achievements in the show ring!
Fall Back into Horsemanship Book Sale on USHJA Trainer Certification Program Manuals

$15 each or buy 5 or more for $10 each, shipping included!
USHJA Affiliate Member Organization News
Los Angeles Hunter Jumper Association
The Los Angeles Hunter Jumper Association (LAHJA) has exciting news! The 2020 LAHJA Medal Final Extravaganza is moving to the Desert International Horse Park to the National Sunshine Preview, October 23-25, co-produced by LEG Shows & Events and Desert International Horse Park.

LAHJA announced earlier that we would be holding our medal finals at the Fall Festival II, originally scheduled for Oct. 1-4 at Hansen Dam Horse Park. However, the horse show organizers were forced to cancel the show due to restrictions from local government entities. Read more.
LEGIS League
The LEGIS League is moving its finals to an all-new location! Mark your calendars for the Coachella Valley Classic (Feb. 18-21, 2021) at the Desert International Horse Park. LEGIS League offers opportunities for riders of many levels from beginners through 3’6’’ hunters and 1.10m jumpers. We have worked with the Desert Horse Park to create an affordable option for riders planning to compete at the LEGIS League Finals. It will be a fantastic experience at a beautiful location. Don't miss out on the fun!

Not a member yet? There's still time to join now. Click here to check your membership status. Visit or contact to learn more about the program.
American National Riding Commission
The American National Riding Commission has several virtual competitions and educational opportunities for members happening now and coming up!
  • ANRC Virtual College Team Equitation Tournament: a virtual team competition open to any college or university that offers a 4-year or 2-year degree program.
  • ANRC Take it Forward Freestyle Challenge: anyone at any skill level can participate in this virtual clinic and horse show series.
  • Virtual College Recruitment Fair: to connect college and high school students, the fair is slated for October 26-30.
COVID-19 Resources and Updates
The show season continues to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. While showing has resumed in many areas, horse shows also continue to be canceled or relocated.

Find the most up-to-date information relate to COVID-19:

USHJA Puissance Challenge Fundraiser Begins October 1
The USHJA Puissance Challenge Fundraiser is a friendly barn challenge that puts jumping skills to the test while raising money for the Equestrian Helmet Safety Initiative!

From October 1-31, host your own puissance challenge, where riders of all levels can compete in divisions from ground poles to over 4'.
Amateurs: We Want Your Feedback
Amateurs: We want your feedback about changing or keeping the current age splits in the Hunters and/or implementing age splits in the Jumpers. A survey has been created so you can provide your feedback!
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Hunter Appointments 

The shadbellies and scarlet coats seen in Derby classes these days carry on traditions from foxhunting.

Horse show hunter classes have their origins in events for recognized hunt members to compete for “best suitable to hunt” awards over outside courses that simulated the hunt field. These classes were mostly in the Working Hunter division and required riders and horses to wear “appointments,” tack and attire required by foxhunting for safety. Over time, amateur, junior, and even pony hunter divisions featured appointments, or “formal attire,” classes.

Stock ties, plain bridles, and string gloves under the saddle flap in case of rain are just a few of the field hunt details that were judged in appointments classes.

Curious about some other traditions that come from the hunt field? Check out the Looking Back article in the latest issue of In Stride.

Photo: Sindy Paul and Squeaky in a Small Pony Hunter Appointments class in the 1960s. Courtesy of Sindy Paul from the “Ponies Through the Decades” exhibit.
Know Your Zone 10 Committee Members
  • Kathy Hobstetter, Co-Chair
  • Ned Glynn, Co-Chair
  • Denise Finch
  • Kay Altheuser
  • Michael Curtis
  • Ellen Gates 
  • Sally Hudson
  • Melissa Kalember
  • Robert Leckie
  • Stephanie Lightner
  • Gry McFarlane
  • Lynn Mullins
  • James Waldman
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information, click here.
More Recent News
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
  • Sept. 28-Oct. 4: WCHR Finals, World Equestrian Center, Wilmington, Ohio


USHJA Official Sponsors
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos by: Tricia Booker, Shawn McMillen Photography, Kaitlyn Karssen, Jump Media, McCool Photography and Rachel Sowinski.
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |