Our Weekly Message

News, Invitations, and Ministerial Reflections

April 7, 2023

Dear Members, Friends, Families and Guests--

Greetings to you! I hope this finds you well.

Today is Good Friday, part of Holy Week and the most solemn day in the Western Christian Calendar. Two nights ago the Jewish festival week of Passover began. And Muslims around the world are mid-way through the holy month of Ramadan. Because of the way their three calendars run, this does not happen every year.

So I call it an Abrahamic convergence.

Let us extend our blessings to all people whose faith gives them a sense of grounding and renewal. And, in the spirit of human kinship which transcends all religious perspectives, let us extend respect and compassion to all our neighbors, of any faith tradition or none at all. In this spirit, we long for peace in a world which is not at peace, but rife with heartbreak. We long for liberty, democracy, justice and equity, in a country where those aspirations are now under threat--which means that human lives of worth and dignity are under threat.

This is always the background for those three seasonal rituals being observed right now:

  • in times of oppression or fear, remembering liberation--and widening its embrace
  • in times of weariness and uncertainty, clarifying our outlook--and seeking peace
  • in times of loss or despair, opening our senses to renewal--and building hope

However you observe the days we are in, I am heartened and grateful that you and I are part of a community that affirms and renews these aspirations, every time we speak our mission statement and in every occasion when we strive to live it out: We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world. I hope to connect with you soon!

Yours in service,

Rev. Roger

P.S. --This email has information about our special Sunday guest preacher and Easter Egg Hunt, the Loving the Earth artwork on our walls in April, several new and ongoing classes and groups, the Unitarian Heritage Tour to Poland that I will be co-lead, several opportunities to serve the larger community, and Theater One's upcoming production!

Below you also will find a link to our new video montage of short coffee-hour responses to the question, What do you love about UUSS? Find the Pledge Drive update and a link to make your pledge for the 2023-24 budget. With 200 more pledges, we will wrap it up!

Have you noticed the link that says "(Message clipped) View entire message" near the bottom of these e-mails? We have so much news in here sometimes that it does not all show up when you open the email. Scroll down and click on the link to see more!

Sunday Mornings with UUSS 

Face masks Recommended but not Required- read more

 Join us for Worship Services in person or on Zoom Zoom links here

 Service time 10:30 a.m.

Did you miss a service? You can find links to past services here

Our April Soul Matters Theme:

The Path of Resistance

Here's the link to the Soul Matters materials


Sunday Morning Programs

Join us before the service at 9:30 AM at UUSS

1st Sunday - Labyrinth meditation in the meadow (May 7)

*2nd Sunday* - Racial Equity Conversation (April 9)

Come at 9:30 am this Sunday, April 9, for Racial Equity Orientation, led by the Racial Justice team, in the Fahs Classroom. This session includes time for discussion and will focus on Taking Action for racial justice. The orientation is open to all who would like to learn more about what we're doing here at UUSS. There's always more to learn!

3rd Sunday - Qui Gong/Tai Chi (April 16)

4th Sunday - Exploring Unitarian Universalism (April 23)

Join us for a Newcomer Orientation and Tour the second of every month Sunday right after church in the Welcome Hall; next one is after church on Sunday, April 9.

Half of all Sunday morning offering donations made in April

will support our local community partner:

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte

To donate now at the UUSS website, click here.

"May generosity bless our world, and may gratitude nourish our spirits."

April 9, 10:30 AM: Rising to Love

Special Guest Preacher Rev. Carlton E. Smith, with Rev. Lucy Bunch and Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associate Colette Kavanaugh, UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva.

Special music by Celia Buckley, Courtney O’Neil, and Catherine Desberg.

Pulpit flowers by Elinor Anklin

In the spring, we celebrate the cycles of life as we move from the chill and barrenness of winter toward the warmth and fruitfulness of summer. This Resurrection Sunday, we will consider the ways that death and loss create the context for birth and renewal, whether in the natural world, in our congregations, or in our pursuit of justice. What can we learn from our spiritual forebears about the power of love to transform our world?

Rev. Carlton E. Smith is the Regional Lead for the Pacific Western Region. Before that, he was a parish minister serving UU congregations in Metro New York, Greater Boston, Northern Virginia and Oakland, California. 

  • At 9:30 a.m.: Racial Equity Conversation in the Fahs Classroom--with Racial Justice Team members. Focus: Taking Action for racial justice. Discussion included!
  • At 11:40 a.m.: Pledge Drive Procrastinators, visit the Pledge Table (cookies!)
  • At 11:50 a.m.: Newcomers’ Orientation & Tour (meet at the Welcome Table).
  • At 12:00 p.m.: Kids' Easter Egg Hunt in the meadow; art for all ages on the patio

April 16, 10:30 AM:

The Future of Unitarian Universalism – Where Are We Going?

Rev Lucy Bunch, preaching, with Worship Associate Dawn Huebner, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva. Special music by the cast of Theater One’s “Green Room Confidential


“Where do we come from, what are we, where are we going,” has been the theme song of our series this year.  This Sunday Rev Lucy will wrap up the theme with her reflections on the future of UU. How can we stay relevant but still true to our roots?  What does the current rewrite of our principles and sources mean for our relevance in this troubled world? UUSS member Karen Gunderson will give us an update on the Article 2 proposal to be voted on at General Assembly this year. 

April 24, 10:30 AM: Loving the Earth

A Circle Service for All Ages, led by Rev. Lucy Bunch with Rev. Dr. Roger Jones, Worship Associates Courtney O’Neil and Ginny Johnson, the UUSS Choir, Music Director Anthony Tavianini, Pianist Irina Tchantceva

For our Earth Day service, we welcome leaders from the Quaker Arts Network. For the Loving the Earth project they asked people from around the world to create fabric panels that express their love and concern for a world endangered by environmental change. This beautiful artwork will be on display in our sanctuary for the entire month of April.  At this Earth Day celebration we will create “heart cards” where each of us can either draw or write about something or someone they love that they want to protect from the ill effects of climate change. Come and share in the love for our earth. 

*At noon: Forum on our heritage from the Unitarian Polish Brethren in the 1600s

with Rev. Roger & Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson and a preview of the tour they will lead in Poland this September. Read about the trip by clicking on the box at uuss.org/adultenrichment 

Joys, Sorrows, and Prayers

If you would like to have a joy, sorrow, concern, or milestone spoken by a minister at Sunday’s prayer time, at this link. You may use it to inform us of a joy or sorrow and let us know if you do not want us to mention it aloud, or if you would like a phone call.

This Sunday you may light a candle before the service in the sanctuary and fill out a card for the ministers to know about your joy or sorrow.

We will include it in the pastoral prayer if you do not indicate otherwise.

Religious Education Programs Coming Up!

Childcare--available from 9:15 to 12:15 most Sundays in Room 11 (Nursery). Room and resources for feeding/nursing infants are accessible in the nursery. Please enter campus via the main doors.

Extended childcare available for special events. contact Crystal for details: CrystalFountain@uuss.org


Soul Kids -- Meets again this Sunday! Kindergarten to

grade 5 are invited to join Duncan for activities related to the Soul Matters Theme: The Path of Resistance! Kids start in the service.


Junior High Youth Group (JHYG) -- Grades 6-7-8 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month (10:30 start in sanctuary); meets again Sunday, Apr. 16.


Senior High Youth Group (SHYG) -- Grades 9-12 on

the 3rd Sunday (Apr. 16) Takes place AFTER the all-ages service.

Also, note that SHYG meets with Kids Freedom Club on the 1st Sunday of each month (May 7). Contact shyg@uuss.org to find out more!


Kids Freedom Club  -- MEETS 11:30 am the 1st Sunday of every month!

All age levels of kids, youth and parents gather to build community and raise awareness

of modern slavery and raise money to help to free enslaved people around the world. Contact freedom@uuss.org to find out more before the next meeting!


Is your child or grandchilde interested in Chalice Camp during the week of July 17-21?

The pandemic interrupted our participation in Chalice Camp these past few years, but we are looking for attendees to help us bring it back. A day camp for rising 1st to rising 6th graders with the theme of climate justice.

Email CrystalFountain@uuss.org to express interest.

Please email Crystal if you would like to receive the Weekly

Religious Education and Family Ministry Update Email. CrystalFountain@uuss.org


Don't miss the

Easter Egg Hunt!

This Sunday after service, the Easter Bunny will host an Easter Egg Hunt on the playground lawn (please enter through the meadow gate, not the parking lot gate). There will be an all-ages art table on the patio, games, treats and lots of Easter fun!

Pledge Drive Ending this Sunday

Please Help to Make It So!


So far, UUSS has received pledges from 145 households for a current total of $339,535 for the 2023-24 budget. Thank you! This means nearly 200 people have not let us know about their pledge.

Thank you to everyone who has made a financial pledge for the next budget year. Your generosity makes a difference in keeping this abundant community strong and vital as we live out our mission, support our ministers and staff members, pay our bills, maintain our buildings and grounds, and contribute to the larger UU movement. 

Now's the time for the rest of us to make a pledge!

At uuss.org/stewardship you can read a letter from our ministers, see the UUA Monthly Giving Guide, read a chart showing the range of monthly pledges to UUSS, watch Rev. Lucy's sermon, and submit your pledge. You can also see Tina Chiginsky Lawrence's heartfelt testimonial and a short video from a UUA leader and a former UUSS intern.

Below, click to watch the video montage of brief coffee hour answers to the question: What do you love about UUSS?

Groups, Gatherings, and Classes

Freedom and Liberation Passover Seder with JVP -- Saturday, April 8, 5:30-8:30 

Last Chance to Register for tomorrow!

Led by Jewish Voice for Peace and hosted by UUs for Justice in the Middle East.

Kibbitz from 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Enjoy the Seder ritual at 6:00 PM. Hear a talk by a teenage Palestinian exchange student followed by dinner at 7:30 PM. Free.

Please RSVP to Patricia Johnson uujme@uuss.org.

Ukulele Strum-Along - Monday, April 10, 2:00-3:30 pm in the Fahs Classroom. Everyone is welcome. The UU Beginning Ukers meet on the 2nd Monday of each month. Beginners are encouraged to come at 1:30 for help getting started. We welcome brand-new players, and we supply the music and have ukes to lend. Contact: ukes@uuss.org

Depression Peer Support Group Sunday, April 16, 12:15 pm Room 7/8 Are you living with depression? You are not alone. Our confidential, in-person is for adults with depression. Email peersupport@uuss.org for information.

Reading & Responding to Poetry with JoAnn Anglin

Monday, April 17, 10:00 am, Zoom

Enter via the UUSS website, as you would attend a service. We meet the first and third Monday mornings. All are welcome to reflect together on a poem. This practice is called Lectio Divina.

InterPlay with Friends In-Person with Rev Lucy and Friends! Tuesday, April 18, 6:30- 8:00 PM in the Welcome Hall. Join us every third Tuesday for movement, storytelling, laughter, and fun. More info here.

Unitarian Heritage in Poland Forum 12:00, Sunday April 23

with Rev. Roger & Rev. Dr. Jay Atkinson

Unitarian religious ideas and a radical practice of community

flourished in the 16th century in a movement called the Polish Brethren. Unfortunately, they were expelled after a century.

Come learn about our brave ancestors of the early Protestant Reformation. In September, Roger and Jay will be leading a Unitarian Heritage tour to historic sites near Krakow and a visit to current UUs in Warsaw. Read about it at uuss.org/adultenrichment.

Attention New Members and Active Newcomers

New Class: Your UU Journey 

Wanting to explore your spiritual journey as a new UU? Join Rev Lucy for a 4-session class starting April 25. The group will meet four Tuesdays: April 25, May 2, 9 and 16, 6:30-8:30 at UUSS. This class is for new members and active newcomers who are new to Unitarian Universalism. Please contact Rev. Lucy lucy@uuss.org if you want to sign up or want to know more.  

Click to read the complete Bluesheet

UUSS All-Ages Camp at Camp Norge

Family Ministry is looking for volunteers for the UUSS All-Ages Camp at Camp Norge in Alta, California. Our dates are June 9-11. We have a chair and we have staff support, but we need a team! Please indicate your interest to Rev. Roger or Crystal Fountain.

Be a Force for Healing

Join an Action in support of low income renters

On April 20 at 10 AM join hundreds of people from all over the state are to gather at the capitol in support of housing legislation. Our justice partner, Sacramento ACT (Area Congregations Together) and PICO-CA are starting a 10-year fight to increase affordable housing. April 20 is the first lobby day at the State Capitol. We are lobbying for Senate Bill 567 which protect California’s low-income renters from unjust evictions and exorbitant rent increases. Learn more here. Come out and let your state representatives know how important this is for all California families. Contact Meg Gunderson for info racialjustice@uuss.org or come to the table on Sunday April 9 & 16.

Family Promise 18th annual dinner, Thursday, April 27, 5:30-8:30 at Our Lady of Assumption Church, 5057 Cottage Way, Carmichael. I’d like 7 folks to join me at no charge. Two very generous donors have “bought a table” for 8. Thanks to them for their support. If you’d like to attend, please reply to Sally Wilkins at familypromise@uuss.org

The Larger Community of Unitarian Universalists

Consider being a delegate to General Assembly -- GA will be held in Pittsburgh, PA, and online June 21-25.  UUSS will host "watch parties" during GA. UUSS will offer reimbursement for virtual or in-person delegate registration. Anyone attending in person is responsible for all travel costs. The UUA by-laws are being revised-- the "Principles and Purposes." (See www.UUA.org/studycommission). Delegates will vote on the proposal and proposed amendments made before GA. Contact President Anara Guard: board@uuss.org.

Email Scam Alert

Some members get emails or texts that appear to come from another member or from a minister. These "phishing" scams typically ask for "a favor." If you reply to the sender you get a request to help them help others in need (or for gifts for a family or staff member). They ask for you to buy gift cards from a merchant and then provide the gift card information and PIN to them. We will never ask for "help" or donations or "a loan" in this way.

Delete such emails, or "block and report" them. Don't reply directly to the imposter email! If you are not sure about a request, contact the "person" through another means.

Staff and Minister Availability

Rev. Roger (Roger's day off is Monday; study day is Friday) Rev. Lucy (Lucy's day off is Monday; study day is Friday). Both are available for pastoral support by appointment by phone, Zoom or in person, and the Pastoral Volunteers are available for support by phone. Schedule an appointment with Lucy at calendly.com/revlucyb.


Our office staff members (office@uuss.org or 916-483-9283) are available to respond to your calls and emails weekdays 8:30-4:30, except public holidays. Our Pianist and Music Director are available by email and invite you to choir practice Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Our RE Coordinator has weekly office hours and is available by email too.

UUSS Mission 

We come together to deepen our lives and be a force for healing in the world.  

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