Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
"... Suspension is a required enforcement tool for collecting past-due child support, but current laws, policies, and practices are not effective for many noncustodial parents. In fact, it may do more harm than good..."
By Psychology Today, 08/06/2022
"...We often think of parental alienation as a post-relationship phenomenon. In fact, it’s something that happens within the context of ongoing relationships every bit as much as it happens after a relationship ends. In either case, it is a manufactured manipulation that hurts everyone—except, of course, the alienator—from the abused partner to the children who are weaponized..."
"...Now, as families wait to get in front of a judge — Swenson's office has heard that some hearings may not be possible until the end of 2023 — they're left in limbo, in a less-than-ideal home situation. "You have couples who have decided to end their marriage, who are forced to stay in the same household, because people can't afford to reside in two separate homes before the divorce is finalized," she said..."
"...Under the bill, mothers would be able to request child support from the moment of conception and would even be able to collect the payments retroactively if paternity was not established until birth..."
By Alan D. Blotcky, PhD - Psychiatric Times, 08/08/2022
"...Parental alienation as a mental condition is indeed founded on scientific research. In addition, there is a wealth of accumulated clinical knowledge of parental alienation in real-life, high-conflict cases. In this article, my goal is to discuss lessons learned from my experiences as an expert in alienation cases..."
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