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Welcome Back!

We hope everyone had a fabulous winter break. The big decision is always "do we go someplace cold or someplace warm?" Warm is our usual go-to, but this year, I took my kids skiing because we haven't seen any snow all year. Who knew we'd come home to a possible snow day?! (More on that in a minute.)

  • Book Fair Coming Soon
  • Possible Snow Day!
  • Family Time Recommendations



These Baruch puns are startin' to write themselves!!

It's been a minute since the last book fair, so we're happy to see it return.

WHEN: March 13-17

WHERE: The MS104 Library and online.

Students will be scheduled by classes to visit throughout the week. Purchases can be made in person or online. There will be a donation and gift card option online as well, so family and friends far and wide can contribute.

More info to follow.


Snow?! In New York City?!

The trusty neighborhood weatherperson is predicting as much as 5-inches of snow tonight, but since weather predictions have been known to go wrong, we're currently in a wait-and-see situation.

Please check your e-mail in the morning for an update.

Here are some advance details in the event Mother Nature blankets us.

  • As per DOE policy, snow days remain instructional days. All students will receive remote instruction.
  • Students will follow their regular class schedule. For example, if a snow day were issued tomorrow, all students would follow the Tuesday schedule. 
  • Students should access their teachers' Google classrooms for information regarding Zoom links for synchronous instruction.

The staff has made sure students have the appropriate Google classroom codes. Should a snow day be issued and you have any questions regarding a teacher's class, please email the teacher directly.


Family Recommendations

Here's a new idea we hope will be helpful and fun: just a few suggestions for simple ways to spend non-study time with your kids.*

* Not a paid advertisement. ;)

SHOW: Stranger Things. It's not the most unique suggestion, but we've been binging it with our 11 and 13-year-olds who hadn't seen it yet, and it's been a huge hit with them.

GAME: Splendor. This is one of many games we play with our kids that all of us enjoy.

PLACE: Hex & Co. This is game-related, but a great stop for the family. You rent games and play right at their tables, and the staff always has great suggestions.

Please email us at with your own suggestions for shows/movies to watch, places in NYC to visit, games to play, etc., so we can pass it on to our Baruch Community.

Thank you!!

With Gratitude,

The MS104 PTA

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