April 5, 2021
FACESOFDEVOTION: The Voice of the Shrine
Mary's Miraculous Medal Shrine has a voice. It's one of peace and calm, one of security and joy. And it's been a central part of Germantown for more than 85 years. Watch some Germantown residents talk about what the carillon means to them, and see the inside of the bell tower for yourself.
The Bells Toll for Thee
What exactly is a carillon? And what's so special about Mary's carillon at The Miraculous Medal Shrine? Do you know why they were silenced from 1920 to 1933? The answer to all these questions is one click away.
Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! Join us as we celebrate the Easter Season by devoting a Holy Hour to our Risen Lord. During this special Adoration, we will reflect on the Glorious Mysteries as we pray the Holy Rosary. All are welcome to attend virtually on the Miraculous Medal Shrine Facebook page.
A Two-class, Virtual Rosary-Making Series
Tuesday, April 20 and Tuesday, April 27

Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 13
Event Fee (includes the Rosary Making Kit): $7.00 per person (Online Registration/Payment Required)
Join us for a two-class, Rosary-making series and learn how to make your twine Rosary. After registering, you will be mailed a Rosary-making kit, Zoom Login information, visual instructions, and other goodies from The Miraculous Medal Shrine.
Dates: Every Tuesday in May (May 4, 11, 18, and 25)
Registration Deadline: Monday, May 3

Join us virtually with your favorite glass of wine as we delve into Mary: The Rosary, the Relationship, and Dragons by Keith Berube. Share your thoughts and insights with fellow readers as we discuss each chapter of this creative and enlightening book. 
Mary's May Crowning, Novena, and Mass: Monday, May 17 (11:00 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.) 

Join us for our annual May Procession to honor Mary with songs, the Rosary, Novena prayers, roses, and a special crown of flowers. The ceremony begins in the Shrine at 11:00 a.m. All “rose” prayer intentions sent to the Shrine will be placed at Mary’s altar during the procession. If you aren’t on our mailing list and want to make your online rose intention, you can do that here.
if you are unable to attend, join us virtually through our website’s livestream or our Facebook livestream.
by Fr. Al Pehrsson, CM, a resident of St. Catherine’s Infirmary, Philadelphia
Send us your #YearOfStJoseph comment or story, and we'll post it on Instagram and Facebook.

Receive Vincentian Voices, an online, monthly newsletter, featuring reflections, news, profiles, video, social posts, and trivia about the Vincentians of the Eastern Province family—both religious and laity.
April is the month of the Holy Eucharist. The word "Eucharist" comes from the Greek word "eucharistia," which means "thanksgiving." Our Mass is called the Eucharist because it is the holiest form of Thanksgiving to God that we can give Him. And there is no greater way to thank God and draw His blessings on earth than by attending Mass.

When you send one of our Easter Mass cards to your family or friends who are hurting, sick, or struggling to find meaning in their lives, God showers the blessings of every one of those Masses on them. What better gift could there be?

Thank you for any donation you can give. All we're doing to bring Mary’s miraculous intercession to our suffering world everything from our 24-hour prayer line, to our Novena Masses, Shrine celebrations, and our online outreach would not be possible without your support.
Prepare for the Feast of Divine Mercy with our Shrine's special offer. For only $10, you receive the Divine Mercy Triptych Prayer Card, candle, and Comfort Cross.

Be sure to light a vigil candle for your loved ones and special Easter intentions while you're here.
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