Though Thanksgiving looked a little different this year, and we know the December holidays will also reflect the Pandemic, we still want to appreciate YOU and all your support for our work. You have made a profound impact in 2020 and we know we could not do it with YOU. Together, we raised enough funds to bring two new puppies to our team in 2020 and continue the important work of putting the FUN in FUNctional independence.
What a year 2020 has been! As it draws to a close, MSD-WCP is focusing on the silver linings. Our vibrant, strong, and able community! Everyone from the Board of Directors to the Puppy Raisers to the Handlers to the individual donors to the sponsors and supporters has made our vision and mission stronger than ever before. Every donation, no matter how great or small, creates FUNctional independence that is life-changing putting a service dog by one's side. Even during a pandemic, together while separated, we can continue to make great changes and do more to support people with disabilities. Because we know that disabilities do not disappear in the times of crisis.
Throughout this year, we have successfully expanded our Living with Disabilities and Puppy Meetups weekly workshops as we support our service dog teams, volunteer puppy raisers, and welcome more volunteers that enhance our community. We have shifted Paws that Empower to a synchronous virtual platform that is available to schools across California fully launching with new asynchronous tools on January 15, 2021. New raisers joined our community bringing much joy and energy! New handlers are joining our team, being matched with their Service Dog in Training for the final phases of training. We brought two puppies into our community, who are thriving and preparing to meet their handlers in early 2021. And, puppy raisers are awaiting puppies to be raised in 2021. Together, we can do amazing things!
Wishing you a magical holiday season. May 2021 bring health, prosperity and joy to you and yours.

Peace. Joy. Wellness. Community. Healing.
Gratefully yours,
Janie Lynn Heinrich
Founder & Executive Director
We are excited to share with you footage from the Molina Healthcare 2020 Neighborhood Champions of Long Beach ceremony where Executive Direcot/Founder Janie Heinrich was honored. Janie was recognized for her work with the disabled community raising awareness as she educates for equality and FUNctional independence for all people with disabilities. We are thrilled for this award and grateful for the $5,000 award to Mobility Service Dogs-West Coast Project!

Deep bows of gratitude to the stories shared and funds donated during our #GivingTuesday Campaign!

What a rockstar community of caring, sharing, and giving humans.

Together, we raised friends and awareness through expanding our network AND we raised $2,453.00 to put the FUN in FUNctional independence.

These donations go directly towards making an impact in our community and changing the life of a disabled individual. You can see your dollars at work every month in upcoming newsletters, on social media and on our website.
Thriving Service Dogs Make the Best Working Dogs
Calling All Bloggers!

Are you looking for a bi-weekly volunteer opportunity? Do you like interviewing people, learning about new things, and then writing compelling stories? Then we have the opportunity for you!

MSD-WCP is looking for a Blogger to write twice monthly to share about our Service Dog Teams, advocate for disabled individuals, and share compelling content to reach a broader audience!

We are extremely fortunate to have our Social Media Chair, Jennifer Chen, accept our offer to join the Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project's Board of Directors!

Are you interested in joining the Board of Directors? Reach out today to learn more!

In November, Team Rasta and André  encountered one of the many challenges disabled individuals encounter daily. When signing in to teach at a local elementary school, the Principal informed André that Service Dogs were not allowed on campus and that he needed to leave immediately. Frustrated and rejected, André walked back to his car, but this time because of his MSD-WCP community, he knew exactly what to do!

He called MSD-WCP and explained the situation. Soon, the Assistant Superintendent, Janie Heinrich, and André were all on the phone. The next day, André was invited back for a meeting where he was greeted with sincere apologies, welcomed back, and compensated for the missed employment opportunities. MSD-WCP was even invited to train staff to avoid future incidents!

Now, André and Rasta are making the rounds as a substitute teacher team. The students line up at the fence to say 'hello' every morning. And, we are fairly certain this duo is the new favorite substitute Teacher!

Service Dog In Training Monty is wrapping up his transition training. As you may recall, Monty spent nearly a year with his puppy raiser, Berta. With Berta, Monty mastered basic skills, learned to read signs, vocal tones, and needs, and became a rockstar! Working with our trainer, Anna, Monty has been fine tuning his skills, being assessed, and preparing to meet his forever in handler.

Monty will move on to assist a young adult who is wheelchair bound before the end of the year! What a wonderful holiday gift for Monty and his forever handler!
SDiT Ollie and Layla are preparing to transfer to their forever handlers Winter 2021. Stay tuned...
- West Coast Project