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The Woodlawn News
May 2021
Spring arrives in Maine
The month of May has arrived with its warmer days and spring blossoms. Here at Woodlawn, we are preparing the grounds, the museum and our new carriage exhibit for the upcoming summer season. Our croquet players are on the court perfecting their games and our community gardeners are hard at work planting and weeding. It's busy times for sure!
Meet our new caretaker

If you have been up to Woodlawn in recent weeks you likely have seen the great work that our new caretaker, Richard Tupper has been doing.

Richard retired as Ellsworth's Fire Chief at the end of 2020. He joined Woodlawn in April 2021. In addition to the grounds work and trail maintenance, he is a skilled carpenter and is enjoying interior projects in the museum and other buildings.
Spring cleanup day a huge success
Thanks to the 40+ volunteers that joined Woodlawn board members on Saturday, April 24, for the annual Spring Cleanup Day, the in and out avenues are now free of leaves and branches. According to Woodlawn caretaker, Richard Tupper, "Legend Athletics came in force with students and parents embracing the event as a community service project. Several community members cleaned up the gardens weeding and removing debris from the winter. Others joined board members raking sections of the lawn behind the museum and the rental house.
Museum to open in July
Woodlawn Museum will open for guided tours on July 6th. Tours will be offered Tuesday through Sunday on the half-hour beginning at 10:30 with the last tour of the day at 3:30. Reservations are required along with a $10 non-refundable deposit.

Please call 207-667-8671 for information or to make a reservation. Tours are $12 per adult, $5 for those ages 12-18, children under 12 are admitted for free. Maine CDC COVID-19 guidelines for museums will be followed. At this time Woodlawn plans to require visitors to wear masks when inside the museum.

We look forward to welcoming guests to the museum and sharing the story of the Black family with you once again. As always, the museum grounds are open free of charge from dawn to dusk.
A Look into the Collection
Doodles in the Daybook
Hidden in the pages of the Black Family Archives, specifically Black & Sons ledgers, daybooks and journals, are surprises such as the drawing below. Amidst the mundane daily record of debits and credits, Alexander Baring Black (1816-1910), fifth son of Col. John Black, occasionally embellished the pages with wonderful drawings. One wonders if Alexander was happier drawing than tending store.
Photo caption: Alexander B. Black expressed himself by doodling in his business records. More than simple doodles, his pen and ink drawings are neatly crafted and balanced compositions. Underneath this fine bird, Alexander drew a quill pen with the words: the pen is mightier than the sword.
Wednesday Art in Ellsworth Meet-Up
When Richard Small retired he looked forward to spending more time with his paint box, easel and friends. So, he created Wednesday Art in Ellsworth Meet-up. He put the word out to like-minded artists to join him at various locations around Ellsworth and have fun painting and sharing ideas. On Wednesday May 12, Richard and Ivey Menzietti braved the early morning showers and a cool spring breeze and had some fun at Woodlawn.
Want to support our work?

Become a member Click here
Donate to our annual appeal Click here

Photo: One of our recent trail visitors decided to try out our very large doghouse. Our trails are open dawn to dusk everyday and dogs on leash are welcome.
Woodlawn Museum, Gardens & Park
19 Black House Drive, P.O. Box 1478
Ellsworth, Maine 04605
(207) 667-8671

For general questions, click here