Dear Friends,
Welcome to St John’s this coming Sunday. Services at 8:00 a.m. and 10:15. The Annual Vestry Meeting follows the 10:15 service (in the Parish Hall). Please bring a sandwich (and one to share) – all are welcome to attend.
It feels like spring is in the air with warmer weather and brighter sun. It’s now warm enough for St John’s Indigenous Engagement Coordinator Kimberly Johnson-Breen to be outside offering smudging before Sunday services begin. Kimberly offers smudging to everyone who asks. This has led to many beautiful conversations with people who do not attend Christian worship – another example of St John’s being neighbourly. You are welcome to participate in the smudging if you’d like (nobody is required to do so). See how to participate in smudging as part of Kimberly’s Indigenous Engagement update below.
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Spring is bringing more St John’s events – especially next week!
Celebrating Spring – 4 Neighbour Churches Coming Together in Friendship
Wednesday, March 22 – 7 PM at St John’s
Please join us as we welcome parishioners from First Baptist, Knox Presbyterian and St Theresa’s Roman Catholic. We are hosting our first shared Meet & Greet. Our conversation starter is “What is your favourite celebration of the Christian Year.” Each of our 4 clergy Amigos will offer our favourites as well as an overview of the Christian calendar as celebrated in our congregations.
Holy Land Slideshow – A Joint Presentation with Temple Israel
Friday, March 24 – 6:15/7:30 PM at Temple Israel (1301 Prince of Wales Drive)
Compare the Jewish and Christian versions of Pilgrimage with the pictures of Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg and Canon Gary van der Meer. Each will present 3 sacred sites and share stories. Everyone is welcome for Shabbat Evening Worship at 6:15 p.m. – or come at 7:30 for the start of the Coffee House / Slideshow.
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Rabbi Daniel & Canon Gary sharing supper in Jerusalem | |
23rd Annual Ottawa Indigenous Children & Youth Pow Wow
Saturday, March 25 – 12 PM at Shaw Centre (55 Colonel By Drive)
St John’s is extending friendship to the Odawa Centre, be part of it by joining us in attending the Pow Wow located in downtown Ottawa! Grand Entry at noon; Feast at 5 p.m. and Evening Social – Round Dance at 7 p.m.
Hope to see you Sunday!
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Update from St John’s Indigenous Engagement Coordinator
Kimberly Johnson-Breen
Spring Equinox is a time for change, growth and renewal. A time to plant seeds of growth physically and mentally. It is also a time to honour sacred items including our sacredness through a smudge.
Smudge comes from the four sacred medicines: Tobacco is offered in every ceremony to communicate with Creator and with spirit, it allows communication to be open. Sage prepares people for ceremonies and teachings; it releases what is troubling the mind, cleanses homes and sacred items. Sweetgrass is the sacred hair of mother earth, reminding people of the gentleness, love, and kindness mother earth has for the people. Cedar purifies. It crackles in fire with tobacco calling attention of the spirits to the offering. It is used for healing through restorative baths, fasting, and sweat lodge ceremony.
To participate, draw the smoke towards your face and body using your hands. The person giving the smudging may offer to circle you using a feather to move the medicines towards you. Be open to receive as the smudge is offered. In colder weather (and at any time) you can also use the medicines placed in the chapel. Put some of each medicine in your hands and rub together bringing the aroma to your face and body. Please place used medicines in the shell – these will be respectfully burned.
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- Come to the Children & Youth Pow Wow on Saturday, March 25
- Prepare for a Discussion Session focused on two specific Calls to Action from the Truth & Reconciliation Commission.
#48 calls churches to recognize the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
#59 calls churches to develop ongoing education strategies to ensure that their respective congregations learn about their church’s role in colonization, the history and legacy of residential schools, and why apologies to former residential school students, their families, and communities were necessary.”
More information here:
- Kairos Blanket Exercise – Saturday, April 22
Bring your blanket and participate as we begin our path together with an interactive and impactful sharing of knowledge. Lunch will be provided. Admission is Free.
See registration below.
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COVID Safety Update from the Diocese of Ottawa:
Green Stage means parishes observe normal liturgical and social practices, while following these public health recommendations:
- asking people to stay home when they are sick;
- encouraging mask-wearing in indoor spaces; and
- keeping up-to-date on COVID boosters.
We continue to recommend mask-wearing for those who are distributing communion.
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Those On Our Hearts
Pat H, The staff, volunteers and participants in the programs of The Well/La Source
Our Parish
Gary, Allen, Gordon, Josh, Kimberly, Kerry, Stephen, Brian, Michelle, Jill and all who minister at St John's.
Our Diocese
- Shane, our Bishop; Anne, our Metropolitan; Linda, our Primate.
- The Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop, the Rt Rev Christopher Harper, Sacred Circle Events, and the ministry of reconciliation
- Christ Church, Bells Corners The Venerable Kathryn Otley, L. Col. the Reverend Michael Gibbons.
- For pilgrims to the Holy Land.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson, Bishop, and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Montreal.
The Assistant to the Bishop and the staff of the Manitoba – Northwestern Ontario Synod.
The elimination of racial discrimination.
The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand
The Anglican Church of Southern Africa.
Parish Prayer Group
If you wish to have someone prayed for send an email to:
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During Holy Week, our choir will be joined by the Strings of St John's chamber orchestra to perform the Requiem by John Rutter, one of the most prolific and well-loved composers of our time.
The concert will be presented twice: Palm Sunday, April 2 at 2:00 pm, and Good Friday, April 7 at 7:30 pm.
Tickets are available online at
Come join us for an hour of beautiful music for contemplation and meditation.
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Parishioners who have been around for a while will remember a St John’s tradition of holding a supper on Maundy Thursday. Gary, the Wardens and Parish Council are excited by the idea of reviving the supper this year on April 6 as a community-building event, with the difference that it will not include the recreation of a Passover Seder. We are pleased that a few people have volunteered to assist Michelle Smulders, our Deputy Rector's Warden, to help pull it all together. If you would also like to help, please contact Michelle. | |
The Faculty of Theology at Saint Paul University and the All My Relations Circle of the Diocese of Ottawa are co-sponsoring a presentation and discussion by Rev. Dr. Ray Aldred, Director of the Indigenous Studies Program at the Vancouver School of Theology, on the National Indigenous Anglican Church entitled "Self-Determination and Reconciliation?" This talk explores ways to hold together Indigenous spirituality and Christian faith together, and what this can mean for the Church today as it opens itself to reconciliation and decolonization. The event takes place on Thursday, March 23, 2023 from 7 to 9 PM in De Mazenod Chapel (Laframboise Building) at Saint Paul University. This event is free and open to the public.
Please register at
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Vestry Sunday March 19th after our 10.15am Worship service. | |
This Lent PWRDF presents a collection of favourite reflections from partners and volunteers during Pray with PWRDF, with music, videos and PWRDF stories. You can subscribe to receive a daily Lenten message in your inbox at | |
Farwell to John and Nelson | Wishing you the best in your future endeavors. May success, happiness and prosperity follow you. Our prayers are always with you both. | |
Mark your calendars! This year’s 44th Art
Credo Exhibit and Sale will run from
Saturday April 29th to Sunday May 14th .
This year’s show will comprise
approximately 100 works of art from over
50 artists. The Vernissage will be in the evening of Friday April 28th .
Everyone is invited to come; and to bring a friend.
Come meet some of
the artists. We are looking for volunteers for some activities related to Art
Credo. For instance, if you can offer 3 hours of your time during the
exhibition to act as a sitter, there is a sign-up sheet on-line at . We are also looking for help with receiving
the artworks on Thursday evening April 27th and hanging them in the
church on Friday morning April 28th .
Go to the webpage to see what
the church looks like during Art Credo.
Contacts: Detlef Dransch at, tel. 613.592.9897
or Mary Ann Varley at , tel. 613.745.2996
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You can help the Altar Guild decorate the church for Easter and remember your loved ones with flowers. Make your donation to St John's noting that it is for Easter Flowers and if applicable, please include a note to indicate the names of the people to be remembered. You can put your donation in the collection plate any Sunday or drop it off at the Office. | |
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26 MARCH 2023
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154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
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The Reverend Canon Gary van der Meer, Rector
The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Music Director
Joshua Zentner-Barrett, ARCCO, Associate Organist
Kimberly Johnson-Breen, Indigenous Engagement Coordinator
Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden
Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden
Brian Cameron, People's Warden
Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden
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Anishinabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.
This land we are upon is the traditional and unceded territory of the Algonquin Nation.
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