Mississippi Humanities Council Newsletter - October 2020
Assistant Director's Message
Working at the Intersection of the Humanities and Democracy

Carol Andersen
Assistant Director
My work as assistant director of the Mississippi Humanities Council frequently intersects with my off-hours interests. Perhaps my biggest passion-project the last several years has been my volunteer work with the League of Women Voters, building to my current position as co-president of our state League. This year, these two spheres of my life have come together around a critical challenge facing both my state and our nation: voter engagement and education, including both an honest reckoning with our voting rights history and ongoing work to enrich the civic knowledge of voters.
2020 has been a perplexing year on many fronts: a pandemic has driven us all into semi-isolation and disrupted our sense of "normal"; renewed calls for racial justice are forcing us to again confront our nation's political, economic and social inequities; and one of the most contentious national elections in my lifetime, just over a week from now, will require us all to make choices in exercising our most fundamental right--and perhaps most important responsibility--as American citizens: to vote and to vote knowledgeably.
2020 also marks several significant anniversaries in the history of voting in our nation; it is the 150th anniversary of the 15th Amendment which gave African American men voting rights, even though they continued to be barred from the polls by various state laws for another century; it is the centennial of the 19th Amendment granting women access to the polls; and it is the 55th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, which finally removed the most obvious, but not all, barriers for African Americans to vote.

In our work at the Mississippi Humanities Council, we frequently use the humanities to address issues of voting, voter education and access to voting. We also strive, through the humanities, to bolster citizens' understanding of and engagement with our institutions of government. 

Despite these momentous anniversaries, barriers still exist for full access for all to the polls. In our work at the Mississippi Humanities Council, we frequently use the humanities to address issues of voting, voter education and access to voting. We also strive, through the humanities, to bolster citizens' understanding of and engagement with our institutions of government. Indeed, our national affiliate and chief funder, the National Endowment for the Humanities, was founded on the tenet that an educated and informed electorate is essential for a healthy democracy. Like the League of Women Voters where I spend my off-hours, the NEH and the Mississippi Humanities Council do not engage in partisan politics; our sole agenda is to bring a humanities perspective to discussions on democracy and related issues.
As Election Day approaches, we are working on several fronts, including projects through our grants program, to focus attention on the historical--and still present--inequities in access to voting. For instance, the League of Women Voters of Mississippi, with MHC grant support, has been working with Mississippi Public Broadcasting throughout this 19th Amendment centennial year to provide a full and accurate retelling of the woman suffrage movement, carefully examining who benefited and who was left out when the amendment was ratified. The Yoknapatawpha Arts Council received an MHC grant to launch its "Oxford to the Ballot Box" project last month, conducting community conversations and events examining voting and elections and how they make our democracy work. We are working with Mississippi Public Broadcasting to develop a series of radio programs that will take a deep dive into various issues related to voting and voting rights.
While much of the nation's attention is focused on battleground states, the outcome of the November 3 election will have a significant impact on Mississippi, which is among the most dependent on federal funds. For that reason, the Mississippi Humanities Council is committed to being an information provider--where truth, objectivity and accuracy are paramount--to our citizens, so they may be informed participants in our democracy.

MHC Awards $29,000 in Anti-Racism Reading Shelf Grants for Public Libraries

The Mississippi Humanities Council has approved $29,000 in Anti-Racism Reading Shelf Grants for public library systems across the state. Ranging from $750 for single branch systems to $1,500 for larger multi-branch systems, these grants will help put books in over 150 public libraries in Mississippi.
In the response to the national conversation about systemic racism prompted by the murder of George Floyd and other incidents, the Mississippi Humanities Council created a special grant program to help Mississippi public libraries purchase books on the history of white supremacy and how to create a racially equitable society. Working with the Mississippi Library Commission and humanities scholars, the MHC compiled a suggested reading list of over 120 books for libraries to choose from.
Twenty-seven library systems applied and received funds. One library director noted in their application, "Our collection on this subject is sadly outdated. These books will update our current collection and help inform our community on the subject of racism and how to battle it." Another wrote, "These books will create conversations around difficult topics as well as bring in viewpoints to our collection that have been under-represented."
"We created this program because we believe books and ideas can change lives. We know there is a tremendous need for books and programs about how we can understand and overcome our history of racism," said MHC Executive Director Stuart Rockoff.
One library director explained how their grant would benefit their institution: "Providing these materials will help empower staff and patrons alike to stand up for injustices and make the library a better place for the community as well as a more equitable place to work."
To complement these grants, the MHC has created a special section of its Speakers Bureau so libraries and other nonprofit organizations can bring in scholars from the University of Mississippi, Jackson State University, Millsaps College, Mississippi State University, and Mississippi College to discuss a range of topics related to systemic racism. A list of scholars and presentations can be found here.
Funds to support the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf program come from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Thomas M. Blake Charitable Fund #2 of the Community Foundation for Mississippi, and generous private donations from Mississippians.

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Dr. Jodi Skipper at the 2019 Behind the Big House program in Holly Springs.
New MHC Speakers Bureau Topic: Anti-Racism

The MHC has launched a new topic on the Speakers Bureau to support the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf grants awarded to public libraries in Mississippi. The libraries, and other nonprofit organizations, can apply to host a presentation that will engage communities in discussions concerning systemic racism. Anti-racism presentations currently listed in the new roster include:
  •  Dr. Anne Marshall, The Rights and Wrongs of History: The Lost Cause and Confederate Civil War Memory
The application to host a Speakers Bureau program can be found here. For more information about the anti-racism presentations and the MHC Speakers Bureau, visit the MHC website or contact Molly McMillan.

MHC Awards $60,000 in Regular Grants

The Mississippi Humanities Council is pleased to announce nearly $60,000 in grants to nine Mississippi organizations in support of public humanities programs. In addition to this direct support, each agency was required to present matching cash or in-kind cost share, pledging an additional $60,000 to humanities programming around our state. The humanities programs funded in this major round include projects exploring the human impact of evictions, MTV's contributions to American culture over the past 40 years, the work of important African American musicians from the Blues to opera, a look at The Great Migration through art, and more.
"While COVID-19 has had a significant impact on many of our partners and their ability to present public programs, we are pleased to support these innovative projects, which reflect the creativity and cultural richness of our state," said Dr. Stuart Rockoff, executive director of the Mississippi Humanities Council. "Even amidst the pandemic, the Humanities Council continues to support museums, non-profit organizations, and institutions of higher learning in their efforts to bring the insights of the humanities to the people of Mississippi."
Humanities grants are awarded to Mississippi nonprofit organizations in support of programs that foster the public's understanding of our rich history and culture.
"The Mississippi Humanities Council encourages thoughtful public programs that use the humanities to explore and understand our history and our culture," said Council Board Chair Sharman Smith. "These projects do exactly that, using some of the best scholars and resources available in our state."

 A full list of grantees and awards can be found here. Major grants are offered twice each year. Deadlines are May 1 and September 15. Please visit, or contact Carol Andersen for additional information.

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Mount Olive Prepares to Host the Smithsonian

On October 30, one of the Smithsonian's newest traveling exhibits, Crossroads: Change in Rural America will arrive in Mount Olive for a six-week display. During its Mount Olive stay, visitors will be able to tour the exhibit, attend public programs on Crossroads-related topics, and learn more about Mount Olive's own Crossroads story. 

Crossroads is a project of the Smithsonian's Museum on Main Street division, a collaboration between the Smithsonian and state humanities councils that brings dynamic exhibits to small and rural communities across the country. Mount Olive (pop. 921) is one of the smallest Mississippi communities to host a Smithsonian Museum on Main Street exhibition since the partnership began in Mississippi twenty years ago. 
Crossroads will be on display at the Volunteer Fire Department in downtown Mount Olive from October 30 through December 12. In conjunction with Crossroads, the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mount Olive has organized a series of free weekly programs that will take place throughout the exhibit's stay in November and December. These public programs include presentations on the history of Mount Olive, the significance of the railroad to Mount Olive's founding, rural electrification, and much more. A full list of program details can be found on the MHC calendar.

Through artifacts, images, text, and interactive elements, Crossroads explores rural identity, the importance of land, how rural communities manage change, and much more. After leaving Mount Olive, Crossroads will tour Waveland, Columbia, Scooba, and Greenwood. The exhibit, which will be on display in Mississippi through June 2021, is supported by a generous grant from Entergy Mississippi. More information about the exhibit and its Mississippi tour can be found on the MHC website.

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MHC Launches Crossroads-Specific Speakers Bureau Roster

In conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Crossroads: Change in Rural America currently touring Mississippi, the MHC has created a new Speakers Bureau roster with topics specific to rural identity and Mississippi's own Crossroads story. The roster was created as a resource for Mississippi's six Crossroads host sites as they plan and implement Crossroads-related programs in their communities and is now being offered to the public to use.
The roster contains existing Speakers Bureau topics, such as Dr. Brinda Willis's "From the Fields to the Factory" program on the Great Migration, Felder Rushing's "Gardening Southern Style," or Dr. James Giesen's "Boll Weevil Blues" as well as new programs created specifically for this roster, such as Dr. John Green's "Snapshots to a Collage: Exploring Mississippi's Rural Population." 

More information on the Rural Identity roster and how to host a program can be found on the MHC website.  

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WCU Theatre to Present Powerful Drama, Anne and Emmett

With support from the Mississippi Humanities Council, William Carey University Theatre will present the timely drama, Anne and Emmett, by Janet Langhart Cohen, a broadcast journalism veteran of 25 years, online Saturday, October 24 at 7 p.m.

Anne and Emmett is a powerful and emotional play which focuses on an imaginary conversation between Anne Frank and Emmett Till, both victims of racial intolerance and hatred. The play takes place in a place called "Memory" where the teenagers explore the similarities of their lives and the oppression from which the world was unwilling or unable to protect them.

"This play is something I have wanted to produce for nearly two years," says Tim Matheny, chair of the William Carey University Theatre Department and director of the Mississippi production. "The power of Mrs. Cohen's play is the discovery that these two children, separated by nearly a decade and half a world away, have such similar experiences. It is a timely and important story for people to experience and we are thankful to the Mississippi Humanities Council for their support in bringing it to the people of Mississippi."

Frank is the young Jewish girl whose diary provided a gripping perspective of the Holocaust. It recounts the story of Anne and her family hiding out from the Nazis from the perspective of a young girl. Anne and her family are eventually caught, and she later dies in a concentration camp.

Till's story is lesser known around the world, but sparked the modern American Civil Rights Movement. A teenager from Chicago visiting family in Money, Mississippi, Till was brutally tortured and murdered after being accused of whistling at a white woman. His mother's insistence on an open casket that showed the inhumane treatment of her son, shocked the nation into action and spurred a movement for justice.

Together both Anne and Emmett speak as teenagers do. Although isolated from the violence of their lives in the place called Memory, both discuss the injustices they faced and the actions that lead to their horrible ends recognizing the similarities between them. The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, "Anne and Emmett should be seen in every school in America!"

This production will be a free online streaming event, Saturday, October 24, starting at 7:00 p.m. Visit for access to the event. For more information call 601-318-6218. This program is financially assisted by the National Endowment for the Humanities through the Mississippi Humanities Council.
2020 Northeast Mississippi Community College HTA winner Dr. Amanda Mattox (center) pictured here with NEMCC president Ricky Ford and MHC assistant director Carol Andersen
Humanities Teacher Awards Return in 2021

Each year the Mississippi Humanities Council honors outstanding humanities instructors at our state institutions of higher learning. Although the 2020-2021 school year comes with its own new set of challenges, we know humanities faculty at Mississippi's colleges and universities are still engaged in significant work in their classrooms (or home offices), nurturing students' capacity to think critically and creatively, to evaluate points of view, synthesize information and weigh evidence.

As usual, the Council will present Humanities Teacher Awards to one humanities faculty member at each institution of higher learning in our state, and he/she (as well as the 2020 awardees) will be recognized at our Public Humanities Awards Ceremony on March 26, 2021. Each nominee will receive a cash award from the Mississippi Humanities Council and will prepare and deliver a public lecture (either in-person or virtually) on a humanities subject in early 2021. A full list of awardees and presentations will soon be available on the MHC calendar, and all programs will be free and open to the public.
Upcoming Events

Anne and Emmett
October 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m.
Virtual Event
An imaginary conversation between Anne Frank, a German-Dutch Jew, and Emmett Till, an African-American, both victims of racial intolerance and hatred. The beyond-the-grave encounter draws the startling similarities between the two youths' harrowing experiences at the hands of societies that could not protect them.

Crossroads Exhibit in Mt. Olive
October 27-December 12, 2020
Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library, Mt. Olive
The Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library will host Crossroads: Change in Rural America, a Smithsonian traveling exhibition, from October 30 through December 12. The exhibit will be on display in the Mt. Olive Volunteer Fire Department meeting room, located across the street from the library, and is open to the public Mondays-Saturdays from 10am to 4pm.

Traditional Fiddle Music of the Rural South
October 31, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library, Mt. Olive
The Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Bill Rogers to present a program on traditional fuddle music of the rural South. The free program will take place in conjunction with the Smithsonian traveling exhibit Crossroads: Change in Rural America, on display in Mt. Olive through December 12.

Speakers Bureau: Mississippi Telling
November 2, 2020, 4:00 p.m.
St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Oxford
To celebrate All Soul's Day, Monday, November 2, St. Peter's is hosting a storytelling concert of stories of remembrance of souls departed in story and music. Audience members are invited to bring photos and rememberances to share. As part of the presentation, Dr. Rebecca Jernigan performs as a storyteller, calling upon on her rich repertoire of original tales and literary masterpieces.

Speakers Bureau: A Look at Mandé Culture Through Traditional Music
November 4, 2020, 7:30 p,m.
The Bowl @ Millsaps College, Jackson
In this discussion, Jerry Jenkins explores the function of the Mande music and musical instruments, Mandé class system, songs, ceremonies and stories. Participants will learn about the djembe, its introduction by drummers like Babatunde Olatunji in 1950 and Ladji Camara from Guinea, and how it spread throughout America.

Impact of Rural Electrification
November 7, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library, Mt. Olive
The Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host Steve Bryant from Southern Pine Electric Power Association to discuss the impact of rural electrification on South Mississippi. 

Railroads in the Development of South Mississippi

November 14, 2020, 10:00 a.m.
Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library, Mt. Olive
the Jane Blain Brewer Memorial Library in Mt. Olive will host railroad historian Rev. David Price to present a program on the impact of railroads on development in south Mississippi.

Speakers Bureau: Mississippi Telling
November 14, 2020, 1:00 p.m.
Historic Hernando Town Square
Dr. Rebecca Jernigan performs as a storyteller at the Hernando Farmer's Market "Dickens of a Christmas" event.