Library Card Contest
Be part of Carpinteria’s future! Vote your choice for the new library card for the July 2022 transition to a City-led library. Each of these was designed by a local young artist. Go to the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center and vote by phone using the QR code, or by ballot during open hours, Friday-Sunday, noon to 4PM. Voting ends November 3. The winner will be announced on November 18 in the Coastal View News.
11/9 3pm-5pm
Volunteer Appreciation Celebration
A Thank You celebration for our amazing team of volunteers! If you or if you know someone who would like to be a host in the gallery or volunteer at the Carpinteria Arts Center follow the link below.
11/13 11am-4pm
Holiday Stroll Community Event
A fun time to shop local for the holidays and discover all the cool merchants in our great little town. Favorite Merchant will be selected to receive the favorite merchant award.
11/19 Gallery Hours - 12pm-4pm
Gift It! Exhibit Opens in Charles Lo Bue Gallery
Gift It! An exhibit featuring art that inspires others to give.
11/21 Gift it! Public Reception 2pm-4pm
Join us for the opening reception, "Gift It," just in time for the holidays.
11/20 4pm-6pm
Santa Barbara Sea Glass & Ocean Arts Festival Pop-Up
The Santa Barbara Sea Glass and Ocean Arts Festival invites you to our intimate open air shopping experience hosted by the Carpinteria Arts Center in the Koch Courtyard.