AY 2020-21, Issue XII | November 21, 2020

Jake Raimer/The Eagle
This is the latest edition of our newsletter covering our work from Nov. 14 to Nov. 21. To read any of these stories and more, check out our website or our coronavirus website, which covers news related to the pandemic. 

By: Isabel Wolff
We have been publishing articles from our virtual print edition on our website. You can also read any of these stories and more in our virtual print edition here.  

  • Students with disabilities, who previously used the in-person focused resources from the Academic Support and Access Center, have had mixed reactions with the shift to online learning this semester.

  • Spencer Nusbaum and Ezekiel Cohen revealed number 1 and 2 of the sports section's Top 10 Sporting Moments countdown highlighting Sa'eed Nelson and the 2013 field hockey, men’s basketball and AU team sports seasons. 

  • For student arts groups, the show must go on, even online. A cappella groups like On a Sensual Note, Dime a Dozen, Treble in Paradise, Pitches Be Trippin’ and TenLi Tunes, dance organizations like AU in Motion and student theatre like AU Rude Mechanicals talked about experiences with online art.

  • Riya Kohli writes: “The experience of these past months as a college student can be easily represented by the colloquial five states of grief and loss ... The question we’re all left with is, when will we reach acceptance? How do we get there?"

  • “We are trying to survive right now.” D.C. thrift shops are facing financial struggles and closures as the ongoing pandemic impacts shopping habits. 

  • University clubs are still an important part of the AU student community this semester, as club leaders and campus resources utilize creative ways to stay connected. 

  • Satire: "The next time you have a sleep-inducing class, use these strategies to keep yourself alert. Feel free to share these tips with friends, classmates and professors. Especially professors — some of them may benefit the most!"

The Eagle Explains: “Comfort Foods” shows us that there is so much more to food than nourishment
By: Clare Mulroy, Food and Fitness Editor

I am a firm believer that behind every plate is a story, a culture and decades of craft and care. Never have I been so aware of the power of a good home-cooked meal as I am this semester, cooking for myself in my D.C. apartment. That’s where “Comfort Foods” was born — a series dedicated to AU students and their favorite meals. It dives into the culture of the dish and why it holds such significance.

To start the series off, we met Anastasia Matlin, a senior whose maternal grandparents immigrated to the U.S. from Greece and brought with them Youvetsi, an orzo pasta and lamb stew simmered in tomato sauce. Matlin enjoyed Youvetsi with her family nearly every Sunday growing up.

Next, sophomore Naomi Greengold told us about jollof rice, a Nigerian rice dish with seasonings and a pepper-based sauce with vegetables. Though she’s never been to Nigeria, she connects with her culture every time her mom makes it. 

Finally, staff writer Sara Winick told us about her favorite meal on a cold winter's day — Noodle Kugel. The Jewish dish is a staple at family holiday celebrations and even causes some friendly debate over the best way to serve it. 

As the Food and Fitness editor, my goal is to bring those stories to life and explore culture and heritage along the way. Although the coronavirus pandemic has brought a lot of distance into our lives, family and tradition keep us close. Everyone has a “Comfort Food” to share.

COVID-19 Update:

  • As of Nov. 16, there have been 36 cases reported by the University for the fall semester. This is up six case from last week's reporting. This is also the highest number of cases reported since the week of Sept. 14.

  • AU will replace spring break with a “Wellness Week” on March 7-13 to promote student well-being, according to Acting Provost Peter Starr. The week will be free of written assignments, required reading, quizzes and exams.

  • President Sylvia Burwell announced on Monday that all students, faculty and staff traveling for Thanksgiving are requested to provide information about their personal travel plans in a form.

  • On Tuesday, the University announced that NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell will be the commencement speaker at the virtual ceremony for summer and fall 2020 graduates.
  • On Nov. 14, thousands of largely maskless Trump supporters and members of far-right groups protested the results of the election, a week after Biden's projected victory. AUCR and an SPA professor shared their views with The Eagle on the demonstrations.

  • Resident assistants who were supposed to work during the fall semester reflect on the online format, lost benefits like on-campus housing and stipends as well as plans for future semesters.

  • YOU@American is a new website by AU and Grit Digital Health, which offers students resources to explore their mental and physical health and career tips, including an anonymous self assessment of their mental well-being. 


  • In our first AU Club Feature, Cecilia Markley talked to members of ZARON about their transition to online activities. The organization is focused on promoting Asia-Pacific cultures throughout D.C. and welcomes many international students to AU. 

  • Silver Screen: “‘The Boys in the Band’ is a rallying cry for a better future as it reminds its viewers how far we’ve come and how far we have to go.”

  • “The show normalizes the Deaf and hearing-impaired college experience in a way that is missing in mainstream media. But this series is not limited to the experiences of the students it features." Annmarie Melsheimer reviewed the show “Deaf U” for the Silver Screen.


  • Former Los Angeles Lakers guard and AU alum Andre Ingram was recently appointed president of the Basketball Players Union. His work will help players in the G League on issues such as healthcare, travel and hotel fees, management access and more accommodations.

  • AU Black student-athletes formed a coalition this fall to foster community and hold AU Athletics accountable for its policies. The group allows athletes to share their experiences within a department with few Black coaches.