Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... When boys don’t have this model, they suffer. And when they suffer, society suffers. A majority of school shooters come from fatherless homes; and a study of older male shooters (think Steven Paddock of the Las Vegas massacre) produces similar results. Indeed, the consequences of fatherlessness are simply staggering. ..."
"... I know there are thousands of parents out there, just like me, who have been alienated and isolated from seeing their kids by the other parent and are now having to fight by themselves to get their kids back. ..."
By Caroline Counsel - The Canberra Times
"... When parents separate, it puts a whole different perspective on what each parent wants or expects of the other. In the worst cases, mothers want to eradicate the father from the face of the planet and act as if they never existed. It often stems from the mother's inability to separate her own emotions from the emotional needs of her children. ..."
By Jann Blackstone - Northwest Arkansas Democrat Gazette
"... Enter joint custody and everything changed. Now the courts, the psychological community, society, etc., all believe co-parenting is in the best interest of the children and if you want to do it right, exes must interact -- in the best interest of the children, of course. ..."
‘Da called and told me he never wants to see you again’. That’s all it takes. One lie to a confused, hurting child. A lie repeated forcefully and consistently until it became ‘truth’.
"... According to Morneau, the clarification to the Income Tax Act will ensure that benefits paid to families in shared-parenting arrangements are not stopped or interrupted. ..."
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