Sept 28, 2020
Mass Tech Monday

Here is your weekly newsletter for MassTLC content, programs & initiatives.

Tech Top 50

MassTLC is excited to announce a new recognition program to spotlight the successes of the tech community during an unprecedented year.

The Tech Top 50 will recognize the people, companies, and innovations
that made an impact in 2020 across five categories:

- Business Accomplishment
- Community Impact
- COVID-19 Response
- Company Culture
- Innovation

Submit your nominations here. Nominations close October 16th.

In Case You Missed It

Complete Season 1 of MassTLC "On the Tech Trail" Podcast Now Available: 
MassTLC, along with production partner Matter, 
launched a podcast series this year to get into the minds of the region's top tech leaders and understand how they are navigating the challenges of 2020. From managing remote teams, to pivoting business, ensuring the well-being of staff, and so much more, we learned a lot this season. 
Listen Now.

We can't wait for Season 2 and want to make sure you join us. Take this brief 2-minute survey to inform our planning and suggest speakers/topics. 

This Week's Featured Event

Security Community: Building a Strong and Resilient Security Team, October 1st: Steven Booth is in charge of leading all aspects of IT security at FireEye, including its security architecture and monitoring programs, as well as technology risk and compliance. What does that mean to you? It means Steven knows how to help you make your security program first class within the realities of being resource constrained. Steven will share his expertise on how you can organize your security team for architectural rigor. Register Today.

Upcoming Programs

Impostor Syndrome: What It Is & How We Conquer It, October 6th: Join this discussion to learn more about Impostor Syndrome - how women experience it, what triggers it and where it stems from. And most importantly, gain tools and strategies for how to conquer Impostor Syndrome to maximize your impact and influence. Expert Kim Meninger, Women's Leadership Coach and Consultant, Executive Career Success and Host of "The Impostor Syndrome Files" podcast, will guide this discussion, giving us the tools and insights we need to combat our own Impostor Syndrome. Register Today.

MassTLC Mingle, October 13th: Join MassTLC staff and other Council members in a low key environment to share about yourself, your company, and your membership objectives. After a brief welcome and overview of MassTLC's newest initiatives and ways to optimize your member benefits, you'll have an opportunity to participate in speed networking with other members and MassTLC staff. Register Today.

Re-Imagine Your Workforce: Attract, Develop and Retain The Modern Employee, October 13th: This MassTLC talent workshop is part of a 3-part series that will explore how to transform your workforce during disruption and uncertain times. Have recruitment and retention strategies played an expanded role in the success of a tech organization? Learning to foster a company's core culture is essential to supporting its workforce and attracting the right talent during a major shift in the way we work. Hear from talent leaders who are defining a new path to attract, develop and retain during and post-COVID. Register Today.

Workforce, Workplace, Marketplace: Embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, October 22nd: Creating an inclusive and equitable culture takes work - hard work, and at times uncomfortable work. And while DEI programs have become more common within larger companies where more resources and capital can be accessed, to be truly successful, DEI must be made a business imperative across all aspects of an organization. Register Today.

Security & Policy: Data Transfers In Jeopardy, Your Best Options, October 29th: Data transfer from the European Union to the U.S. hit a snag on July 16. How should businesses be thinking about their risks in this new environment when it comes to data transfer? Join Foley Hoag Partner Chris Hart as he walks through the important points of the recent decision, the current state of play regarding data transfer, and emerging considerations and best practices in light of the decision. Register Today.

Executive Development

Our award-winning Board-Ready Bootcamp is designed to improve the quality of board governance and composition at tech companies by providing a high-impact curriculum on board fundamentals, strategy and governance.
 Hear about Vera Tice, Global Industry, Strategic and Technical Advisor and Commercialization Expert, and her Journey to the Boardroom.
Participants must be current tech executives who've been nominated to attend and have the support of their CEO or board of directors.
Thank You to Our Global Sponsors

Featured Global Sponsor

Fast, Intelligent and Secure at the Edge.

Akamai keeps digital experiences closer to users than anyone - and keeps attacks and threats farther away.

 Learn more at  


MassTLC Global Sponsors