Students: We're so proud of you! While you're awaiting admission decisions, remember to keep cool and stay confident- you've been intentional and thoughtful.

Now is the best time to begin applying for scholarships! Some of my favorite search engines are GoingMerry and FastWeb, others listed here. Ask your high school counselor about scholarships offered locally.

After you "submit", remember to check each college's portal and click here to make sure your application is complete. Consider reaching out to admissions to inquire about interview opportunities. We can help you prepare, or download our college interview prep guide found at the bottom of this article.

Wondering how to best spend your upcoming holiday break? Here are some words of wisdom to keep the momentum going.

Parents: Discussing your teen's application process with family and friends can feel awkward. Instead of "none of your business", try these thoughtful responses to 7 probing questions parents ask each other.

Here is a checklist of documents you'll need in order to apply for need-based financial aid through the FAFSA & CSS Profile. Remember, you'll need to do this each year you'd like to be considered for funding.