As the holiday season approaches, we would like to thank you for your continued support and participation in CIE!
While we can agree that this year has been like no other, the current global pandemic and increased awareness of systematic racism have brought a positive change.
We are continuously learning to grow, work collaboratively, and remotely. In the spirit of ingenuity, we have come up with creative ways to keep in touch with our friends, families, and partners to share updates. Most of all, we learned to appreciate our homes, our loved ones, and so much more!
We are also working to create opportunities to change systems, support communities, and address inequities through Community Information Exchange (CIE). The launch of CIE Community Voice is a step in the right direction to bring the voices of our community that are often unseen and unheard but we still have a long way to go.
The work ahead of us in 2021 is made possible by your willingness to learn from each other about innovative approaches to connecting populations to the services and resources they need.
May your holiday season and the New Year bring you more opportunities to connect with others, joy, and happiness.
We are all in this together.
-The 2-1-1/CIE San Diego Team
100 partners have joined CIE! Congratulations to our CIE Partners for reaching this milestone.
You have all contributed to the CIE and made it a success in our community. We could not have done this without your support. We look forward to our continued growth in supporting our community.
The newest CIE Partners are highlighted below.
Welcome to CIE, Gary and Mary West PACE!
Welcome to CIE, Goodwill Industries
Welcome to CIE, Metro Community Ministries
A Positive Choice Resource and Referral Services, LLC
A Positive choice is now accepting direct referrals from CIE to its Home Care Referrals program.
This program offers care coordination services including complimentary in-home care assessments, consultations, and referrals to in-home care, home health care, and in-home hospice care services for seniors and individuals with disabilities.
The Courage to Call line is now accepting direct referrals from CIE Partners!
Courage to Call is dedicated to improving the lives of Veterans, Active Duty, Reservists, National Guardsmen, and their families via countywide outreach and education, a 24/7 peer line, as well as individual short-term, solution-focused prevention-oriented plans. This program is led by fellow Veterans.
Gary and Mary West PACE is now accepting direct referrals to its
Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly
PACE is an all-inclusive Managed Care Health Plan exclusively for seniors ages 55 and older who wish to continue living at home despite chronic health needs. Once in the managed health program, clients are eligible to receive coverage for prescription drugs, doctor care, transportation, home care, checkups, hospital visits, and even nursing home stays whenever necessary. With PACE, the ability to pay will never keep one from getting the care needed.
Veterans Village San Diego
Veterans Village of San Diego is now accepting the following direct referral opportunities in CIE:
HEAP Rental Assistance, North County
Provides one-time rental assistance for clients at-risk of homelessness in the North County region of San Diego County. Clients are expected to be financially sustainable upon exhausting flex fund assistance.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF)
Provides temporary financial assistance and short-term case management services to assist homeless Veterans and their families with obtaining permanent housing. Case managers assist with locating housing, budgeting, and referrals to VA benefits and a wide range of services. These services include employment opportunities, income benefits, mental health benefits, medical services, out of state relocation assistance, and more.
zero8hundred is now offering their Military Transition Support program as a direct referral opportunity in CIE:
Provides a one-stop resource hub to transitioning service members, recent veterans and their spouses (including Gold Star spouses) to help them navigate through and connect to the local resources who can best support all their specific post-service needs.
Leveraging CIE Infrastructure to Manage Community Needs and Response During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the need for a coordinated system that supports the most vulnerable in our communities. This issue brief details how CIE San Diego used its multi-sector data-sharing infrastructure and powerful Partner Network to manage community needs and resources, and how it learned from this public health crisis to enhance its existing system to be more responsive to community needs in real-time.
Tell us about your organization, your new projects, new programs, locations, new team, or share how CIE has helped you improve on the work that you do every day!
We will feature your organization or team member in our Social Media, CIE website, and CIE Newsletter.
We are working constantly to improve the Community Information Exchange (CIE) and ensure it is best serving the needs of our communities. We are encouraging our partners and clients to share their stories, feedback, or experience using the CIE so we can continue to improve the client and partner experience.
Lyft Rides
If you have clients that need rides to pick-up a holiday meal, holiday baskets, set up their ride using the CIE Lyft rides direct referral opportunity.
Doordash Essential Goods Delivery
Do you wish you could offer delivery services in lieu of drive-thru or walk-up food drives? What about PPE and other types of critical supplies?
Through a partnership with United Way World Wide and DoorDash, if you have a supply of goods, we can support contact-free delivery for up to 10 miles.
Monthly Standing CIE Partner Meetings
The CIE Partner Network works to improve the overall service delivery system for clients. Our meeting provides a forum for partners to discuss the CIE platform, provide feedback about the CIE platform, and participate in ongoing discussions and improvements to the social determinants of health, risk rating scales, system functionality, as well as network with other CIE partners to coordinate better care for clients. We meet on the 4th Thursday of every month (except November and December) at 9:00 am.
The next CIE Partner Meeting is scheduled for January 28, 2021. To join this and other upcoming meetings, register here.
Monthly CIE Training Opportunities
The CIE Team is offering monthly training on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 10:00 am to 11:00 am via zoom! Learn how to navigate the CIE platform, to search for clients, send direct referrals to other partners, how to add program enrollments, care teams, and more.
Monthly CIE Training
2nd Wednesday of every month
10 am to 11 am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 910 0222 8786
Passcode: 115961 One tap mobile +16699009128
Legal Aid Society Monthly Webinars and Training Events
Legal Aid offers monthly webinars and training events for topics including Fair Housing Rights, Housing Discrimination, Source of Income and more! Visit their website or click on the link below to learn more.
Other Upcoming Events and Meetings!
Reminder: No CIE Monthly CIE Partner Network Meetings in November and December.
211 San Diego/Imperial | Community Information Exchange