A Message from Your Pastors
Dear Keller UMC Family,

Hebrews 12:1 speaks of running with perseverance the race that is set before us. We have experienced that in the past months, you - the faithful members of Keller UMC - have been persevering in a journey of sacrifice as Sunday morning worship has been online only. We know that many of you have longed to be in the Sanctuary space together and we are grateful for your continued patience in being removed from this place. Over the month of October, in-person worship has been held in a number of trial formats, including the Thursday Vine and Branches services, and the Confirmation and Third Grade Bible services. We are grateful for those who participated in these events, as they’ve allowed us to learn and practice protocols and methods for safe in-person worship. 

Hybrid Worship Begins November 15
After prayer, planning and practice, hybrid worship will begin at Keller UMC on Sunday, November 15. Hybrid worship is worship for both those in-person and online. We want to be clear from the outset that this hybrid worship is still in the “yellow light phase” of cautionary return. There is still great need for caution in our gathering together. Many of us may not feel ready returning in-person at this time, and that is completely understandable. We have many safety measures in place for those who choose to worship in-person on Sunday mornings. While we feel that we have a good plan, we encourage those at high risk and/or not comfortable yet with indoor gatherings to stay home and continue to worship with us online.

Worship Time Change to 9 and 11am
When hybrid worship begins on November 15, worship times will adjust to accommodate safety protocols. Beginning November 15, band-led worship will be held at 9am and traditional worship at 11am. The band-led service will begin 30 minutes earlier in order to provide sufficient time for cleaning between services. Online worship will also reflect this change in service times. 

There is much to communicate as we prepare for the start of hybrid worship. A link from the homepage of our website, Welcome to Hybrid Worship, contains all the details and will have the most current information available. Important highlights include:

  • Reservations: Those who would like to attend in-person will need to make a reservation each week in order to help us plan for capacity. Reservations for November 15 will be available November 9.

  • Nursery care and Children’s and Youth Sunday school will not be available at this time.

  • In-person worshippers are expected to covenant together for the safety and health of all. This includes wearing a mask, keeping a six foot distance and staying home if you’ve been in contact with someone who is COVID positive or if you are symptomatic.

This plan to implement hybrid worship has been evaluated and approved by the Ministry Council of KUMC. Much thoughtful conversation, prayer and deliberation have been part of the decision making process. We have wrestled with concerns for safety, concerns for church members who are isolated, and concerns for our responsibility to the health of the Keller community. Based on our experience through the experimental worship opportunities in October, we believe that we can offer safe in-person worship at reduced capacity while maintaining the ability for many to continue to worship online. We are not ready to fling open the doors yet and proclaim “come one, come all!” But we are ready to take a step forward and allow those who choose to worship in-person to have the opportunity to do so. As we learn more in this yellow light phase, we will do our best to communicate any changes through the Quick News, website and these Pastor’s emails. 

All Saints Sunday, November 1
This coming Sunday we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. All Saints is a day when we remember and name those who have died in the faith and those baptized into the faith this past year. We invite you to participate in All Saints in the following ways:

  • Communion in the Garden - come and receive Holy Communion in the Prayer Garden with Pastor Jason from 8-9:30am.

  • Holy Communion in online worship - alternatively, prepare bread and juice for your use at home as we celebrate Holy Communion together in online worship.

  • Join us for a Service of Remembrance at 2pm in the Prayer Garden. This is a special time for anyone who has lost a loved one to come, join in prayer and song, and share the name of your loved one.

Stewardship Update
In the coming weeks we will be able to give a more complete report on the Stewardship campaign. We want to thank everyone who has already returned a commitment card. It is very helpful for projecting a ministry budget for 2021. We would also like to encourage those who have not returned a commitment card to consider doing so by November 2. Keller UMC is a community that makes promises to one another in response to the promises God makes to each of us and so, again, thank you for your persistence in generosity. 

As Paul says in Hebrews, we run the race surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. It is the voice of the witnesses, the voice of the saints of Keller UMC that shouts that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Thank you for being a people of perseverance, persistence and promises. 

Grace and Peace,
Pastors Estee and Jason Valendy