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September 1 to October 4 is the SEASON OF CREATION. Below is a link to "Open Space", a publication of the JESUIT FORUM FOR SOCIAL FAITH AND JUSTICE. it is published by the Jesuits of Canada. Their September issue is "Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope". It is a must-read issue. At the end there are questions that can be used with your CLC communities. Perhaps this could be a national effort. Here is the link.

Click the link below to read the REGIONAL REPORTS

Dear CLC Friends in Christ,

              There has been much happening throughout Canada connected to GC since last Spring Issue and I will try to keep my report concise but inclusive.

             Covid 19 has slowed down the work of General Council but has also made us more reflective and helped us understand that what is ultimately important to God in these times is kindness and compassion toward one another during this pandemic. We have been invited to many ZOOM Meetings with World CLC, CLC USA, North America and our own Regions simply to hear each others’ stories as to how we are being affected during these times of extra vulnerability. In this way, we have been graced with encouragement and support to be patient with ourselves and each other as we step back and let the Spirit take the lead.

             As a result, many important things are bubbling up from below that will be springing forth like geisers as we are experiencing new ways of doing things in CLC. Out of the National Assembly, we now have the beginnings of the National Implementation Working Group and a National Formation Working Group, each with representation of all Regions and very formed members of CLC to begin the processes. The Communications Working Group, which has been in existence since Fr. Trevor Scott SJ brought them together in 2017, has been meeting all summer to discern their Vision, Mission, Goals and Do-ables and are ready to take others on board to deepen, share and go forth with this important role for CLC Canada. We still don’t have a Financial Working Group but, financially we are in good stead. With Revision of the John English Fund SOP there are accessible funds for Formation and an improved process for accessing these Funds. Since there was an excess amount after the National Assembly, our next Assembly will be much more affordable for all members and communities. General Council will not be having a Face to Face meeting this year but will, instead hold several virtual ZOOM meetings over October 23, 24 and 25.

             As you are aware, use of technology and peoples’ efficiency in using ZOOM has sky rocketed. Many of our members, young and old, have been offering their gifts and talents to teach the use of this technology. I am sure that many of you noticed a big improvement in the quality of audio and visual effects from Easter Sunday to July 31, Feast of St. Ignatius Masses. I would go so far as to say that it has been a ‘pentecostal experience’ to be part of ZOOM Meetings and Liturgies that involve Spiritual Conversation, Break Out Rooms and Plenaries. We have learned how to Host, Co-host, Share screens for documents and videos. It takes a little longer but it is possible to be more inclusive and collaborative in Discernments and Decision Making than ever before. This holds true for both Administrative and Mission Working Groups.

             As General Council, we are deeply grateful for all the work and efforts that have gone into Sustaining the work and mission of CLC Canada. We count on your continued support, collaboration, personal and communal discernments. We keep you in our prayers and ask that you keep us in yours that each of us may be open and free, patient, forgiving and compassionate as we move into a new year, honouring our call to CLC…A Gift to the Church and to the World!

Michelle Mahoney, CLC President
Savouring Sheep Pond’s Sacred Space
Swallows sweep and skim the sandy surface;
Waves ebb and flow in rhythmic tide;
Seagulls soar the sky in focused searching,
Diving for prey in torpedo like stride.
Small vessels anchor and dot the horizon,
As fishers await their generous haul,
While floating buoy, through sensitized motion,
Faithfully moans its eerie call.
Sea glass, tossed upon the ocean,
Finds its way to shore once more,
Joined by driftwood, shells and seaweed
Washed by the surf from ocean floor.
Red banks riddled with shadow black holings,
Home of the swallow protecting its nest,
Form like a pattern upon a clay backing,
Providing safe haven … sure comfort and rest.
Crumbling sandstone banks eroding;
Weathering away such vulnerable ground;
Threatening ocean front homes and their footage,
‘Til far in the future, they’ll not be around.
Salty sea air mid warm summer breezes…
Walks on the beach, treading barefoot and free…
This is the sacred that Sheep Pond has offered,
Beaconing my spirit to just simply be.
To be in those moments of grace, freely given,
To savour creation and all of its charm,
Respectful and grateful for beauty’s unfolding,
To offer due reverence … to render no harm.
To cherish the glory of God’s own provision,
To sense His Word spoken through nature’s domain,
To offer my pen in poetic expression
That catches a glimpse of life’s truest refrain,
To rest in the arms of these Triune encounters,
And glimpse, oh so briefly, miraculous ways,
To see with the heart, what the mind cannot fathom,
Enthralled by the mystery that nature displays!
 From the heart AMDG, Sandy Mudge  
ECOLOGY FRONTIER: Working Group Report

As with all new initiatives, ‘breaking trail’ often is the longest and most difficult part of any journey into new territory. In the first few years, the Ecology Frontier Working Group was faced with a few obstacles such as the lack of the Update publication. This year Covid -19 caused us to shift gears again and search out new ways of meeting and collaborating as a WG. Never-the-less, as one of our CLC Elders was often heard saying, ‘You learn as you go’, it has been quite a rewarding adventure both as a CLC and as a National Working Group.

Last January, we decided to take time to evaluate, according to the DSSE process, what we had done to date and, in preparation, asked General Council for their comments and advice on the work and functioning of the WG. In the course of our Evaluation, we made use of the Life Death Resurrection Cycle and the Power Cycle that helped us to clarify and affirm that we desired to continue to be learners in this field, to communicate our learnings with the wider National CLC, to encourage others to share their experiences and, with increasingly awareness of our interdependency on God and on God’s created wonders, to encourage groups to discern concrete responses to heal the ecological degradation that surrounds all of us. To this end, we realized that we
needed to make adjustments and amendments in our way of proceeding.

With the recent completion of rewriting our Vision, Goals, and Objectives, we will next tackle our Plan of Action for the coming year. For now, we encourage you to check out the CLC Canada website to see some of the articles and prayer exercises published in earlier Update publications. In the next months, we hope to contact the Regions in order to solicit contributions but in the meantime, we would be delighted to hear from you if you wanted to offer input.

Beulah Costain (Ecology Frontier WG contact/coordinator)


The Christian Life Community - Canada’s National Communications Working Group during the Summer of 2020, recognized a need to step back from the required daily tasks of coordinating and maintaining our three platforms: newsletter and mailing list, social media presence, and website to look at our own mission. 
Meeting bi-weekly via Zoom videoconference we began a discerning process for our Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Goals and Deliverables. We rejoice in the presence of the Holy Spirit during this process and in these documents, collaboratively written by the whole Working Group as a single voice. We pray these four documents will guide and inspire members of the Working Group (present and future). These documents will be available on the website once they are approved by our General Council.
Feeling very blessed to share our gifts within CLC Canada we hope to continue as God calls us.
The National Communications Working Group

The National Website Webmaster: Felipe Bañados Schwerter (Rockies Region)
The Update Newsletter Editor: Lois Zachariah (Central Region)
The National Facebook Page Manager: Kyoko Leung (Central Region)
General Council Liaison: Michelle Mahoney (Atlantic Region)
CLC Member: Gerri Tingley (Atlantic Region)

An experience of mystery during the pandemic

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, I had attended Mass, on line only, since mid February. When my sister died in early August, my community, as was our custom, had a Mass said for her one evening, mid week, and I attended. I sat down, crossed myself and broke into tears, singing to myself,

 “Here I am Lord. This me is Lord. I have heard you calling in the night”. 

Over and over, as though I was afraid that God might think I had forgotten him or he, me: a moment of enlightenment: Matthew 17. 

A few days later I visited my son who has a pool in his back yard. I grew up on the Muskoka River, deep, dark, fast running water. I have been a swimmer all my life and all pools were closed for the same reason as churches. My son put a bungee harness on me, attached it to the diving board and I swam front crawl for half an hour every day of my visit. But that first day, I walked to the drop off in tears, singing “Here I am Lord, this me Lord” an equally moving experience. I have been singing ever since: “Here I am Lord. This is me Lord, I have heard you calling in the night…”

Dona Paul Massel, Faithful Companions of the Evening Star. August 26, 2020.