Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
News Articles
"... Parental alienation tends to occur in divorces when one parent repeatedly displays extreme words and behavior about the other parent. People with personality disorders tend to have a pattern of repeating hostile and unpredictable behavior in the presence of their children..."
By Bob Haegele - Yahoo, 10/05/2022
"...Alimony is a court-ordered sum that one former spouse must pay to another due to a separation or divorce agreement. You might sometimes hear about spousal maintenance or spousal support, which are other terms for alimony..."
"...It has been a common thought that the baby will automatically go to the mother’s custody, but this can leave some wondering if the dad has any chance of getting primary custody of a baby following a divorce..."
By The Tech Edvocate, 10/15/2022
"...It’s important that you develop an initial custody agreement together even before talking to your children. For instance, the children will spend weekends with you and weekdays with your co-parent. When explaining the divorce to your children, let them clearly know the arrangement. You may put up a calendar to help them comprehend that they’ll still spend time with both of you..."
"...Litigating divorce and custody issues leaves coparenting strategies and custody issues up to a judge. Mediation is one of the best ways to help divorcing spouses come to a mutually agreeable, legally enforceable solution..."
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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society. 
Educational Videos
Family Reunion has 7 educational videos on a variety of family related issues. Check them out on our website.
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