Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... After seeing the effects of children growing up without fathers in her Oklahoma community, former army officer Lynda Steele decided to do something about it. But she doesn’t fall into the old narrative of fathers abandoning children or being “deadbeat dads,” her work has taught her that fathers are a forgotten class with unique needs that aren’t being met..."
"...Johnston is referring to the current Texas standard possession order which defaults to a 75/25 split between parents in the event of a divorce, rather than 50/50 with the option to amend. House Bill 803, currently awaiting a committee hearing, would change the default to equally shared parenting as long as both parents are deemed capable..."
By Forbes
"...“With the Child Support Hustle I wanted to educate people on how unconstitutional the system was against non-custodial parents, as debtor’s prison was abolished over 100 years ago..."
"...Children are ‘poisoned’ when they are exposed to denigration campaigns against one of their parents or reject a parent without any apparent reason, Systemic Psychotherapist Karl Wright explained..."
"...Past research published in The Journals of Gerontology found that more than 1 in 4 people getting divorced in the United States are over age 50, and over half of those divorces happen after 20 years of marriage..."
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