New Compassion Center Becoming Hub for local and international outreach
Director of Outreach Ministries, Pastor David Cripps, helps to oversee the new Compassion Center to meet physical and spiritual needs through a network of ministry partners in Houston's most vulnerable communities.

"In just one week, God orchestrated for us to receive a semi-truck full of goods from Walgreens, a mission team of 22 people to sort all of it, in addition to bringing us 15 churches that officially joined the Compassion Center network," shares David. "We are amazed to watch God at work and to be a part of it."

Here are a few recent highlights to celebrate:
  • Hosted first orientation for the 15 'charter' partner ministries March 4. Ministries signed a covenant to distribute warehouse contents in ways that will show the love of Christ in action, and report back on their testimonies.
  • Filled a truck full of comforters to send to earthquake victims in Turkey.
  • Youth and leaders from Coronado Baptist Church of El Paso installed storage racks and organized a truck full of items. They also helped ministry partner "Clothed by Faith" get their ministry area set up.
  • Provided warehouse space, contributed resources, and filled a shipping container for Ukraine (see story below)
  • Submitted Compassion Center projects for volunteers to handle during 1DayHouston's citywide day of service on April 29

"It is absolutely amazing to watch God bring so many volunteers, partners, ideas and resources together in our first few months of operation at the Compassion Center," shares Executive Director Jeff Chadwick. "We can hardly wait to see what will happen next!" To become a Compassion Center partner or volunteer, click here.
Ukraine or Bust!
Q: What happens when a passionate volunteer named Sally Hinzie sets out to send a shipping container to a Christian camp in war torn Ukraine?

A: God works a series of miracles, and the Union Baptist Association and Mission Centers of Houston collaborate to make it happen.

"I told God I did not know how to send a shipping container to Ukraine and He would have to do it," shares Sally, "and of course He did!" This enormous faith journey involved 10 churches, 30 individual donors, 33 volunteers, 136 volunteer hours and 17 pallets of supplies wrapped and ready to go.
April 29: Join us for citywide serving and concert

When faith communities and volunteers from across the city come together on April 29 for 1DayHouston, powerful and meaningful results will follow!

This initiative will involve up to 50,000 volunteers in communities across Houston.
It is the ideal way to introduce friends to the Mission Center or other worthwhile organizations.

Grab some friends and sign up to transform your city...and get a tshirt and ticket to the concert at Toyota Center that evening. Doors open at 5:30 and the concert starts at 6:30.

Volunteer Spotlight: Rev. Charles Frazier
"When it comes to loyalty, Pastor Frazier of Bethel Baptist Church is like my right hand man, because he has been one of our most consistent ministry partners for over five years," says Executive Director Jeff Chadwick. Pastor Frazier preaches twice a month at the Gano senior adult luncheons, and most recently assumed an active role in the warehouse organization and distribution logistics at the new Compassion Center. "My favorite part of volunteering is seeing lives changed," says Pastor Frazier. "We've even had people come to Christ and join our church." C.B. is also thankful for members Cookie Curry and Samille Frazier-Savoie for helping coordinate Bethel's involvement with MCH.
Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church (MDPC) is "Nuts" about Helping Mission Centers of Houston
While peanut butter crackers and water might be a snack for some people, for others less fortunate, that might serve as an entire meal. A special hooray goes to MDPC for their consistent support of MCH and for recently putting hundreds of these snack-packs together for our ministries of all ages!
Chef Team Enjoys Blessing Senior Adults at Joy
Senior adult events at the Joy Mission Center will occasionally include the tasty treats cooked up by loyal volunteer Dora Hernanez (in red) and her sous chef volunteers (from left) Monse Rivas (Joy's Community Ministry Assistant), Herlinda Zavala, Camila Segura, Irma Padilla, Dora Hernandez and Berta Torres. This dynamic and talented cooking combo served mole chicken for the Valentines party in February and on several other occasions more recently, creating smiles on every face in the place! Dora brought her children to the mission center in the 1980s and later served as director before retiring. "I am blessed to work with these ladies again in ministry, sharing our passion for the community and senior adults," Dora shares.
Join us as a player or hospitality volunteer!

Looking good!

Congratulations to new Eagle scout Robert Stevekin for completing our amazing new shelves at the Fletcher Center! We truly appreciate your kindness and craftsmanship.
Hip Hip Hooray for Kingsland Baptist Church's student ministry for purchasing and packaging several thousand pounds of rice, beans, canned vegetables and cereal for our two food pantries. We pray God will richly bless you!
Attention College age students! The Joy Mission Center invites you to be in ministry with other young folks on Wednesdays. Show up and be blessed!
WHO DO YOU KNOW...that is in college and would love to spend the summer in ministry with us as an intern? Recommend them here.
  • Individuals seeking to bless others with the gift of college. Make donations to our Scholarship Fund here.
  • Golf Tournament hospitality volunteers, players and sponsors as we expand to two courses on May 8 at Cypresswood Golf Club.
  • $5 - 10 gift cards for the homeless: Whataburger, Fiesta Grocery store, McDonalds and the METRORail.
  • Volunteers to help make 1DayHouston mega-volunteer event a success; click here.
Thank you for your support and encouragement as we continue to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people living in Houston's inner city with the love, mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.