Welcome back!
We hope that you had a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving Break with your family! As we move towards the end of this unprecedented year, we would like to thank you for all of your thoughtfulness and support. Please continue to practice safety precautions and protocols when it comes to your health and the health of your student.You may call the office ANY time you have questions or concerns. Thank you again for ALL that you do for our
Northwood community!

Friday is National Sock Day...
Let's have some fun and wear CrAzY socks!
Please make sure that your student brings a water bottle to school everyday.
The water fountains are closed, but students may use the filling stations for their water bottles.

Google Classroom
Students who are in quarantine due to exposure:
  • All students should be able to log onto their Google Classroom for assignments and activities.
  • Your student will not be counted absent if they complete the activities/assignments for the days they are gone.

Students who are sick in quarantine:
  • All students should be able to log onto their Google Classroom for assignments and activities.
  • Your student will need to complete their work as soon as they are feeling better. Their work needs to be completed by the end of the week or in the amount of time that they were gone.

If you need assistance with Google Classroom please email. Mr. Luttmer

If you have any questions, feel free to call the office 373-5151.
We're always here to help!
If you have a doctor's note to return to school, please send it to nw.office@piedmontschools.org
Assistant Principal