Cultural Heritage Tourism
Funding Opportunities
January 2022
Western Arts Alliance: Performing Arts Discovery
Deadline: January 7, 2022

Applications are open for Phase Two of the Performing Arts Discovery (PAD) program — an international video showcase opportunity for US-based performing artists. The program promotes US artists, international programmers, festival directors and venue managers — is managed by WAA on behalf of our US Regional Arts Organization partners.

Ten applicants were selected under Phase One of the program earlier this year. For Phase Two, an additional 20 applicants will be selected, and all 30 PAD artists/ensembles will work remotely with the PAD showcase production team beginning March 2022 to develop professionally produced live performance videos to be featured on a dedicated platform and included in selected international online showcases later in 2022.

PAD encourages those who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) and/or LGBTQ+ to apply.

Tourism Tip: This funding opportunity can help local artists, dance groups and cultural performers tour other countries and promote your hometown attractions.

For More Information
For more information, visit
National Park Service: Underrepresented Community Grants
Deadline: January 11, 2022

National Park Service’s Underrepresented Community Grant Program (URC) works towards diversifying the nominations submitted to the National Register of Historic Places. URC grants are funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF), and are administered by the NPS. Projects include surveys and inventories of historic properties associated with communities underrepresented in the National Register, as well as the development of nominations to the National Register for specific sites.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help fund a tourism initiative in your underrepresented community.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: January 12, 2022

The National Forest Foundation (NFF) Matching Awards Program (MAP) provides funding for results-oriented on-the-ground projects that enhance forest health and outdoor experiences on National Forests and Grasslands.

Tourism Tip: The grant can help fund outdoor tourism experiences.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: January 15, 2022

Comcast RISE was created to invest in the success of small businesses owned by people of color by providing valuable and critical support.

Tourism Tip: The grant can help fund your small tourism business.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Economic Development Agency: American Rescue Plan Act Travel, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation
Deadline: January 31, 2022

Subject to the availability of funds, awards made under this notice of funding opportunity will help communities and regions devise and implement sustainable economic recovery strategies through a variety of non-construction and construction projects to respond to damage to the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors from the coronavirus pandemic and to promote the economic resilience of regions dependent on those industries.

Tourism Tip: This grant can be used to help recover your tourism business.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: Rolling

The ReConnect Program offers loans, grants and loan-grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in areas of rural America that currently do not have sufficient access to broadband. In facilitating the expansion of broadband services and infrastructure, the program will fuel long-term rural economic development and opportunities in rural America.

Applications are now being accepted for FY2022.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help reconnect broadband services in rural areas which would include use by visitors.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: February 10, 2022

The NEA supports design projects that have a public benefit and advance the field of design. In addition, they invite projects that respond to current events. Funding can support various design disciplines including architecture, communications and graphic design, fashion design, historic preservation, industrial and product design, interior design, landscape architecture, inclusive design, rural design, social impact design and urban design.

NEA is accepting proposals for a number of disciplines, including Folk & Traditional Arts/Museums/Artist Communities (residencies)/Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works (presenting, performing, touring, residencies).

Tourism Tip: This grant can be used for a variety of different design projects in your community.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: February 22, 2022

National Park Service’s Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program supports subgrant programs that enable the rehabilitation of historic properties and rehabilitate, protect and foster economic development of rural communities. This program funds preservation projects for historic sites, including architectural and engineering services and physical building preservation through subgrants to communities determined rural by the US Bureau of the Census. The Paul Bruhn Historic Revitalization Grants Program is funded by the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) and is administered by the NPS.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help preserve historic properties in your tourism initiative.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: February 25, 2022

This program is designed to assist Native American tribes in improving core library services for their communities. Reflecting IMLS’s agency-level goals of championing lifelong learning, strengthening community engagement, and advancing collections stewardship and access, the goals for this program are to:

  • Improve services for learning and accessing information in a variety of formats to support needs for education, workforce development, economic and business development, health information, critical thinking skills, digital literacy skills, and financial literacy, and other types of literacy skills.
  • Enhance the skills of the current library workforce and leadership through training, continuing education, and opportunities for professional development.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help your library become a part of your tourism attractions, helping visitors find attractions and services while providing a place to stop, read or take advantage of programs, especially those for children.

For More Information
For more information, visit
U.S Department of Agriculture: Rural Business Development Grants
Deadline: February 28, 2022

This program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue.

Rural Business Development Grant money must be used for projects that benefit rural areas or towns outside the urbanized periphery of any city with a population of 50,000 or more.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help support community economic development, feasibility studies, strategic planning and training.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Deadline: March 7, 2022

The Office of Indian Economic Development (OIED), through its Living
Languages Grant Program (LLGP), is soliciting proposals from federally recognized Tribes and Tribal organizations for grants to fund Native language instruction and immersion programs for Native students not enrolled at Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools, including those Tribes in States without BIE-funded schools.

Tourism Tip: This grant can be used to help revitalize languages in danger of extinction and provide use of languages for signage, promotional materials and training to frontline tourism staff (greetings, thank you, your welcome and other everyday phrases they can use with visitors).

For More Information
For more information, contact Dennis Wilson at or visit,
U.S. Economic Development Administration: Travel, Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Program
Deadline: March 15, 2022

Through the Travel, Tourism & Outdoor Recreation program, EDA is focused on accelerating the recovery of communities that rely on the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors.
Destination organizations, nonprofits, state or local governments, economic development districts (EDDs), territories and tribal governments and institutions of higher education can apply for these funds. $240 million has been set aside for the Competitive Tourism Grants. Funds competitively awarded to local governments and nonprofit organizations in regions most impacted by job loss in the travel, tourism and outdoor recreation sectors—for projects that promote economic resilience and development and align with an EDA Investment Priority.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help to recover your tourism economy.

For More Information
For more information, visit or Email your questions about the American Rescue Plan Indigenous Communities program to or visit to find contact information for your Economic Development Representative.
U.S. Economic Development Administration: Indigenous Communities Program
Deadline: March 22, 2022 (applications reviewed on rolling basis.)

Through the Indigenous Communities program, EDA is allocating $100 million in American Rescue Plan funding specifically for Indigenous communities, which were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.

This program is designed to support the needs of Tribal Governments and Indigenous communities. EDA will support these important partners to develop and execute economic development projects that they need to recover from the pandemic and build economies for the future.

A wide range of technical, planning, workforce development, entrepreneurship, and public works and infrastructure projects are eligible for funding under this program.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help revive your community from the impact of COVID-19.

For More Information
For more information, visit or email your questions to
Deadline: March 30, 2022

The USArtists International program (USAI) supports performances by U.S. artists at impactful
international festivals and performing arts marketplaces outside the United States and its territories. The program supports the engagements of exemplary solo artists and ensembles across all performing arts disciplines including dance, music, theater, multidisciplinary work, and folk/traditional arts.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help fund performing arts where artists can act as ambassadors to other countries and encourage visitation.

For More Information
For more information, visit, or contact the program officer at
Deadline: April 19, 2022

The Rural Innovation Stronger Economy (RISE) grant program encourages a regional, innovation-driven approach to economic development by funding job accelerator partnerships in low-income rural communities. This includes communities that have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.

RISE provides grants of up to $2 million to consortiums of local governments, investors, industry, institutions of higher education, and other public and private entities in rural areas. The funding may be used to support innovation centers and job accelerator programs that improve the ability of distressed rural communities to create high-wage jobs, form new businesses, and identify and maximize local assets.

USDA encourages applications that serve the smallest communities with the lowest incomes.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help strengthen your low income economy through tourism.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Potlatch Fund for Native Communities Resilience Project
Deadline: Rolling

The Potlatch Fund aims to build on the Native tradition of giving by increasing philanthropy for and among Tribal communities through grants and empowering community leaders with the tools they need to succeed through training. To that end, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on Native communities, the Potlatch Resiliency Fund will support resiliency actions that create hope, social connection, adaption, flexibility and purpose. Grants of $10,000 and $15,000 will be awarded in support of general operating funds, projects and artists.

Tourism Tip: This grant can help support training to increase philanthropy initiatives in your community.

For More Information
For more information, visit
Other Opportunities
UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program Invites Proposals for Pilot and Research Projects

Deadline: February 15, 2022

The UC Davis Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program is a statewide program of University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. UC SAREP envisions a food and farming system that supports resilience through diversified production, marketing, and distribution systems; values all food system workers and supports their physical, economic, and social well-being; contributes to the health and vitality of urban, rural, and Tribal communities; is environmentally regenerative, using resources for production and distribution in a way that protects the environment in trust for future generations, including under changing climate conditions; and is culturally responsive and reflects the ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity of California.

SAREP invites proposals for small grants to fund pilot projects and research projects that support California’s farmers, ranchers, and land stewards and/or rural, urban, and Tribal communities to plan, implement, or evaluate sustainable agriculture or food systems strategies. UC SAREP will fund projects that fall within two priority areas:

Support California’s farmers, ranchers, and land stewards of all scales in identifying, piloting, and transitioning to environmentally regenerative approaches to producing crops and livestock (including but not limited to soil health, organic and agroecological practices, integrated pest management, and crop diversification); pathways for realizing economic return from ecologically sound crop management practices and fair labor practices; marketing and distribution strategies that support diversified, decentralized, and locally self-organized supply chains; and strategies that promote producer-to-producer networking and producer-to-supply chain networking.

Support California’s rural, urban, and Tribal communities to identify, implement, and evaluate strategies to expand access to healthy, sustainably produced, culturally appropriate foods; ensure worker wellbeing across the food chain; minimize the community and environmental costs of food production and distribution; strengthen connections between consumers and producers; and establish and strengthen producer-to-producer connections and producer-to-supply chain connections.


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(505) 243-3633 |

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