FAA Setting a Path Forward to Transition Some Pilot and Mechanic Testing to ODA Providers
Over the past two years FSANA has been working senior FAA leadership and other industry representatives to attempt to respond to challenges of resources for the provision of practical tests to pilot applicants. One of the things that has been learned is that the challenge is not just on the pilot testing side of the equation, but that similar challenges are being experienced in the maintenance technician testing realm also. As this work has continued, FSANA and other industry representatives took the opportunity to meet FAA staff at a meeting in Dallas late this past October to discuss the potential implementation of "Organizational Delegation Authorization" (ODA) in the realms of providing airman testing.
This may be a little confusing at first, but a precedent exists in many other areas the FAA provides services and is set forth in regulation, it just hasn't been implemented in this area yet.
According to the FAA, ODA can be described as follows:
"Under Title 49 of the United States Code (49 USC) 44702(d), the FAA may delegate to a qualified private person a matter related to issuing certificates, or related to the examination, testing, and inspection necessary to issue a certificate on behalf of the FAA Administrator as authorized by statute to issue under 49 USC 44702(a).
"The Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) program is the means by which the FAA grants designee authority to organizations or companies. The regulations addressing the ODA program are found in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) part 183, subpart D, sections 183.41 through 813.67.
"ODA holders are typically authorized to conduct the types of FAA functions which they would normally seek from the FAA. For example, aircraft manufacturers may be authorized to approve design changes in their products and repair stations may be authorized to approve repair and alteration data."
FAA Designated Pilot and Designated Maintenance Examiners have historically been selected by the FAA either nationally or by local offices to provide certification services as designees that are overseen by FAA staff. In the model of an ODA, the FAA could work with a designated organization that would provide oversight of Unit Members (UMs) - think staff examiners selected by an ODA and that entity would provide the oversight of the testing providers and activities.
The purpose of this program is to limit the amount of work the FAA directly must oversee and allow a designated entity to "do the FAA's work" in a way that may allow for more work do be done or alleviate FAA staff workload.
In this effort, FSANA believes that the FAA may be setting forth a path for private sector entities to provide commercialized testing services that could lead to more examiner availability and customer service focus on the provision of practical tests.
This process is in the first stages, but draft policy is forthcoming in the first quarter of 2019 that will further bring this effort to the forefront and potentially allow implementation of ODA efforts for pilot and mechanic testing in the upcoming year.
FSANA will remain engaged with this process and share any draft policy as it is made public.
In the mean time, feel free to learn more about this at a recently posted article at:
Update on FSANA Accreditation
FSANA is putting the finishing touches on the latest set of accreditation standards. Once completed, the accreditation program will be opened for flight training providers to begin the process of accreditation.
FSANA will begin the final phase of the accreditation project which includes the creation of a new accrediting organization which will become recognized by the U.S Department of Education (DOE). Once the accrediting organization is recognized by the DOE, accredited flight schools will be able to enroll students who have borrowed money under the DOE's Title IV program for career pilot training.
FAA Implementing Designee Management System at Designated Pilot Level
The FAA has begun and will continue implementation of a new Designee Management System (DMS) that has previously been used by maintenance testing providers now with FAA Designated Pilot Examiners (DPEs). The system is a tracking mechanism that allows the FAA to oversee and track activities of DPEs as they conduct practical tests throughout the testing system.
DPEs have previously been required to "notify" their managing office of their scheduled practical test activities and this notification has been done in a variety of locally prescribed ways. With the implementation of this system, all DPEs will be required to enter into the DMS system any scheduled practical test activities prior to their conduct and include such (but not limited to) information as the applicant's name and certificate number, the type of test being conducted, where it will take place, the aircraft being used, and the date and time it will begin. It is expected that in most cases scheduling must have been input into the DMS system no later than 24-hours prior to the beginning of the test. DPEs will additionally have to enter a "post-activity" report to close out the practical test when it is done. This is not to be confused with any paper or in IACRA that must still be completed. It is an in additional effort that will be required.
The FAA has begun implementing this system through training and requirement in select FSDO areas and will continue this over the next 2-3 months until all DPEs are trained and in the DMS system. This requirement is expected to require ALL DPEs to enter practical test information in the system.
FSANA encourages members and those taking tests to help us gain feedback about any potential affects the implementation of this system have on their scheduling or conducting of practical tests. If you have an experiences, please share them with us via email at info@fsana.com.
USA Today Ad Promotes Intro Flight Lessons
FSANA promotes the wonders of flight with various outlets throughout the year. Below is a December promotion that appeared twice in USA Today across the United States. There were over 2.4M impressions realized with this placement. This is one of the many benefits of FSANA membership.
FSANA's Youth Envoy In the Movies
Afton Kinkade, FSANA's Youth Envoy, is helping to promote aviation and bring flight to the big screen. Check out the "Fly Like a Girl" official trailer on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/302513746
No Excuses for You to Be Missing! Ad Deadline Extended by a Full 2 Weeks
- Targeted audience
- Exclusive branding exposure
- Distributed at 2019 FSANA conference
- Shareable E flip book online version with advertiser website links
- Available to view online for years to come
- Large 8.5 x 11 size
- Heavyweight gloss stock
- Affordable ad rates
- Benefits flight school trade organization
FSANA is celebrating its first ten years of serving flight training providers and the aerospace community. To mark this milestone, we are publishing this
10th anniversary commemorative book. And, we want to include you, so we are extending the ad deadline down to the wire.
This special publication will live on for years to come in both print and E editions. As an
E flip book, it will reside permanently on FSANA's website. In addition, Flight Training News E-monthly will always include a direct link to the flip book. Each ad in the E edition will be linked to the advertiser's website, offering additional brand exposure.
bound edition will be distributed in February to everyone who attends the FSANA 2019 annual conference in Orlando, FSANA members, annual partners and government officials, and by order.
New Ad Deadlines:
Insertion orders by Friday, December 28, 2018
Artwork/copy by Friday, January 4, 2019
Flight School Conference in Sight. If You Haven't Made Plans to Attend, Do It Now!
FSANA 10th Annual Flight School Operators Conference
Wednesday-Friday, February 13-15, 2019
Rosen Plaza Hotel at 9700 Industrial Drive (There are several Rosen hotels on International Drive. Be sure to contact the Rosen Plaza.)
Dynamic sessions, roundtables, exhibits for all flight school owners, operators, and anyone considering opening a flight school. This conference brings together flight training providers, vendors, suppliers, government agencies and professionals from the training industry to share tools, resources and ideas on doing business in the field of flight training. Learn/network/meet.
The 2019 conference is extra special. Not only are we celebrating our 10-year anniversary, we have doubled the learning topic opportunities of our previous conference by offering multiple concurrent session choices.
Great topics, too; check them out in our registration brochure. Believe us when we say the 2019 conference & 10th anniversary celebration will be the place to be for anyone interested in the flight training industry.
Photo courtesy Rosen Plaza Hotel
Rooms Going Fast
FSANA is pleased to host its 10th Anniversary Conference at the award-winning
Rosen Plaza Hotel, 9700 International Drive. The 2019 conference will double the learning content offerings, so many flight schools are sending more than one person. It would be a good idea to book your room now since the hotel is filling up fast. By booking now, you also get the special conference rate. (There are several Rosen hotels on International Drive. Be sure to contact the Rosen Plaza.)
To reserve your room(s), call
800-627-8258. To get our conference group rate, use group code:
Flight School Association of North America.
Taxi, Uber, and rental car services are available.
Shuttle service to the Rosen Plaza from Orlando International Airport is available by
Mears Transportation.
FSANA Member Flight School Earns AOPA Best Flight School Western Region
In an October awards ceremony in Frederick, MD, the
San Carlos Flight Center was named Best Flight School in the Western Region by AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association). These awards recognize flight schools that exhibit the highest levels of success by implementing practices that contribute to an optimal flight training experience. Those practices focus on educational quality, customer experience, community and information sharing.
"We are honored to be nominated by the pilots of the SF Bay Area and recognized by AOPA," says Dan Dyer, owner of San Carlos Flight Center. "We have worked hard to make our flying club the best in the region, and it is gratifying to realize our outreach programs are inspiring our audience. Being honored by the leader in general aviation affirms that we are succeeding in our safety, community and educational goals. Receiving this award motivates us to continue offering the highest quality flight training and pilot community experience."
The staff of San Carlos Flight Center (SCFC) believes that a good pilot is always learning and supports this conviction by offering weekly safety seminars on a wide variety of topics for pilots of all skill and experience levels. In celebration of local pilots, SCFC recently hosted its first annual pilot conference, BAY FLIGHT 2018, for San Francisco Bay area general aviation pilots to great acclaim.
"It's great to see San Carlos Flight Center recognized for the breadth and variety of the things they do to support pilots in the Bay Area," commented Dave Kramer, a local commercial pilot and active member of SCFC's Special OPS volunteer team. "From their structured approach to flight training to their promotion of flying to younger pilots, they have an energy that I've never found in any other flight school or flying club."
SCFC also runs the Bay Area FlyOutGroup, which offers frequent activities to keep pilots flying and connected to one another. There are monthly lunch flights, Full-Moon Flyers dinners, multi-day training trips, and lots more. Membership is free and open to anyone. For information please visit www.flyoutgroup.org.
Another innovative aspect of San Carlos Flight Center's approach is the commitment to share best practices with other flight schools and flying clubs around the country. Last August, SCFC planned a two-day conference for nationwide flight schools and continues to share tips and techniques with other schools as part of their GA SPARK webinar series. www.ga-spark.org This commitment to help others follow in their success and other innovations likely played a role in AOPA's decision to recognize the school.
About San Carlos Flight Center San Carlos Flight Center's motto is "Safety, Community, Adventure" and it is the largest flying club at San Carlos Airport. The San Carlos Flight Center emphasizes ongoing training, and regularly finds ways to bring pilots together to share in the joy of aviation. In 2013, San Carlos Flight Center was named Best Flight School in the country by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. If you hear "Bay Flight" on the radio, it means another San Carlos Flight Center pilot has taken to the sky to improve their skills, share the fun of flying with their family and friends, or revel in the adventure of aviation. Contact San Carlos Flight Center at 650-946-1700 or www.sancarlosflight.com.
 Delaware State University Orders Vulcanair Aircraft for Flight Training Program
Delaware State University (DSU) and Ameravia Inc. have announced the acquisition, with a firm order, of ten new Vulcanair V1.0 FAA certified single-engine aircraft for the DSU aviation department flight training program with deliveries in late 2018 and the first half of 2019.
The Delaware State University Board of Trustees and administration has chosen to invest $3.5 million dollars into the Aviation Program over the next eight years. Beginning in 2019 thru 2027, the university intends to purchase at least one additional V1.0 training aircraft each year (for a total of up to 20 airplanes), to accommodate expansion of the Aviation Program's capacity for students majoring in the Professional Pilot degree. These aircraft will serve as the workhorses of their fleet and will allow DSU students to train on the latest all glass avionics' cockpit technology, familiar to and used by airlines and in corporate aviation. This will ultimately better prepare DSU students for success as they enter the aviation industry as a professional pilot.
Don't Miss Out on FSANA Membership Benefits - If You are not already a member, Join Today!
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is a trade association that provides member only benefits. Benefits include:
- AeroCamp
- AeroChapters
- AeroParty
- AeroSolo
- Airport relations guidance
- Aircraft renters insurance
- Background check programs
- Career advancement opportunities
- Contact data acquisition
- Customer relationship management (CRM) software
- Discounted rates for conferences and seminars
- Email marketing software
- Flight school accreditation
- Flight school awards programs
- Flight training advocacy
- Industry advocacy
- Loss of training expense insurance
- National marketing programs to attract new customers
- Networking
- Operational assistance
- Post-secondary aviation distance learning
- Public awareness of FSANA programs for consumers
- Technical assistance
- Tenant relations guidance
- Trade association support on flight training issues
- Youth programs
To learn more about becoming a member, Click Here.
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
or 561-767-6826 or Dave Eiskowitz, development director, at dave@fsana.com or 610-737-5207.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida
Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school.
We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team!
Flight Instructor Sought
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required. When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
We welcome feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
Email Feedback Concerns about FAA Practical Tests to:
Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures