The WEekly Evangelist
The Parish Office will be closed December 24-31. Angi will be back in on January 3, 2022.

Christmas Eve (12/24) service is at 5:00PM. Lessons and Carols will be December 26th at 9:30AM. If you have a Pastoral Emergency, please contact Rev Cindi at 612.998.5136.
You are invited: SUNDAYS DOWN UNDER. Bring your own coffee cup/mug to pour coffee into to the undercroft after Service on Sundays. We are making coffee again! We will have socially distanced time for fellowship, Iona work, and other projects. Questions? Reach out to Rev. Cindi (

Epiphany Door Blessing: Chalking the Door

What Is Chalking the Door?
This short prayer is a way of marking our homes, usually at the front or main entrance, with sacred signs and symbols as we ask God’s blessing upon those who live, work, or visit throughout the coming year.
In Exodus, the Israelites marked their doors with blood so that the Lord would pass over their homes; but in this service, we mark our doors with chalk as a sign that we have invited God’s presence and blessing into our homes. In Deuteronomy 6:9 God tells the people of Israel: “These words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house… You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Chalking the door is a tangible way to honor God in our lives.
What Do the Numbers and Letters Mean?
The first and last numbers simply refer to the current year. The letters C M B come from the traditional names for the three kings: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. Some also suggest “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” which means, “May Christ bless this dwelling!”

Please pick up a prayer sheet and chalk at Church during the week of Jan. 2. We will bless the Church doors on Jan.9, during our cookies-and-cocoa-drive -up event.

Faith Formation
All are welcome to join Rev. Cindi for virtual Faith Formation this Winter. We meet on Wednesdays, on Zoom at 7 PM, just before Compline. Let Cindi know if you are interested by replying to this link 
she will send you a reminder with the Zoom link.
January: Book Club (The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown)

You can choose to let go of yourself to live a “fake life” for others, or you can embrace who you are and own your life story. You’ll love life, others, and yourself better when you’re authentic.
Live wholeheartedly by switching your mindset from trying to be perfect and identifying yourself with what other’s think, to feeling “I am enough” no matter what happens today. You’ll be more courageous, compassionate, and connected this way. And wholehearted living is a never-ending process, not a milestone.
Strive to DIG deep, especially when you’re tired and stressed by being:
  • Deliberate – Be intentional in what you think and do.
  • Inspired – Get yourself in the right emotional and mental place to feel like yourself.
  • Going – Take action, whether that’s to rest or work harder—just do it.
Prayer Book Compline and Chat
Wednesdays at 8 pm via Zoom. 
Please join us at:

Meeting ID: 874 7394 0711
Passcode: 043830 OR Join by phone  +1 312 626 6799
Soul Deep Healing of Racial Wounds
Sunday, January 2, 3pm Central | Online
Register here
Episcopal Peace Fellowship's series of free, one hour, online presentations continues on Sunday, January 2 at 4:00 pm Eastern with learning from the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, presented by Dr. Catherine Meeks. Dr. Catherine Meeks is working with ECMN's Racial Justice and Healing consultant Heidi Kim and with our Racial Justice & Healing Formation team to create those formation resources. Dr. Catherine Meeks, founding executive director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing, takes the healing of racism deeper than politics to address the injuries and grievances we bear in our hearts.

We will have two bouquets on our Holy Communion Sundays. If you wish to furnish flowers, the cost is $30.00 per Sunday for 2 bouquets. After worship, an altar guild member will present the flowers to a church member who cannot regularly join us. Please consider being a part of this important ministry. 
There is a sign-up sheet on the narthex bulletin board.
Questions? Call Ann M. 382-9426

1/01-Mary Berner
1/10-Cathy Neitge
1/14-Pam Bartholomew
1/23-Rochelle Wegman
1/26-Nickie Van Stelten
1/27-Bobbi Hovren
1/28-Jim McGuire
1/31-Jolly Corley


No January Anniversaries
St. John’s Prayer List
Please pray for Gay, Andy, Bill, Ricci, Barbara, Marcia, Mary, Mara, Jordin, Pat, Elsie, Elizabeth, Kate, Mary, Wendy, Ann, Wayne, Swede, Jim, Libby, Don, Anne, Mary, Judy, Joan, Kylie, Amy, Alex, John, Donna, Cassandra, Cliff and Ellie.
Pastoral Care
If you are in need or know someone in need of pastoral care, please reach out to our Companion Priest, The Rev. Cindi Brickson at 612-998-5136 or
Vestry Members:
Cindi Brickson, Companion Priest, 612-998-5136,
Ann Clark 507-201-4438,
Jen Drganc, co-warden, 507-514-2418,
Steve Druschel 978-766-5252,
Mike Kearney 507-381-1435,
Tim Secott, co-warden 507-995-7825,
Angi Hiller, Parish Administrator 507-388-1969,
Parish Administrator: | 507-388-1969