Register Now! Bishop's 5K Run/Walk
November 20, 2021 • 9am - 11am • Saint Mark's High School
Did you know that one out of every 10 residents of the Diocese receive at least one service each year from Catholic Charities? The Bishop’s 5K Run/Walk brings attention and resources to assist Catholic Charities in its continuing efforts to reach out to underserved areas of the Diocese. This event is a great way to participate in the mission of Catholic Charities – providing caring service to the most vulnerable in our community.
In 2020, Catholic Charities assisted more than 30,700 people in Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore with a variety of essential services including food, clothing, energy assistance, residential and behavioral health programs. Catholic Charities also runs the Bayard House, the only licensed residential program in Delaware providing food, shelter, and direct care to at-risk, homeless, pregnant, and newly parenting teens and young women. The needs of those served by Catholic Charities have risen exponentially with the ongoing pandemic.
Diocesan Catholic Schools Team Challenge!
We are sponsoring a team challenge to all Diocesan Catholic Schools with the highest participants (including family & friends). Help raise funds for your school! Gather 15 supporters from your school to qualify!
Three Levels of Prizes Awarded: 1st Place: $1000; 2nd & 3rd Place: $500
For more information about the Bishop 5K Run/Walk or to become an event Sponsor, please contact Andrea Rotsch at or 302-573-3121.
Event Sponsorships Available!
Believer $1,000
Your logo on our event webpage with direct link to your website.
Premier Logo on the official Race Shirt and 5 Entries to the Event.
Mentor $500
Your logo on our event webpage with direct link to your website.
Logo on the official Race Shirt and 2 Entries to the Event.
Supporter $250
Your logo on our event webpage with a direct link to your website.
Small Logo on the official Race Shirt.
Sponsor Logos are due October 22, 2021.
All proceeds benefit Catholic Charities programs.
Catholic Charities Seton Center
Annual Christmas Sale in Nov
November 9, 10, 11 • 10am - 2pm • Seton Center
Stock up on winter gear for the whole family.
Catholic Charities Seton Center thrift goods are gently used and range from a variety of clothing and accessories for men, women, and children. We also sell home goods, such as cookware, dishes, bedding, linens, towels, home appliances and much, much, more!
Catholic Charities Seton Center provides case management, referrals, food programs, behavioral health, health prevention advocacy, thrift shop, senior women’s support group, and financial assistance for basic living expenses.
Catholic Charities Seton Center
Eastern Shore Maryland
30632 Hampden Avenue
Princess Anne, MD 21853
Msgr. Thomas J. Reese Awardees, from left, Bishop Malooly and Michael Hare, talk with Bishop Koenig before the Catholic Charities Annual Tribute Dinner at the Chase Center, Wednesday, October 6, 2021. Dialog photo/Don Blake
2021 Annual Tribute Dinner
Diocese of Wilmington Catholic Charities Honor
Bishop Malooly and Michael J. Hare
After a COVID-induced break of nearly 18 months, Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Wilmington finally was able to gather a crowd together at the Chase Center on the Riverfront on Oct. 6 to honor both the 2020 and 2021 recipients of the Msgr. Thomas J. Reese Award for their work on behalf of the less fortunate.
Much has changed since Michael J. Hare was named the 2020 winner and Bishop Malooly the 2021 recipient. Hare, an executive with Buccini/Pollin Group, which helped build the Chase Center and other structures along the Wilmington riverfront, mentioned that his mother, Joan, died in February of this year, so she did not live to see him receive the award. And between the time Bishop Malooly was selected for the Msgr. Reese Award and the dinner where it was given out, the Diocese of Wilmington welcomed a new bishop.
Msgr. Steven Hurley, vicar general of the Diocese of Wilmington, introduced Bishop Malooly. All of us, he said, are lucky to have mentors, and Bishop Malooly was a mentor to him, as well as a good friend and example of leadership. Too often during his priestly ministry, the bishop’s assignment was to clean up messes made by other people. But he never complained.
Thank You Event Sponsors
Diamond + Sponsor
Abessinio Family Foundation
Platinum Sponsor
Ellen Barrose, M & T Bank, Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Silver Sponsors
The Buccini Family, Citizens Bank, Jean & Tim Desmond, Saint Mark’s High School, Waldorf Risk Solutions
Bronze Sponsors
Artesian Water, Eckert, Seamans, Cherin & Mellott, LLC, Suzanne & Robert Fraser, Highmark, PNC, WSFS
Friend Sponsors
Belfint, Lyons & Shuman, CPA's, CSC, Chesapeake Sharing, Xavi & Marie DeCaire,
Family Medical Associates of Delaware, I. G. Burton & Co, Padua Academy,
Penna Orthodontics, Lorraine Przywara & Dicky Baumbarger, SmartDrive Foundation, Ursuline Academy
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP Appointments are Still Available!
Catholic Charities is taking applications for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for the upcoming heating season. This federally-funded program assists low-income Delawareans with heating bills through direct payments to home energy suppliers. The benefit is based on a household’s income, size, and type of fuel.
In order to qualify, you must make an appointment with Catholic Charities. Call your local Catholic Charities office. Regular office hours are 8:30 am - 4:30 pm.
- In Kent County, call 302-674-1782
- In New Castle County, call 302-654-9295
- In Sussex County, call 302-856-6310
Catholic Charities will call first-time applicants to schedule a telephone or in-person appointment to validate that you have submitted all of the necessary documents and information before your LIHEAP intake is finalized. Please keep in mind, masks are required for all in-person appointments.
If you are eligible for LIHEAP, you also may qualify for other programs that require LIHEAP eligibility. If your home is not as energy efficient as it could be, you may qualify for home weatherization improvements through the Delaware Weatherization Assistance Program, also administered by Catholic Charities.
To learn more and download an online application, click here.
Catholic Charities serves the most vulnerable in Delaware and the
Eastern Shore of Maryland, regardless of religion, race, or ability to pay.
For more information about Catholic Charities, click here.
To make a donation to Catholic Charities, click here.
To learn about employment opportunities, click here.
Catholic Charities Mission
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Wilmington exists to help fulfill the Christian duty to love and serve God's people. Our mission is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The universal and local Church proclaims the Gospel and teaches the recognition of the dignity and sacredness of each human life and the belief that we are called to share our resources with the most vulnerable among us.
It is the mission of Catholic Charities to address human suffering and to promote and restore the well-being of people and society by:
- Providing, as a primary focus, caring service to families and persons in need;
- Coming together with members of the community to become informed about and to take action on critical social issues; and,
- Advocating publicly for social policies which enhance human dignity and safeguard basic human rights.
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No person is excluded from service because of race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin.
© 2021 - Catholic Charities - Diocese of Wilmington
501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization