Laetare: The 4th Sunday in Lent
19 March 2023
This Weekend At St Columba's
3rd Sunday Parish Breakfast
19 March, 8.30-11.00 am
This weekend is the 3rd Sunday of March and our monthly parish breakfast, hosted by the Knights of Columba. Join us between 8.30 and 11.00 for breakfast. Per usual, Sunday school classes will not meet this weekend so everyone can join in fellowship at breakfast. $3 per person; $10 max per family.
Youth Group Time Change
This Sunday, 19th March, 12.30p
EYC will meet this coming Sunday (3/19) after the 11.00 am Mass: 12:30 - 2:00 pm. We'll be getting some of the preliminary things ready for the Fish and Chips dinner. We need lots of youth volunteers to help with the set up this Sunday. We'll be done between 1:45-2:00pm. A few adults would also be helpful if you can stay and help with the set up!
Sunday Rota
Click the link below to sign up to serve as lector, chalice bearer, acolyte, subdeacon, and thurifer. New volunteers needed for all ministries and training is provided. If you have any trouble with the online rota, contact the parish office (770) 888-4464 (speak with Daniel or Father Tripp).
Livestream Connection
Join us online if you're not able to attend in person. We're live Sunday mornings at 11am and Wednesday evenings at 6.30 (Stations) and 8.15 (Compline). Livestream recordings will remain on Facebook for one month, if you are unable to join live.

>> CLICK HERE to view Sunday's Bulletin for "Laetare: the 4th Sunday in Lent"
Parish News
Easter Egg Donations Needed
Our children's Easter Egg Hunt will take place Easter Morning (4/9) at 9.30 am. We're asking everyone to help by donating pre-filled plastic Easter eggs between now and Palm Sunday. We need approximately 700 eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. There is a large basket in the narthex by the Welcome Center where you can drop off eggs.
Fish and Chips Dinner
Sunday, 26th March
5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
There is still time left to purchase tickets for our annual Fish and Chips Gala which is only one week away (26 March). Our goal is to sell 100 tickets ... we're at 60 so far. Help us reach the goal -- buy your tickets today (invite your neighbors, family, and friends too)! If you can't attend, perhaps consider making a donation to help offset the costs.

Proceeds will benefit the playground and other youth program needs.
Maundy Thursday Vigil Watch
Will You Watch With Me One Hour?
  • 6th & 7th April
  • Maundy Thursday, 9pm through Good Friday at 12 noon

Traditionally, the faithful have kept a constant prayer vigil, or "watch," at the Altar of Repose from the conclusion of the Maundy Thursday Mass until the start of the Good Friday Liturgy. 

Recalling Jesus' request of the disciples, "will you stay and watch with me even one hour," we keep a prayer vigil before the Blessed Sacrament. It's an incredibly moving experience and everyone is invited to keep watch. A deputy sheriff is on duty throughout the night as parishioners come and go from 9pm Maundy Thursday through 12 noon on Good Friday. 

You can sign up via the link below or on the poster in the Narthex near the Welcome Center. The online sign up has spaces for 4 volunteers per hour; however there is no maximum limit. If the hour you wish to come is filled, please come anyway.

>> CLICK HERE to sign up to keep watch.
Urgent Plea: Pantry Items for The Place of Forsyth
The Place of Forsyth is currently experiencing a double whammy in their food distribution program; low inventory and increased need. Last year over 7,300 people turned to The Place for help. In the last quarter of 2022, they fed over 320 households (1,900 individuals) per week! You can help replenish the low inventories by donating the following food and non-food items. Food Items: Canned chicken, tuna, fruit, vegetables and pasta; Peanut butter & jelly; Spaghetti noodles & sauce; Sugar and Flour (<2 lb bags); Cooking oil. Non-Food Items: Toilet paper, Paper towels, Laundry detergent, Adult & Baby diapers, Feminine Hygiene Items, Cleaning supplies. Place your donations in the wicker basket in the Narthex. Items are transported weekly to The Place (  If you have any questions regarding this outreach activity, please contact Tom Dillon ( Thank you again for your continued generosity. Your donations have a real and immediate positive impact on our neighbors in need.
Burying the Alleluias for Lent
As we suppress the alleluias from our liturgy and hymns during the 40-day season of Lent, children in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Sunday school program bury them on the first Sunday in Lent. They will dig up the alleluias at Easter as they return with the announcement of Jesus resurrection.
Happy Saint Paddy's Day!
Almighty God, in your providence you chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle to the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of you: Grant us so to walk in that way that we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saint Columba's Church
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