Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... Not only was the custody process in court expensive, largely because of attorney fees, he said. It often resulted in black-and-white outcomes: “One parent would get custody and one parent would lose,” Hale said. “It was winner-take-all, loser-lose-all. It’s the kids who suffer in that situation.” ..."
"... Significantly, the child’s preference may be based upon misinformation or misplaced views. Additionally, the child may be easily influenced and manipulated. ..."
By Time Square Chronicles
"Married couples are more likely to stay together, which means there is less stress on the children as well as the economy. But this whole situation might not be as positive as it appears at first glance because of the reasons behind this change."
"... The end of summer brings with it a surge in another kind of ending. August is, sadly, one of those months when divorce filings spike."
By Duncan Hughes - Financial Review
"... Citi is demanding that divorced new property borrowers reveal full details on child maintenance in a revamped version of lending rules, which have created a rift between major lenders and regulators. ..."
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