Project youth extension service
Project YES Recruiting
Click HERE for the full Project YES Infographic
Project Youth Extension Service (YES)
 is a national internship program designed to meet the unique needs of National Guard and Reserve Component military youth impacted by deployment while simultaneously providing participating interns invaluable training, education, and experiential-learning experiences designed to enhance vocational awareness and career-planning.

Project YES! - Join The Team!
Project YES - Join The Team!

Project YES combines the needs of military-connected youth impacted by deployments with college interns looking to deepen their knowledge and gain real-world experience working with youth and teens. Project YES is supported by a partnership between the United States Department of Defense, Office of Employer Programs and Policy, Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) and the US Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Supercharge your Career Preparation

This internship is specifically designed to increase and strengthen community capacity, increase professional and workplace development opportunities, and to expand military-related youth development support programs. During 1-year service periods, interns augment YRRP programs by facilitating age-appropriate, experiential-learning programs emphasizing leadership development, resilience/life skills, and STEM concepts. 

Paired with an individually assigned mentor, you'll complete a career-enhancing project (CEP) designed to help define future career options or, if already known, to help refine and deepen experience levels. The CEP is also designed to increase intern marketability, provide knowledge, experience, and skills to enhance career readiness and to facilitate a smooth transition into the workforce. 

Why Wait?  Apply Today!

This is a 12-month internship with effective dates of June 2021 - May 2022.  Selected interns must participate in the 2021 Project YES intern orientation to be held May 21-29, 2021 at NC State University.  

The last day Project YES will be accepting applications is March 15, 2021.  More information and application materials can be found at

Donald Bell - Armstrong State University
(Aug, 2016 - Feb, 2018)
 Lisa Norzea - University of Florida
(Jun, 2019 - Nov, 2019)
Patrick Harris III - Michigan State University (Jun, 2014 - Oct, 2016)
Project YES has proudly served over 28,800 children and youth in 49 states, 4 US territories and Germany.  We look forward to working with more of the tremendous military youth serving their country in their own special ways!

What is Project YES?
What is Project YES?
Oh the Places We've Been!
Oh the Places We've Been!
Megan Joost 
Southeast Missouri State University
Project YES, 2017-2020
"What a tremendous opportunity!
I have grown professionally, traveled to places I would've never seen, and gained a new family.

I had a new light shed on me throughout the whole experience ... what an amazing journey!"

Please visit Project YES for more information about internship requirements, application instructions, and frequently asked questions.  Specific questions regarding this internship opportunity may be referred to: Dr. JC Johnson, National Director, Project YES, at [email protected].

Project YES Is the result of a partnership funded by the Department of Defense Office of Employer Programs and Policy and the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture through a grant/cooperative agreement with North Carolina State University.