September 4, 2020
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
Lamprey River (Photo Credit: Newmarket Business Association)
And just like that, there are only 18 days until fall! This summer, like most summers here in New England, has flown by, and we've already started to experience the fall weather creeping in over the last few weeks. Here's to hoping you all get to fit in as much "summer fun" in the next few weeks as possible. Although we promise we won't tell if you've already set out some fall decorations or enjoyed a pumpkin flavored coffee, or two!
Here at SRPC we are moving forward with data collection for the Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP!) project and are still looking for volunteers, finishing up the summer data collection season, and ranking projects that are candidates for the NH Department of Transportation's Ten Year Plan.
In this issue you will find information on a recently released "Lessons in New Ruralism" report, planning events of interest, the extended Census 2020 submission date, staff news, CommuteSmart NH's fall commuter challenge, funding opportunities in our 'Grant Corner', a Save the Date for the September Commission meeting, some SRPC news in our "In Case You Missed It' section, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
"Lessons in New Ruralism" Report Released
Planning Events of Interest
Census 2020 Deadline Extended
Staff News: A Special Thanks to Jack Aponas
CommuteSmart NH Announces Fall Challenge
Grant Corner
Save the Dave: Interactive Sept. Commission Meeting
In Case You Missed It
Community Happenings
SRPC staff enjoy an end of summer staff social. (SRPC photo)
Data collection selfie. (SRPC photo)
"Lessons in New Ruralism" Report Released by New Ruralism Initiative
The New Ruralism Initiative, launched by NNECAPA in 2015, now has a free downloadable report to share with others working or volunteering in planning and community development in small towns and rural areas across the country. The report celebrates the rural renaissance in the making with 20 case studies of successful local initiatives in a wide variety of areas such as local foods, housing, energy, new approaches to cooperatives, community services and more. The report highlights lessons local leaders shared with us to help other small-town initiatives get off the ground and succeed.
This attractive report was made possible with the help of UPenn doctoral student Jennifer Whittaker and an APA Divisions Council grant provided by the Small Town and Rural Planning Division (STaR). Several new case studies from around the country have also been added to the northern New England collection. All 20 are included at the end of the report and in an on-line library in the hope that these stories provide inspiration and guidance for other local leaders and volunteers seeking to apply creative solutions to improve everyday life for rural residents.
Information re-shared from Tara Bamford, Community Planning Consultant.
Planning Events of Interest
Reopening Municipal Offices 2.0 Webinar - Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Cities and towns are now handling the complex task of re-opening municipal offices and managing complicated employment and customer service issues stemming from the coronavirus pandemic. New Hampshire’s local governments have implemented workable plans to continue their operations and ensure that essential government functions are accomplished.
Join risk management and employment experts, Primex3’s David Witham and Attorney Mike Ricker, as they review guidance on employee and premises exposures, employee travel and other return to work issues. NHMA attorneys Stephen Buckley and Natch Greyes will address questions about the local health officer’s role regarding issues of quarantines, cancelling public events and taking other actions in response to COVID-19. Specific guidance on managing elections and polling places will also be provided.
This webinar is open to all NHMA and Primex3 members and will benefit all governing bodies, city and town managers, administrators, department heads and administrative assistants who want to better understand how to provide the best protection for employees and residents as you reopen municipal buildings according to the guidance issued by the State of New Hampshire.
Safe & Sound: Safer Roads for New Hampshire - Tuesday at 7:30 a.m.* Oct. 13 - Nov. 17
Join UNH T2 and special guest speakers for an engaging new virtual series reviewing the planning and countermeasures for safer roadways for New Hampshire! While some content may be specific to New Hampshire regulations and BMPs, most of it will be helpful for any local road agency, in any rural town in New Hampshire and beyond. Discussions will focus on situations and challenges addressed by municipalities on their rural streets and roadways, and will provide practical (and oftentimes low-cost) ways to make transportation safer for all of your roadway users, including:
- Reducing Rural Roadway Lane Departures
- The Safe System Approach to move towards Zero Deaths
- Safe Transportation for Every Pedestrian
- Understanding NH's HSIP
- The Tools and Resources to Develop Your Own local Road Safety Plan Systemic Analysis and more!
The training is geared towards local road agencies of all sizes, including those who maintain the many miles of New Hampshire's rural roadways. Learn more here.
Census 2020 Deadline Extended to End of September
U.S. Census employees are continuing to go door-to-door to ensure a complete count for the 2020 U.S. Census. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for submitting Census responses was extended in a effort to allow all U.S. citizen to participate in this once in ten-year event.
Participation rates in the Strafford region, through both self reporting and in-person data collection, can be seen on the map above, last updated on Aug. 28.
For those yet to enumerate themselves through submitting their Census, the form can be accessed at
Completing the U.S. Census is not only required by law, but also plays an important role in helping your entire community in various ways, from informing funding for schools, and roads, to seats in Congress. Learn more at
SRPC Thanks Jack Aponas for Successful Internship
Friday, Aug. 28, marked data collection and analysis assistant Jack Aponas’ last day at SRPC. Jack was hired in May 2020 to help with summer data collection.
During the 2020 field work season, Jack worked with planning technician Stephen Geis, and data collection and analysis assistant Alaina Rogers, to complete traffic counts, assess sidewalks and assist with other projects, like data organization for SRPC’s new website
To date, 111 counts have been set for the 2020 field work season, and sidewalk assessments have been finalized in three of six communities in which SRPC is collecting data. Data for sidewalks in other communities have either been collected prior to this new SRPC initiative or the community does not have sidewalks.
All of us at SRPC will miss Jack’s hard-working attitude and teamwork, especially during this challenging pandemic.
We wish Jack the best as he returns to UNH where he will graduate in December with a Bachelor of Science degree in Community and Environmental Planning.
CommuteSmart NH Announces its Buses, Bikes & Brooms Challenge
Join other businesses and employers from across the state in celebrating fall by participating in the second year of the Buses, Bikes, & Brooms Challenge, which runs from October 1 – 31, 2020!
To participate join with your co-workers as a team, or an individual on the "free agents team", by emailing Once your team has been added to the trip logger database, you will be able to make an account and then simply log any trip you make to work in a manner other than driving in a vehicle alone. The challenge permits various modes including walking, biking, transit, carpool, telecommuting (working at home), or any combination of these options. All trips will be logged online on our free trip logger platform, which is currently being updated for this Challenge!
Participants will be able to track progress against other teams and other people on their own team on a real-time leaderboard. Depending on the size of your employer, your team may be your department, unit, division, branch, or the entire company. In fact, many find it fun to create friendly competition between other departments or branches of a company. You can also compete as an individual if you don’t have a workplace that is able to participate as a team.
New England Grassroots Environment Fund Grow Grant - Due Sept. 15
The Grassroots Fund's grant programs are designed to energize and nurture long term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe and environmentally sustainable communities. Grow Grant awards are between $1,000 and $4,000.
The Grow grant program is focused on community-based, local initiatives. For the Grassroot Fund that means that:
- The group is doing local, grassroots work in CT, ME, MA, NH, RI or VT.
- The group is volunteer-driven or has no more than 2 full-time paid staff.
- The group has an annual operating budget of under $100,000.
Applications are due Tuesday, Sept. 15, and funding decisions are generally made by the end of early December.
Local Source Water Protection Grants 2021 - Due Nov. 2
Funding is available from the NH Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) to develop and implement programs to protect existing (active or planned) sources of public drinking water. The grants are available to water suppliers, municipalities, regional planning agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, conservation districts, and state agencies. Applicants can receive up to $20,000 of funding for projects protecting drinking water sources, including watershed planning, delineation of protection areas, assessment of threats to water supply sources, “on the ground” implementation projects, and source security.
NHDES has extended its funding to include activities under US EPA’s Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that protect source water. These activities consist of identification, monitoring and elimination of illicit discharges, particularly high priority outfalls that discharge to drinking water sources or within source protection areas, conducting public education and the design/installation of structural BMPs may be eligible, provided they meet the eligibility criteria as described in Section 6 of NHDES grant application. Routine operations/maintenance activities are not eligible.
The application packet is now available online to provide sufficient lead time for applicants to work with stakeholders in determining what protections are necessary to address potential contamination threats, coordinate with working partners and determine a budget. NHDES is happy to confer with potential applicants in advance of the development of an application. Applications are due November 2, 2020.
Save The Date: SRPC Sept. 24 Commission Meeting Goes Interactive
The first Commission meeting of the 2021 fiscal year will take place from 3:45 - 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28. The meeting, in addition to including the essential Commission business, will feature and interactive workshop on using the tools and applications on SRPC's new and improved ArcGIS online platform.
GIS planner Jackson Rand will lead the workshop and guide Commissioners and other attendees through the process of making their own maps, and providing steps for accessing data so that participants can utilize the data for their community in the future.
SRPC Hiring for Economic Recovery Coordinator
SRPC recently posted a position for an Economic Recovery Coordinator. This two-year contract position will work closely with current planning staff to implement SRPC’s EDA CARES Act grant. The Economic Recovery Coordinator will provide direct technical assistance to member communities, stakeholders, and businesses on issues related to economic development, economic resiliency, and adaptive strategies in response to COVID-19.
The successful candidate will deliver professional planning and technical expertise through direct communications and constituent services with SRPC municipalities and the business community.
Applications must include a cover letter, resume, three professional references and a work sample, and can be submitted to using the subject line “Economic Recovery Coordinator.” Alternatively, applications may be mailed to SRPC, 150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12, Rochester, NH 03867. Position is open until filled. Only complete applications will be considered.
Please find full details in the SRPC employment notices here.
SRPC Solicits RFQs for Qualified Environmental Professionals
Due on Friday, Sept. 11, Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) from Qualified Environmental Professionals to develop a watershed management plan for Sunrise Lake in Middleton.
While the deadline for questions has passed, you can view the responses to all submitted questions here.
Respondents to this RFQ shall submit a completed proposal as outlined in the “RFQ Submissions” section no later than Friday, Sept.11, 2020 by 5:00 PM (EST).
Free Labor Day Barre Class - Sept.7 from 9 - 9:50 a.m.
The Suite Studio is hosting a free Barre Classe at Henry Law Park on Labor Day. This COVID-conscious, outdoor event is by-donation. The Suite Studio will be giving 100% of the monetary donations to End 68 Hours of Hunger.
Weekend Walkabout: Goodwill Conservation Area Expansion - Sept. 12 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
John Wallace, Barrington Conservation Commission member, will lead a hike of approximately two miles and two hours in the recently expanded Goodwill Conservation Area on Saturday, Sept 12th at 9:30AM. The area is so new, the town has not completed the parking lot at the southern entrance on Ross Rd, but a local resident will allow parking at their property for this introductory hike. From Rt 125, go onto Beauty Hill Rd for 1.4 miles; take right onto private Ross Rd and go about 0.5 miles and attendees will be waved into a parking spot. Please do not go to the normal Rt 9 lot.
Coppal House Farm Corn Maze - Various Dates & Times
Coppal House Farm will open its blue bird themed corn maze this month for the fall season. This five acre corn maze will feature fun blue bird trivia., and is fun for all ages. The maze paths were created with handicap accessibility in mind. The paths are firm and most motorized wheelchairs and rugged strollers have been able to navigate the mazes, but as a precaution there are hills as part of the course.
Learn more about days and times, online.