Coach/Athlete Spotlight

We have added a new feature to our Newsletter! Each month we will spotlight a different coach and athlete so we can share with our community what God is doing through FCA and how it’s impacting our local coaches and athletes. 
Dave Witzig - Coach

Where do you coach?
Normal Community Ironmen

How long have you coached?
27 years

What is your primary sport to coach?
Boys Basketball

How long have you been involved in FCA? 25 years

Why/How did you get involved in FCA?
The person who was running the club at NCHS left and they needed someone to take over.  

How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ? FCA offers great resources, like Tony Dungy and Tom Osborne books. The best resource is the FCA coaches Bible which includes devotionals related to coaching.

What legacy do you hope to leave as a coach? I want it to be about more than Basketball. I want to help them become "men built for others."

What is your favorite Bible verse?
Micah 6:8 - He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Madie Monk - Athlete

Where do you attend school?
Illinois Wesleyan University

What year are you and what is your major?
Junior. Majoring in Psychology with a minor in Hispanic Studies.

What is your primary sport?

How long have you been involved in FCA? 3 years

Why/How did you get involved in FCA?
My good friend Shelby Fulk introduced me to FCA during my freshman year of college. I became really involved and I am now the president of FCA at Illinois Wesleyan. It has been such a rewarding experience.

How has FCA helped you to know and grow in Christ? FCA has helped to bring God into all corners of my life. I have learned and grown as a Christian so much since becoming a member of FCA. If you would have asked me in high school if I saw myself leading bible studies and speaking in front of people in the future, I would have said absolutely not. Now, I am leading FCA meetings once a week and helping others grow in their faith. I am so grateful for the way FCA has helped me grow in my faith and as a human being in general. 

What legacy do you hope to leave as an athlete? I hope to leave the legacy of being a hard-working athlete. I want others to know that I worked very hard and gave my best effort in school, softball, and my faith. I hope I am remembered as someone that others could go to for guidance or a helping hand. But, above all, I hope others remember me for the way that I loved God and the people around me. 

What is your favorite Bible verse?
Philippians 4:6-7 - Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

North Central IL FCA Virtual Legacy Dinner & Partner Drive

Our virtual banquet took place on Sunday, November 22nd.

To view the Banquet Presentation, please click on the button below.
Support North Central IL FCA with a Special Year End Gift

Many of our fundraising opportunities had to be cancelled this year because of Covid-19. Unfortunately, this means we have experienced an overall decline in our financial support.
If you have already given to the FCA Ministry during our “Virtual Banquet”, we would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation! Otherwise, will you prayerfully consider providing a year-end gift so that even more coaches and athletes in our area will become followers of Jesus Christ? Or maybe you would like to become an Automatic Monthly Partner (AMP) who helps provide for FCA’s financial stability throughout the year? Your special gift today helps position us to start 2021 with the resources needed to strengthen our ministry.
Through your generosity, coaches and athletes can experience God’s presence in new and deeper ways – no matter what the future holds.
Make An Impact!